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DATE OF VISIT: 3RD AND 4TH OF MARCH 2023(10:30 am)
Bhawan, INA Colony, New Delhi, Delhi 110023)
As a first-year law student, visiting the National Consumer Disputes Redressal
Commission (NCDRC) in New Delhi was an enlightening experience. It was an
opportunity to observe the practical application of legal principles some of
which I had learned in class.
The NCDRC building was impressive, and the security measures were strict.
Upon entering, I was asked to provide identification and clear security checks
before I was allowed to proceed. The building had multiple floors, with each
floor dedicated to hearing different types of cases. I was impressed by the
organization and efficiency of the operations, and it was evident that the
Commission was serious about protecting the rights of consumers.
I reached the court at 10 am and the proceedings began on 10:30 am .The
proceedings were conducted in a professional and respectful manner. The
judges listened carefully to the arguments presented by both sides and asked
questions to clarify their understanding of the case. They took the time to
explain their decisions to the parties involved, ensuring that everyone
understood the reasoning behind the decision.
One thing that stood out to me during my visit was the diversity of cases being
heard. Some of the cases were relatively straightforward, such as cases
involving defective products or services. Others were more complex, such as
cases involving medical malpractice or property disputes. It was fascinating to
see how the legal principles were applied in such a diverse range of cases.
The court proceedings were conducted in an orderly and organized manner.
The judges were in charge of the proceedings, and they ensured that everyone
had an opportunity to present their case. The lawyers were given a chance to
make their arguments, and the judges asked them questions to clarify their
position. The judges also allowed the parties to present evidence and to call
witnesses, if necessary. Throughout the proceedings, the judges remained
impartial and focused on the legal issues at hand.
I was also struck by the role of the lawyers in the proceedings. They presented
their arguments clearly and effectively, and it was clear that they had a deep
understanding of the legal issues at hand. The judges were also impressive,
asking probing questions and engaging in a thoughtful discussion with the
The lawyers and judges used legal jargon and terminology throughout the
proceedings. This may have made the proceedings difficult to understand for
someone who was not familiar with legal terminology. However, the judges did
their best to explain the legal issues in simple terms, and they encouraged the
lawyers to do the same.
Overall, my visit to the NCDRC was an excellent learning experience. It was an
opportunity to see the practical application of the legal principles I had learned
in class and to witness the importance of protecting the rights of consumers. It
gave me a deeper appreciation for the role of the legal system in protecting
the interests of society as a whole.
Visiting the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) as a
law student was an enlightening experience that taught me several valuable
lessons. Here are some of the key learnings from my visit:
First, I learned about the importance of consumer protection. The cases I
observed at the NCDRC highlighted the many ways that consumers can be
taken advantage of in today's marketplace. Whether it was a defective product
or a service that did not meet expectations, consumers have the right to be
protected from harm and to receive fair compensation for their losses.
Second, I learned about the practical application of legal principles. Seeing the
legal principles that I had learned in class being applied in real-life cases was
eye-opening. I saw how the lawyers and judges used legal concepts to argue
their case and how the judges made decisions based on these principles. It was
an excellent way to reinforce the knowledge that I had gained in the
Third, I learned about the importance of preparation. The lawyers who argued
before the NCDRC had clearly done their homework. They had researched the
legal issues thoroughly and had gathered evidence to support their arguments.
This preparation was essential to presenting a compelling case to the judges. It
reminded me that preparation is critical in all aspects of the legal profession,
from arguing cases in court to negotiating settlements.
Fourth, I learned about the importance of professionalism and decorum. The
lawyers and judges at the NCDRC conducted themselves with the utmost
professionalism and decorum. They treated each other and the parties
involved with respect and dignity, even when the issues at hand were
contentious. This lesson will stay with me as I move forward in my legal career,
reminding me of the importance of treating others with respect and courtesy.
Overall, my visit to the NCDRC was a valuable learning experience that
reinforced the importance of consumer protection, practical application of
legal principles, preparation, and professionalism. It was an opportunity to see
the legal system in action and to gain a deeper appreciation for the role that
the law plays in protecting the rights of consumers.

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