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DSE Chem Last Minute

© 你問我答CHEM團隊
1. Inorganic Chemistry
 Acids and Bases
 Bonding and Structure
 Periodic Table and Periodicity
2. Organic Chemistry
 Fossil Fuels
 Functional Groups and their
3. Physical Chemistry
 Metals
 Thermodynamics: Redox, Energy and
 Kinetics
4. Electives
 Industrial Processes and Concerns
 Analytical Chemistry: Chemical Tests
Topic 1: Inorganic Chemistry
Acids and Bases
 Acids ionize to give H+ as the only cation, Bases (Soluble:
Alkaline) ionize (e.g. NH3) or dissociate (e.g. NaOH) to give
OH-. (Need water to exhibit properties, no water, no ions)
 pH = − log 𝐻+ . pH = 7 means neutral (Assume [H+] = [OH-]
= 10-7 M under standard conditions), pH > 7 means basic, pH <
7 means acidic.

 Indicators:
Universal; Litmus;
 Phenolphthalein;
 Methyl Orange …
Acids and Bases
 Concentration (amount) vs. Strength
(identity of A/B)
 Strong (HCl, NaOH) vs Weak (CH3COOH,
NH3): Compete vs Partial
Dissociation/Ionization (Large vs. Small Kc)
 During Titration: Phenolphthalein for
strong base conditions, Methyl Orange for
strong acid conditions. End pt. (colour
change) as good estimate of equivalence pt.
(reaction complete) (∵ steep slope)
 pH of salt depends on strength of A/B.
 Stronger A, < 7; Strong B, > 7.
Acids and Bases
 Reactions: Single / Double
 Mg + 2HCl  MgCl2 + H2
 AgCl + MgSO4  Ag2SO4 +
MgCl2 (not redox)
 Specials: hydrogencarbonates,
carbonates, sulphites, ammonium Re-dissolve with
compounds (give gases) excess…
(Complex Formation)
 Solubility Table and Re-dissolving
Reactions with excess NaOH / NaOH: Al3+, Zn2+, Pb2+
(Overall charge –ve)
NH3! NH3: Zn2+, Cu2+, Ag+
(Overall charge +ve)
Acids and Bases
 Preparation of salts (Application of neutralization)
1. B(s) + A(aq)  Salt (aq) (B in excess, fil + cryst + fil, wash: 少dH2O)
2. B(aq) + A(aq)  Salt(aq) (exact amt. A, B. *Titration*, cryst + fil,
wash: 少dH2O)
3. B(aq) + A(aq)  Salt(s) (Any amt. *Precipitation*, fil, wash: 多dH2O)

 Titration: Standard Solution (known conc.),

Prep: Primary standard (NaCl)/ Titration (KMnO4, NH3, NaOH, H2SO4)
Wash with dH2O: conical flask
Wash with analyte (pipette) / titrant (burette)

 Neutralization: ∆T (Extrapolation!!),
∆ 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 , ∆pH
Acids and Bases: Calculations
 Titration vs. Back Titration (Start from last step!)
1. Write the equation(s)
−3 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠
2. Find no. of moles (𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 × 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑑𝑚 𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑊 )
3. Check if there is any limiting reagents
4. Use mole ratios of limiting reagents!
Bonding and Structure
 Ionic and Covalent are relative.
 There is no absolute “ionic”.

 Metallic Bonds: metal ions vs. sea of electrons

 Intermolecular forces (IMF): van der Waals’ vs. H-bond
van der Waals’: depend on molecular size (not mass), shape, polarity
H bond requires (a) 1 molecule has H – N/O/F; (b) another N/O/F
Think: H2O vs CH3COOCH3? CH3COOCH3 itself? (Org Chem!)

