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Jamasali, Princess Mikee K.


“Detailed Lesson Plan”

Content Area: English

Grade Level: Senior High
Subject Matter: Grammar Voice
Strategy: Collaborative
PowerPoint presentation

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
 Define what is grammar voice
 Distinguish active voice and passive voice
 Construct a sentence utilizing active and passive voice.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“Good morning students!”
“How are you today?”
“Good to hear, May I have student A, to
please lead the prayer”
a. Prayer
b. Checking of attendance
c. House Rules
- No using of cellphones
- Do not interrupt if someone is
- Raise your right hand if you have

“Before we begin our class, let’s have a trivia
first. Are you ready? Okay! So, who can read
this word “GHOTI”? Please raise your right hand
if you want to read.

“This word is read as “FISH”, let me explain why.

The GHOTI, GH from the word laugh is
pronounce as (F), I from the word women that is
pronounce as (I), and TI from the word nation
which pronounce as (SH) if we combine them is
pronounce as fish, am I right? The word GHOTI
is an artificial word used to illustrate irregularities
in English spelling. George Bernard Shaw
facetiously proposed spelling fish as ghoti. This
respelling, the story goes, was intended by
Shaw to highlight the absurdity of English

“Alright so that was our trivia for today, now
before we proceed to lesson proper. Let’s have
an activity. Here’s the instruction, I’ll be showing
5 pictures, and you are going to construct a
sentence out of the picture that I’m going to
present in which the 1st answer is when the
subject is completing the action, for example
‘Tom painted the shed’ and 2nd answer will be
the subject becomes the object. 'The shed was
painted by Tom')

“So here are the pictures:

Picture 1

The cat was chasing the mouse
The mouse was being chased by the cat

Picture 2

(Anna)I'm making a cake
A cake is being made (by anna)

Picture 3
The chicken lays the egg
The egg was laid by the chicken

Picture 4

The mouse was eaten by Tiger
The tiger ate the mouse

Picture 5

He stole the cookie from the cookie jar
The cookie was stolen from the cookie jar.

“Today we will explore the definition of
grammatical voice and the different types in
English grammar. We will look at the structure of
each voice so you will be more aware of how to
form sentences using each grammatical voice.
We will also consider the effects that each voice
has on the sentence and how they differ from
one another. The grammatical voice describes
the relationship between a verb and the
participant (the subject or object) that the verb

“In English, there are two grammatical voices:

the active voice and the passive voice. These
voices are used in English for contrasting
reasons (depending on the focus of a sentence),
but they are both important in forming

“Grammatical active voice:

The active voice occurs in sentences where the
subject performs the action. This is the most
common form of grammatical voice, so is used
more frequently than passive voice. The active
voice is seen to be more direct and
commanding, with a focus on the person/thing
carrying out the action.
Example: Sarah watched a film
From this sentence, we know that the subject
(Sarah) carried out the action (watched a film).

“Grammatical passive voice

The sentence is in the passive voice when the
subject is being acted upon. The passive voice
shifts our focus to the person/thing affected by
the action, as opposed to the subject performing
the action. This type of grammatical voice is
used less frequently than active voice.
The squirrel was chased by the cat.

From this sentence, there is a focus on the

squirrel who is affected by the action of the cat.

Instructions: Change from the active voice into
the passive

The cat was chasing the mouse.

1. The mouse ______________________

The goose fed the panda

2. The panda ______________________

The man has given the panther a pair of smelly

3. The panther ______________________

The cat wakes the woman up every morning

4. The woman ______________________

The police caught the escaped prisoners.

5. The escaped prisoners __________________

Barbie is destroying Ken’s clothes

6. Ken’s clothes ______________________

The fishermen caught Dory in their net.

7. Dory ______________________

The T-Rex was carrying the minions on its back

8. The minions ______________________

The crabs injured the bird

9. The bird ______________________

The green chick has eaten the worm

10. The worm ______________________

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