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Video games consoles like PlayStation or Xbox are one of the most purchased devices lately

because as technology advances, video games become more innovative, popular and inventive
due to their different gameplay. However, these electronic devices have opinions for and
against by parents and young people. Some think that these devices affect children and
adolescents in their daily lives by not leaving the house, spending hours playing games and
becoming addicted. That is why many people wonder: Do video game consoles have any
benefit for young people in their daily lives or are they just devices that will distract and cause
an addiction in the person? since the impact that the use of these devices generates in our
lives is quite significant. In this essay, it explains what are the causes and effects, whether
negative or positive, in video game consoles for the daily use of young people.

One of the effects where young people can develop advantages when playing on video game
consoles is that they develop an ability and ability to make decisions and answers both in their
daily life and in their university life, since when playing video games on any console they make
the brain finds out more different ways to reach a result. Moreover, by developing the ability
to make decisions, it encourages creativity and visual memory. Thanks to this, they have more
chances of obtaining successful results when it comes to thinking and reasoning. On the other
hand, it improves the ability to solve problems through strategy using their own decisions.

While video game consoles have their advantages and benefits, spending too much time with
this device can have serious consequences and effects. The most important disadvantage is
addiction, a person with addiction can spend 8 or more hours playing on the device regardless
of the time or activities, or also where the person instead of sleeping and resting, is playing
until dawn. This leads to people with this addiction having a lack of focus and concentration; as
a result, it causes problems with their school's exams, job performance, etc. Also, this
addiction leads people to procrastinate with their daily activities, even in studies;
Consequently, stress and anxiety increase due to the different things and activities that have to
be done in a single day, making health and mental problems inevitable. For this reason, it is
always necessary to be aware of how many hours we have spent playing on the video console
to avoid future health problems. Finally, the excessive use of the video game console causes
people to have an increase in compulsive behaviors and thoughts, as a consequence, rude
behavior when interacting with other people or themselves.

In conclusion, video game consoles can play both a positive and a negative role in people's
lives, so it is advisable to always keep a check on their use. Moreover, when it comes to the
little ones, a conscious parental supervision plays an important role to avoid any type of
mental or psychological damage to the child since at that age, they need to learn to socialize,
study and even sleep hours. Also, it would be good if, at least once a month, people took a day
off from their works and have a vacation in which technological devices are not within their
reach, enjoying nature in the company of their relatives.
1.  Well, yes, I think it is possible that all the subjects will be taught in MOOCs, but
everything will depend on how the student adapts to the teaching mode and the
way the teacher in charge will teach, since the student must be aware that the
subjects will not be such as face-to-face classes where there are only between
30 and 50 students. Moreover, the way the teacher in charge teaches and how
he communicates with the students will depend a lot since the motivation,
teaching and explanation that the teacher gives must be understandable and
concrete. Otherwise, many will have trouble understanding the course if the
teacher just talks and talks without the students interacting or working with each
other. On the other hand, in face-to-face classes it is confirmed that you will be
more comfortable since you will have the teacher and your classmates in a
classroom and you will be able to ask any question or doubt.

2. If I would enjoy them and be successful, since I would meet more students from
other countries and I would communicate with them through text messages or
the MOOC classes themselves, through them I would be able to find out
information about the most demanded career, the culture, the possibilities. , the
economy, etc. In addition, thanks to the fact that the topics taught will be in
virtual classes, I will have more time to study and practice on my career, it is a
great advantage I think.

3. Distance education is the future of education since, thanks to the advancement

of technology, going to face-to-face classes will be the same if we are in virtual
classes. Today, during the pandemic, it was observed that many educational
centers included the virtual modality and up to now it is still active, and to tell
the truth you can learn much more since you have support tools to research on
Google and applications that help you better understand the topics. It all
depends on how the student understands and studies after virtual classes. Also,
in about 80 years, I don't think there will be classrooms like we have today, nor
educational centers, everything will be virtual, in virtual classes where a robot or
virtual machine will be teaching all the students.

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