 Ionic/Covalent/Metallic > H-bond > VDW

Bonding and Structure
 Properties: Solubility, mp, bp, Electrical Conductivity, Hardness or
Brittleness, (Volatility, Viscosity, Surface Tension)
 MP: IMF + packing efficiency; BP: IMF only

 Structures: Simple Molecular (Covalent + IMF), Giant Covalent

(Covalent), Giant Ionic (Ionic), Giant Metallic (Metallic)

 Flow: Structure ⇌ Bonding ⇌ Properties

E.g. Explain why NaCl has higher mp than H2O
NaCl: Giant ionic  strong ionic bonds  high mp
(same logic for H2O)
Bonding and Structure
 Molecular Shape predicted by VSEPR (Multiple bonds assume
single bond!)
No. of Bond Pair e- No. of Lone Pair e- Shape
2 0 Linear
3 0 Trigonal Planar
4 0 Tetrahedral
3 1 Trigonal Pyrimidal
2 2 V-shaped
5 0 Trigonal Bipyrimidal
6 0 Octahedral

 Overall polarity not cancelled out (asymmetric)  Polar molecule

 Test: Charged rod vs. flowing liquid
Periodic Table and Periodicity
 Group I: Alkali Metals, soft, reactive, not dense, mp ↓ down the grp.
 Group II: Alkaline Earth, harder, denser, less reactive than Gp I.
 Group VII: Halogens, coloured, toxic, colour & mp ↑ the grp.
 Group VIII: Noble gases

 Group: Same no. of

Outermost shell e-

 Period: Same no. of e- shell

Periodic Table and Periodicity
 Acidic  Basic Oxides across Period
 Amphoteric: Al2O3, SiO2, BeO. (Reacts with A/B. Rmb equation.)
 P4O10 hygroscopic, SO2 participates in acid rain formation.
 MP and Electrical conductivity trends:

 Transition metals as catalyst (O.S., Colours: V, Fe, Mn)

 Think: How to follow the catalytic reaction? Precautions? (Rate!)
Topic 2: Organic Chemistry
Fossil Fuels
 Dead Organisms + Heat + Time + Bacteria = Fossil Fuels
 Crude oil, natural gas, Coal

 Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil vs. Air (bp difference!)

Fossil Fuels
 Pollution: Deal with catalytic converter (Use of Pt/Rh cat., poisoned
by S, remove: NO2, unburnt hydrocarbons, CO), scrubbers (Ca(OH)2
+ SO2), electrostatic precipitation…
 Use of Petroleum: Fuel / Make products like plastics
 More Carbon Content, more sooty, more viscous, more hydrophobic
(Calculate % of C in hydrocarbon, e.g. C2H6 vs C15H32)
 Reactions: Cracking (without O2) and Halogenation of Alkanes
Functional Groups
 BP: Alkanes ~ Alkenes < Haloalkanes (Polar) <
 Aldehydes < Ketones (Polarity) < Compounds with H-
bond may have mp
 Alcohols (H-Bond) < Esters (Polarity) < lower than those
without H-bond!
 Carboxylic Acids < Amides (H-Bond + Polarity)
 Naming:
1. Find longest carbon chain
2. Check functional group, then decide where to start counting.
3. Write down what constituents you see.
4. Re-order them with alphabetical order.
 Structural vs Stereoisomers (Both same molecular formula)
 Structural: Functional Group, Position, Chain (Different Linkage)
 Stereoisomers: Cis-trans, Enantiomers (Same Linkage, different
spatial arrangement)

 Cis-trans: C link to 2 groups of atoms ONLY.

Think: No cis-trans. Why?
 Enantiomers: Non-superimposable, test: plane of polarized light
Think: B is
A B C No Enantiomerism
Organic Synthesis
• Think: Tests for presence of
Functional Groups?
Organic Synthesis
 Experimental Techniques: Reflux, Distillation, Fractional
Distillation, Liquid-liquid extraction (difference in solubility in two
phases, rmb organic phase isn’t always less dense!)
 Precipitation of organic salts with acid / base.
 CaCl2: Remove acid after esterification(aq); drying agent
 Test for Purity: mp/bp; Test for identity: Chemical Tests
 Combination of monomers into polymers
 Without elimination of small molecules: Addition (e.g. PVC, PS…)
 Derived from alkenes!
 With elimination of small molecules: Condensation (Nylon,
Polyester). They can lose H2O / HCl molecules.
Think: What is
 Derived from esterification / amide formation its monomer?

