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- A school management system that provides excellent student services from admission to
enrollment, to school financials, and student records
- Effectively access and manage students profiles and credentials
- Effortlessly transact from online admission to online enrollment
- Easily process and view payments transactions through fee manager and online payment
- Enable teachers to encode and submit grades on time through controlled posting and give
access to parents and students to view grades online


- An intelligent id system that automatically validates gate access and enable fast and reliable
recording of class attendance
- Monitor attendance of the students and inform parents through push-notifications and text
messages using parentline app
- Easily check student log files, which can be filtered in accordance with the school’s specification
and requirements
- Ensure safety of the students, school personnel, and visitors inside the campus through validity
- Check temperature of the stake-holders before entering the campus using Thermal Scanning


- A secured communication service that enables schools to inform parents on important student
information and urgent advisories using text messaging and push notification technology
- Broadcast messages through web sending and mobile phones (scheduled or real-time)
- Monitor if the parents received and read the announcements
- Inform parents across all platforms through push notifications and text messages

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