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Washington Academy

Book: Advanced I Class: 03 Unit: 03

I – Do the exercises on page 20;

II – On The Board:

Social Welfare NGOs Food Stamps Family Allowance Slums Undertake

III – Play the audio on page 21; they summarise it;

IV – Show videos about Social Welfare; discuss heavily. Make questions:

01. In your opinion, what causes poverty?

02. Can the system be fixed or should it be replaced?
03. What can we do both as individuals and as society to eradicate poverty?
04. How effective are social welfare programmes? How could they be improved?
05. If you were the president, what would you try to do to eradicate poverty and inequality?

V – Roleplay: one student is going to defend to expand the amount of social welfare programmes as a measure to mitigate the poverty
and eventually eradicate it. The other student shall argue that there are other ways to eliminate poverty & inequality, such as…

VI – Picture Conversation on page 22;

VII– Do the exercise on page 24; afterwards, each student is going to invent a different story for the same images and roleplay the
different characters of these alternative versions;

VIII– Do the Idiomatic Expressions exercise on page 25 and the following grey box exercise;

XI– Play the audio and make them roleplay the text Lost and Found on page 26; afterwards, they are going to simulate the same
situation, only that with lines of their own. The victim is going to be very much stressed out while the attendant will try to cool
down the customer.

 Homework:

1 – Prepare a 2-minute presentation about Social Welfare programmes, either in Brazil or around the world;

2 – Prepare a 2-minute presentation about one or two authors that study inequality, either through the historic, political or social
point of view. They must be the same authors you will quote on your essay;

2 – Write a 400-word essay on what causes poverty & inequality. Research one argument from a famous author on the subject
and try to show otherwise, either with a counter-argument from another author or with your own ideas. The goal is that, by the
end, a long-lasting and sustainable solution is presented;

3 – Do the exercises on the pages 22, 23 & 25.

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