Polymer: Repeating Unit:

Topic 3: Physical Chemistry
 Properties: Malleable, ductile, good electrical conductivity…
Metal React w/ O2 React w/ React with Extraction
Reactivity H2O acids
K ✓✓ (l / g) ✓✓
Na  Oxide / (Explodes)
Ca hydroxide Electrolysis
Al ✓ (g)

Zn  Hydroxide
Pb ✓
Cu Does not
Hg burn X Heat /
X Displace /
Ag Mechanical
Thermodynamics: Redox Reactions
 Reduction (↑ e-, H, ↓ O.S., O) and Oxidation (↓ e-, H, ↑ O.S., O)
always come in pairs. So, no net gain / loss of e-, H or O in rxns!
 R.A. gets oxidized, O.A. gets reduced. Usually R.A. has low O.S. (I-
, SO32-…), O.A. has high O.S. (MnO4-, Cr3+, Fe3+, Cr2O72-…)
 Balancing equations using half-equations (H+ conditions)
Permanganate with sulphite (H+)
 1. Balance atoms other than O, H MnO4-  Mn2+
1. Mn is balanced.
 2. Balance O atoms using H2O 2. MnO4-  Mn2+ + 4H2O
3. MnO4- + 8H+  Mn2+ + 4H2O
 3. Balance H atoms using H+ 4. MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e-  Mn2+ + 4H2O
Similarly, SO32- + H2O  SO42- + 2H+ + 2e-
 4. Balance charge by adding e- Then, Mn equation * 2, SO32- equation * 5 to
cancel out the electrons
So, 2MnO4- + 5SO32- + 6H+  2Mn2+ + 5SO42-
+ 3H2O
Redox Reactions
 Balancing with OH-: Same steps, but use OH- to neutralize H+.
 Consider MnO4-  MnO2 using sulphite.
 1. Mn is balanced. 2. MnO4-  MnO2 + 2H2O
 3. MnO4- + 4H+  MnO2 + 2H2O
 4. MnO4- + 4H+ + 3e-  MnO2 + 2H2O (Same up till here)
 5. MnO4- + 4H+ + 4OH- + 3e-  MnO2 + 2H2O + 4OH-
 6. MnO4- + 4H2O + 3e-  MnO2 + 2H2O + 4OH- (Combine H+ and OH-)
 7. MnO4- + 2H2O + 3e-  MnO2 + 4OH- (Cancel out H2O)
 Same for remaining steps.
Redox Reactions
 Electrochemical Series: (Down the series: want to reduce!)

 Reactions only go anti-clockwise.

 It is thermodynamically favourable.

 E.g. Li and Pb2+ reacts to form Li+

And Pb (s) (Displacement reaction)
 But not Pb(s) & Li+ (clockwise) OR
Pb(s) & Li (s) OR Pb2+ & Li+ (parallel)!
Kinetics is NOT = Thermodynamics
 It is inaccurate (wrong) to say that a more reactive metal displaces a
less reactive metal in solution.
 Kinetics = How fast a reaction goes.
 Thermodynamics = Does the reaction WANT to go?
 For DSE, it is still OK to say more reactive metal displaces a less
reactive metal in solution (i.e. Zn displaces Pb2+(aq) coz more reactive)
 But: When you need to test how fast reaction goes, DO NOT think of
redox! And when you to write about ECS, DO NOT think about how
fast reaction goes. They MAY NOT PARALLEL (Na and K, e.g.).

NEVER SAY: Higher in ECS, faster it reacts.

NEVER SAY: Connect two metals like in a chemical cell. Positive voltage, more
Redox Application 1: Metal Reactions
 Metal with acids, water and oxygen, corrosion: Redox.
 Rusting is the corrosion of iron. Fe2O3.nH2O (reddish brown)
 Rust indicator: K3[Fe(CN)6], phenolphthalein on warm agar.
 Prevent rusting: Plastic / paint coating, sacrificial protection,
 Faster rusting: Acidic, higher temperature, bent, attach less reactive
 Dilute and Conc. HNO3, conc. H2SO4: Strong O.A.
NO(g) / NO2(g), SO2(g) (Rmb NO oxidizes in air)
Redox Application 2: Chemical Cells
 Simple Chemical Cells: Two different metals. (Voltage recorded
because each has different tendency to give out electrons.)
 Salt bridge: Neutralize charge, complete circuit, (prevent unwanted
reactions e.g. forming ppt – be careful of electrolytes!)
 Primary Cells: Zinc-carbon, alkaline manganese, silver oxide
 Secondary Cells: Li-ion, Ni-MH, lead-acid accumulator
 Wet (electrolyte in solution) & dry (electrolyte in paste) cell.
 Fuel Cell: Hydrogen oxygen fuel cell
 Inert electrodes: (Platinum and Carbon) (Don’t use Pt with Cl2(g),
and Carbon with O2(g) emission)
Zinc Carbon Cell and H-O Fuel Cell
Zinc Carbon Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell
Redox Application 3: Electrolytic Cells
 Electrolysis turns electrical energy to chemical energy.
 Cations: lower in ECS, Anions: higher in ECS (discharge)
 Keep in mind concentration effect, nature of electrodes (if not inert)
 E.g. electrolysis of dilute NaCl with Carbon electrode…
Cations Anions Electrode
Na+ Cl- C
H+ OH- C

