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1a. With reference to St. Luke Gospel, how did Jesus fulfill the Old Testament prophecies about
the Messiah.(7 mks).
● Jesus' foster father Joseph was a descendant of King David to fulfill Nathan's prophecy.
● Jesus established an everlasting kingdom as Angel Gabriel had told Mary to fulfill
Nathan's prophecy.
● Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary according to Isaiah's prophecy.
● Jesus was born in Bethlehem, David's home town, to fulfill Micah's prophecy.
● Simeon testified that the boy Jesus would bring salvation to the entire world according to
Isaiah's prophecy.
● Jesus was betrayed by a close associate to fulfill psalmist prophecy
● The passion and death of Jesus fulfills the prophecy of the suffering servant of Yahweh
by Isaiah..
● Jesus rode on a colt into Jerusalem to show that he was a humble Messiah.
● Jesus ascension to heaven exalted him as the lord and the judge to fulfill suffering
servant of Yahweh.
(7x1=7 marks)

b. Outline the activities that took place during the presentation of Jesus in the Temple.(7 mks)
● Jesus' parents offered a sacrifice
● Simeon was led by the Holy Spirit into the temple
● Simeon took the child into his arms
● Simeon praised and thanked God for seeing the Messiah
● Simeon prophecies about Jesus mission
● The parents of Jesus marveled at Simeon's prophecy
● Prophetess Anna thanked God
● She prophecies that Jesus was the redeemer of Jerusalem
● Simeon blessed Jesus' parents.
(7x1=7 marks)

c. Give six ways in which Christians show respect to places of worship in Kenya today.(6 mks)
● Christians maintain cleanliness in places of worship.
● They observe silence in places of worship
● They treat places of worship in reverence e.g. shoes are removed in some cases
● They dress decently as they go to places of worship
● They maintain order in places of worship as only authorized People are allowed to talk or
make announcements
● They construct special places for worshipping God.
● They dedicate worship places and items there in.
● They do not allow other non-religious n functions to be performed in places of worship
● They do not allow equipment/items to be removed from the places of worship

2 a. Describe the incidence in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman in Luke 7:36-50.(8mks)
● Jesus was invited in the home of Simon the Pharisee
● He sat down at the table
● A sinful woman came with expensive oil
● She stood behind the feet of Jesus
● She wet the feet of Jesus with her tears and wiped them with her hair
● Simon was not happy with Jesus
● Jesus knew his mind and told him the parable of debtors
● Jesus then forgave the woman
● People in the home were surprised
● Jesus told the woman her faith and healed her

b. Give six reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Pharisees in Galilee.(Luke 5:12-6:11
● Jesus attitude towards the Sabbath -He healed people on the Sabbath which was wrong
according to them.
● Jesus claimed to have to forgive sins which was blasphemy according to the Jews as
they believed only God had power the power to forgive sins
● Jesus and his disciples failed to observe the law on fasting
● Jesus' association with tax collectors and sinners-He befriended tax collectors and even
accepted invitations to their houses.
● He touched a man with leprosy which was against Jewish law
● He made it clear that He had not come to call the righteous but the sinners
● He challenged them to move from old traditional to the new one that He brought
● The popularity of Jesus especially because of the miracles He performed.

c. State six ways in which church leaders can respond to those who oppose them in their work.
● They should find out why they are opposed
● They should pray for those who oppose them
● They should continue to preach the gospel
● They should forgive those who oppose them
● They should seek reconciliation through the third party
● They should not fight Bach against their enemies
● They should make rules that promote development and growth of the church
● They should call upon those who oppose the gospel to repent and seek forgiveness from

3a.Outline Jesus' teaching on watchfulness and readiness (Lk 12:35-48) (7mks)

● Believers should be dressed for His coming
● They should keep their lamps burning
● They should be awake/alert
● They should be prepared at all times since they do not know the time Christ is coming
● Believers should continue working until Christ comes back
● The servants/believers who are drunkards/mistreat fellow workers will be punished
● Those who know what is required of them/ their master will, and fail to do it will receive a
severe beating
● Believers are expected to respond to God according to how much they have received
from him
● Those who do wrong out of ignorance will receive a lesser beating/punishment
(7x1=7 marks)

b. Narrate the parable of the widow and unjust judge.(Lk 18:1-8) (7mks)
● There was a judge who neither feared God nor regarded man.
● There was a widow who kept coming to the judge to settle a case between her and her
● The judge at first refused to grant the request of the widow
● The widow did not give up/persisted on her request
● The judge was afraid of getting worn out by the widow's persistence
● The judge finally accepted to grant the widow her request
● Jesus said that God would vindicate/grant the request of those who pray to Him
● He said that God responds to those who pray to Him in faith
(7x1=7 marks)

