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Pump Performance Curves

And Similarity Rules

The PI Π Theorem

If a physical process satisfies the PDH and involves n

dimensional variables, it can be reduced to a relation between
only k dimensionless variables or Π’s. The reduction j = n - k
equals the maximum number of variables which do not form a
pi among themselves and is always less than or equal to the
number of dimensions describing the variables.
Dimensions of Fluid-

𝒗𝟏 = 𝒇(𝒗𝟐 , 𝒗𝟑 , 𝒗𝟒 , 𝒗𝟓 ) for three dimensions {MLT} J=3

Then k = 5 - 3 = 2 pi groups

1- Pick out three convenient variables which do not form a pi, and suppose
these turn out to be 𝒗𝟐 , 𝒗𝟑 , and 𝒗𝟒 .

2- Then the two pi groups are formed by power products of these three
plus one additional variable, either 𝒗𝟏 or 𝒗𝟓 :
Take the specific case of force on an
immersed body: the equation contains
five variables: F, L, U, 𝝆, 𝝁 and described
by three dimensions {MLT}. Thus n = 5,
and j=3. Therefore: it is a good guess that
we can reduce the problem to k pi’s, with

At low velocities the volume flow Q
through a small-bore tube is a
function only of the tube radius R,
the fluid viscosity 𝝁, and the
pressure drop per unit length .
Use pi theorem to find the
appropriate dimensionless relation.
Dimensionless Parameters:

The most important parameters in fluid mechanics:

Free-surface parameters:

Compressibility parameters:
Oscillating flows:

Vortex shedding from a

circular cylinder: (a)
vortex street behind a
circular cylinder (from
Ref. 33, courtesy of U.S.
Naval Research

(b) experimental shedding frequencies
Other dimensionless groups:
Pump Performance Curves and Similarity

Performance charts are almost always plotted for constant shaft-rotation speed n (in r/min

The basic independent variable is taken to be discharge Q (in gal/min usually for liquids
𝒇𝒕𝟑 /𝒎𝒊𝒏 for gases).

The dependent variables, or “output,’’ are taken to be head H (pressure rise Δp for gases), brake
horsepower (bhp), and efficiency 𝜼.
Typical centrifugal pump
performance curves at
constant impeller-rotation
speed. The units are arbitrary.
Measured Performance Curves

Measured-performance curves
for two models of a Centrifugal
water pump:
(a) basic casing with three
impeller sizes;
(b) 20 percent larger
casing with three larger
impellers at slower

(Courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand
Cameron Pump Division.)
Net Positive-Suction Head

𝑝𝑎 and ℎ𝑓𝑖 are the pressure and friction head losses at the pump inlet
and 𝑝𝑣 is the vapor pressure of the liquid. Given the left-hand side,
NPSH, from the pump performance curve, we must ensure that the
right-hand side is equal or greater in the actual system to avoid
Aspects of cavitation bubble
formation in liquid flows:
(a) Beauty: spiral bubble
form from the surface of a marine
propeller. (Courtesy of the
Thomas Water Tunnel,
State University);
(b) collapsing bubbles erode a
propeller surface. (Courtesy of
Thomas T. Huang, David Taylor
Research Center.)
Deviations from Ideal Pump Theory

Dimensionless Pump Performance
For a given pump design, the output variables H and brake horsepower should be dependent upon
discharge Q, impeller diameter D, and shaft speed n, at least. Other possible parameters are the fluid
density 𝝆, viscosity 𝝁, and surface roughness 𝝐.

From Dimensional Analysis

The pump parameters are:
No warning of viscous or roughness effects. The Reynolds numbers are from 0.8 to 1.5 x107,
or fully turbulent flow in all passages probably. The roughness is not given and varies greatly
among commercial pumps. But at such high Reynolds numbers we expect more or less the
same percentage effect on all these pumps. Therefore, it is common to assume that the
Reynolds number and the roughness ratio have a constant effect, so that the head 𝑪𝑯 and
power coefficients 𝑪𝑷 are:

For geometrically similar pumps, we expect head and power coefficients to be (nearly)
unique functions of the capacity coefficient.
The Moody chart for
friction with smooth
and rough walls.
The efficiency 𝜼 is already dimensionless and is uniquely related to the other
It varies with CQ also:

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