Chemical Cell (No Electrolytic Cell (W/

Battery) Battery / DC supply)
Oxidation (Anode) Negative Positive
Reduction (Cathode) Positive Negative
Energy, Enthalpy and Hess’s Law
 Break bonds endothermic; form bonds exothermic.
 Energy is conserved. Internal energy change: Constant volume,
enthalpy (H) change: constant pressure (usual setups).
 Standard Enthalpy Change of Formation, Combustion,
Neutralization (298K, 1 bar). Rmb definitions.
 Write states for equations, and + / - signs for enthalpies.
 Hess’s Law: Enthalpy Change depends on the state only.
 𝑞 = 𝑚𝑐∆𝑇
 Remember to extrapolate any temperature curves.
Enthalpy Change Cycle: Using Hess’s Law
Dynamic Equilibrium
 At eqm, Rate (forward) = rate (backward) ≠ 0.
 𝐾𝐶 = 𝐴𝑥𝐵𝑦
for 𝑥 𝐴 + 𝑦 𝐵 ⇌ 𝑚 𝐶 + 𝑛 𝐷. (All eqm conc.)

 Qc has the same expression, but apply to every case (not just eqm).
 Factors affecting Kc: Temperature
 Remember kinetics ≠ thermodynamics. Nth to do with catalyst!
 When Qc < Kc, imagine [A][B] larger than eqm, so shift RHS…
 When Qc > Kc, imagine [C][D] larger than eqm, so shift LHS…
 Le Chatelier’s Principle: Change to oppose any disturbances.
Important: Setting up an ICE Table

There are H+
ions in dH2O!

Initial conc.
Change in conc.
Conc. At Eqm.

Kinetics: How fast does a reaction go?
 Follow progress of rxn: Titration (need quenching), volume
(syringe), pressure (pressure sensor), mass (balance), colorimetry,
turbidity (S2O3  S(s), Rate ∝
2- )

 Initial rate method: Plot a graph of conc. Vs. time, then find the
tangent at t = 0.
 Factors affecting rate of rxn: Concentration (For non-zeroth-order
rxns), temperature, surface area, presence / absence of catalyst
 Remember 1 mole of gas = 24 dm3.
 Details! Details! Details!
Kinetics: Rate Equations
 Rate = k [Reactant 1]m [Reactant 2]n …, where k = Rate constant
(NO specific UNIT!), m and n = any real numbers.
 Concentration-Time graphs

 Rate-Concentration graphs

 Consider Rate = k [A]m. log(rate) = log(k [A]m)

= log k + m log [A]. So you can plot log rate vs. log [A] to determine
m (Order of rxn) and k (Rate constant).
Connecting Thermodynamics with Kinetics
 Arrhenius Theory: 𝑘 = 𝐴𝑒 𝑅𝑇 . T in terms of Kelvin!
 Activation energy: energy required for rxn to occur  determines
whether one reaction wants to go.
 Collision Theory: Particles have energy equal to or higher than Ea,
Area under the curve: No. of particles
collide with right orientation can react.
Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.
 Catalysts: Lower Ea by providing an alternative pathway. Required
in small amount only, reusable.
 Apply this to the Maxwell Boltzmann Curve
Area under the curve: No. of particles
Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA
under the curve.
Connecting Thermodynamics with Kinetics

Labels of Ea with the Two “hills” instead of

arrow is required. one to show that it is
NOT the original

The key / legend is

important to
distinguish between
two reactions.
Connecting Thermodynamics with Kinetics
Don’t assume that this is a
catalyst! You never know
before the experiment!