C. Give six reasons why Christians should have faith.(6mks)

● Faith is a requirement for all Christians
● Those who pray in faith receive their request
● Christians are dependent to God for all things
● Faith is a sign of commitment to God
● It is through faith in God that Christians can perform miracles/do great things
● Faith in God help Christians to overcome temptations
● Christians who have faith in God can be saved/healed
● God fulfils the promises he makes to human beings

4a.Outline the events that took place on Mt. Olives before the arrest of Jesus.(Luke 22:39-63).(7
● Jesus went to Mt. Olives with disciples and told them to pray
● He moved a distance away from the disciples, knelt down and prayed
● An Angel from Heaven strengthened him.
● The disciples fell asleep and Jesus awoke them
● There came a crowd led by Judas ,one of his twelve disciples
● Judas gave Jesus a kiss of betrayal
● One of the disciples struck off a slave's ear
● Jesus asked the religious leaders why they had come to arrest him as if he was a
● Jesus was seized and taken to the high priest
(7x1=7 marks)

b. Give seven reasons why Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus (7mks)

● He was greedy for money
● He was an informer of the Jewish authorities
● He was overcome by the power of evil one
● He lacked the moral courage to stand by Jesus during His moment of tribulation
● He was disappointed by Jesus stress on a spiritual kingdom rather than a political one
● It was God's will for the fulfillment of the scriptures
● He was looking for fame and recognition
● He was in unhappy with Jesus activities
(7x1=7 marks)

c. State six ways in which Christians are persecuted today.(6mks)

● Christians have at times been locked up in custody
● Christians have been silenced through threats from powerful people
● They have been denied public audience
● Christians are scorned upon by non believers
● Their message is rejected as untrue
● Christians are challenged by marvels of science
● Christians are harassed by political systems
● Christians are beaten up by rivals
● They face opposition from other religions
5a.Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the bride (Revelation 2:1-2 )
● The bride represents Christians and the bridegroom represent Jesus.
● Christians as the bride should be pure
● God's relationship with His people is perfect and lasts eternally
● Christians should be committed to Christ just as the bride is committed to the groom
● The church is loved by Christ just as the bridegroom loves the bride
● Christians will be taken to a new home (heaven) where they will live with Christ forever.
b. Outline six leadership qualities demonstrated by Peter on the day of Pentecost.(6mks)
● Courage
● Wisdom
● Principled/decision making/advisor
● Ability to protect/defend others
● Focused/visionary/knew God's will
● God-fearing/ had faith
● Eloquence/charismatic
● Knowledgeable/knew scriptures

c. Mention six ways in which the gifts of the Holy spirit are abused in the church today.(6mks)
● People demand favour/payments for performing miracles
● People claim to be under the influence of the Holy Spirit when they are not
● There is too emphasis on speaking in tongues at the expense of other gifts
● Those who have the gifts of the Holy Spirit are proud
● People misinterpret the Bible while claiming to be under the influence of the Holy Spirit
● Individuals cause divisions in the church claiming that the Holy Spirit has inspired them
to start new Churches
● Sometimes the gifts of the Holy Spirit are expressed in a disorderly manner
● People use the gifts for self-glorification
● People speak in tongues without an interpreter hence create misunderstanding
● People use the gifts to instil fear or intimidate others

6a.State seven fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) (7mks)

● Love
● Joy
● Peace
● Patience
● Kindness
● Goodness
● Faithfulness
● Gentleness
● Self control
(7x1=7 marks)

b. Outline the characteristics of people of God as taught by Peter in 1 Peter 2:9-10.(7mks)

● The believers are chosen people/race
● They are a loyal priesthood
● They are Holy nation
● They belong to God
● They are to declare wonderful deeds of God
● They were called from darkness to light
● They were once not a people/they were outside the covenant way
● They are led by the mercies of God/have received God's grace
(7x1=7 marks)

c. What is the importance of the Holy Spirit to Christians today.(6mks)

● Christians use the Holy Spirit to make the right choices in life
● He strengthens the faith of believers
● He enables believers to perform miracles
● He enables Christians to speak in tongues and interpret them
● He convicts the sinners of their sins
● He exposes the secrets of the hearts of sinful people
● He enables believers to help the needy
● He enables Christians to worship God in truth
● He enables Christians to understand who Christ is
● He gives a deeper understanding or revelation of God
● He unites believers as one body of Christ
(6x1=6 marks)

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