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Docente: Priscilla Joice Gutierrez

Trabajo que como parte del curso Ingles IV, presenta el alumno:

TAVARA MEJIA, Juan Luis U20302522

Piura, 8 de octubre del 2022

INGLES IV (49019)

(ACV-S08) Week 08 - Final Assignment: A cover letter (Part 1) (PROY)

Hellow my name is Juan Luis Tavara. When I was 20 years old I studied engineer in

the UTP university. When I was 26 I finished my studies. In that moment I searched a

job, I had have a lot of lucky because an important international industry were looking

young talents and one of my cousins were worked in that company in that moment so

he talked to me about that announcement. I didn`t think for a much time and send my

CV. I had have really surprised when I received an email tell me that I had into the

company. I worked there in the project gestion area and I obtained a lot of experience


knowledge. With that job I could bought my first house in the best avenue of my city. I

really felt proud of myself and I understood that I could obtain all that I will. I am a

progresist person so then I started my studies in PUCP university in order to obtain my

master degree. Two years later I finished the master degree and in that moment my

boss gave me an ascent so since that moment I'm the boss of the project gestion area,

I have 10 persons in my team work and I feel so happy and proud for all the goals that I

obtaining in my profesional life. For the reason that I have a lot of work I need to be

healthy. A few years ago I started practice swinming, that sport give me a lot of health

and allow me don't have muscle spasm and reduces the pain in my back. In that sense

also I have a healthy feeding and all that in order to respond positive all my

responsibilities. Now that I have my master degree and a lot of experience I will open

my own company, because I always had have the dream that I will be the owner of an

important company, so I think the moment is just now. I hope have lucky and can

achieve all my purposes.

Thank you for reading me. Blessings.

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