Rate equation is the

product of both reagents.
Simply multiply them to
find the order w.r.t alcohol.

You need to show the

calculation of H2SO4.

𝑘2 𝐸𝑎 1 1
Rmb ln =− −𝑇
𝑘1 R 𝑇2 1
Not using rate! Use k!
Calculate k from Rate eq.
Topic 4: Electives
Industrial Processes
 Production of Vitamin C: Reichstein
Process (1 step of fermentation) and
Two-stage Fermentation Process.
 New development: Yeast-based Single
Area under the curve: No. of particles
Step Fermentation
you have toconcerns:
explain using suchCost,
Yield, curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.
Chemicals (Are they accessible?),
reaction conditions (need high temp?
Time?), can we purify it effectively
through chromatography? Crystallization?
Industrial Processes
Think: Why
these reaction
 Fertilizers: NH4NO3, (NH4)2SO4, NaNO3, conditions?

 Ammonia: Haber Process

Area under the curve: No. of particles

Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.
 Source of N: Fractional Distillation
 Source of H: Steam-methane reforming,
electrolysis of brine, cracking of petroleum

Nitric Acid Production: Ostwald Process

Industrial Processes: Chloroalkali Industry
 At the anode (titanium or graphite):  At the anode (titanium): 2Cl–(aq) 
2Cl–(aq)  Cl2(g) + 2e– Cl2(g) + 2e–
 At the cathode Na+(aq) + e– + Hg(l)   At the cathode (nickel): 2H+(aq) + 2e–
Na/Hg(l)  H2(g)
 2Na/Hg(l) + 2H2O(l)  2NaOH(aq) +
Area under the curve: No. of particles
H2(g) + 2Hg(l)
Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.

Mercury Cell
Industrial Processes: Methanol Synthesis

Area under the curve: No. of particles

Derivatives of Methanol:
Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.
Methanal, Acetic Acid, Dimethyl Ether and Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether

Use of Methanol:

Fuel, Solvent, Synthesizing other chemicals e.g. acetic acid.

Green Chemistry
 Green Chemistry is not just about being environmentally
 We consider different aspects of the reaction conditions!
𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑠
Area under
curve: No. 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎
of particles
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠
× 100%
you have to explain
Economy using such
DOES NOTcurve, need to
consider use the AREA
solvents under the curve.
and catalysts.
 Atom Economy ≠ Yield ! Is this reaction green?

 We can also consider whether a reaction uses

catalyst or not, whether it requires a lot of energy etc.
Chemical Tests
 Gases / Substances: O2, CO2, SO2, H2, NH3, H2O
 Cations: Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Mg2+, Zn2+, NH4+
 Anions: Cl-, Br-, I-, SO32-, OCl-, CO32-

Area under the curve: No. of particles

 Functional Groups: Alkenes, Alcohols, Ketones, Aldehydes and
Rmb ifAcids
you have Reagent
to explain
(Tollens’ andcurve,
using such 2,4 DNP)
need to use the AREA under the curve.

 Solubility Table may help!

 E.g. Devise a scheme to separate a solution containing NH4+, Ba2+

and Fe3+.
Separation Techniques
 1. Crystallization / Recrystallization
Impurities remain in solution. (Make use of difference in solubility
w.r.t. impurities and products)
Choose suitable solvents: The product dissolves in hot solvent, and
Area under the curve: No. of particles
precipitates out in cold solvent. Use minimal solvent.
Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.

 2. Distillation vs. Fractional Distillation

Make use of difference in b.p.
For b.p. difference smaller than 10oC, use fractional distillation
Difference: Fractional distillation involves repeated evaporation
and condensation. Each process makes the product even purer.
Separation Techniques
 3. Liquid-liquid Extraction
Makes use of difference in solubility
Organic phase vs. Aqueous phase (Aqueous may not
be denser! E.g. dichloromethane: d = 1.33 g/mL)
Area under the curve: No. of particles

Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.
 4. Chromatography: Paper, Thin-layer, Column
Paper and Thin-layer: Detection
Column: Separation
Make use of difference in polarity
Mobile phase and stationary phase…
Separation Techniques
What is the Rf value?

Rf = 8.2−2 = 0.387

Choose the centre point

Area under the curve: No. of particles
The starting point for calculation
Rmb ifisyou
0 cm!
to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.
Think: The diagram above shows the results of a Thin-layer chromatography. Given that
the solvent used is 1:1 H2O / Ethyl Acetate
If you now have another sample that creates a spot that has a Rf value of 0.5, is it more
polar or less polar than the spot shown in the diagram?

The one with Rf = 0.5 is more polar. The stationary phase is silica gel, which is
relatively non-polar. The mobile phase is more polar. Thus, a higher Rf value means
that the sample is more polar, because it is more attracted by the polar mobile phase.
Instrumental Analysis: Mass Spectrometry
 Detects m/z (mass-to-charge ratio)  so you can know the mass of the
sample! (Make use of charge)
 Only detects charged species, e.g. CH3+. (but not radicals)
 What you need to memorize:
Area under the curve: No. of particles

Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.
 When you see m/z = 91  contains benzene ring!
m/z = 91
 Highest peak: molecular ion peak
 Refers to MW

m/z = 120
Instrumental Analysis: Infrared Spectroscopy
 Detect presence of Functional Groups: They have different absorption
 Don’t memorize the wavenumbers !!
 Just give a rough estimate about the wavenumber you see on the IR
Area under the curve: No. of particles
RmbifIfyou have
your to explain
guess using
doesn’t such curve,
match need to useformula,
the molecular the AREAtry
under the curve.

Wavenumber range
Bond Compound type
/ cm –1
C=C Alkenes 1610 to 1680
Aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and
C=O 1680 to 1800
C≡C Alkynes 2070 to 2250
C≡N Nitriles 2200 to 2280
O–H Acids (hydrogen-bonded) 2500 to 3300
C–H Alkanes, alkenes and arenes 2840 to 3095
O–H Alcohols, phenols (hydrogen-bonded) 3230 to 3670
N–H Amines 3350 to 3500
Infrared Spectroscopy: Some Tips
 Alcohols vs. Acids:

Area under the curve: No. of particles

Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.

Acid has a broader

Deduce Unknown Structures
Find empirical formula
Some extras: Aldehydes have
peaks at 2700 cm-1

Area under the curve: No. of particles

Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.

m/z = 91!!!

MW: 120  find molecular formula

Deduce Unknown Structures
Molecular formula:

Area under the curve: No. of particles

Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.
Final Reminders
 For those who aim at Levels 2-3:
 Spend more time on ONE elective.
 Spend more time on easier topics: Patterns in Chemical World,
Microscopic World I and II.
Area under the curve: No. of particles
 Spend time to master ONE topic out of the “big” topics:
Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.
Acid and Base, Redox, Organic Chem
 Memorize some definitions: e.g. what is primary standard?
 You may want to memorize the equations in Industrial Chemistry.
Final Reminders
 For those who aim at Level 5:
 Spend time to revise mole calculation – make sure you are familiar
with titrations; learn about back titration.
 Spend time to master the “big” topics: Acid and Base, Redox,
Area under the curve: No. of particles
Organic Chem
have to not
explain usingmarks
to lose such curve, need topics:
on easier to use the AREA under
Patterns the curve.
in Chemical
World, Microscopic Worlds I and II.
 Learn how to draw energy cycles (Hess’s Law)
 Go through some experimental techniques: precautions etc.
Final Reminders
 For those who aim at Levels 5* - 5**:
 Make sure you’re familiar with “big topics”: Redox, Acid and Base,
Organic Chem
 Avoid careless mistakes: Check your calculations !!
Area under the curve: No. of particles
 Draw a mind map / link different topics together in your mind:
Rmb ifQuestions
you have tousually
explain using suchdifficult
that are curve, need
are tooften
use the AREA under the
cross-module curve.
 Check past paper marking: Don’t lose marks !
 Develop “chemistry sense”: Is ammonia soluble in water? Is
ammonia denser / less dense than air?
Time Management
 Paper I: 2 hour 30 minutes
 Finish MC in 50 minutes
You can start working on
 Finish LQ in 1 hour 35 minutes LQ first if you want to 

 Check your answers: 5-10 minutes

Area under the curve: No. of particles

Rmb if you have to explain using such curve, need to use the AREA under the curve.
 Paper II: 1 hour
 Finish first elective in 25 minutes !!
 Leave a few minutes to check your answers

Remember you’ll need 1-2 minutes to write your candidate number,

and stick the barcodes.

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