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3-year moving averages:

To calculate the 3-year moving average, we need to take the average of the current year and the two
previous years. We can start calculating the 3-year moving averages from 2007 since we need data from
two previous years to start with.

Year Rain(mm) 3-year moving average

2007 888.98 (647.41+914.06+888.98)/3 = 816.48

2008 713.64 (914.06+888.98+713.64)/3 = 838.56

2009 584.07 (888.98+713.64+584.07)/3 = 728.23

2010 633.69 (713.64+584.07+633.69)/3 = 643.80

2011 543.02 (584.07+633.69+543.02)/3 = 587.26

2012 411.87 (633.69+543.02+411.87)/3 = 529.19

2013 911.04 (543.02+411.87+911.04)/3 = 621.31

2014 711.07 (411.87+911.04+711.07)/3 = 678.66

2015 1248.41 (911.04+711.07+1248.41)/3 = 956.84

2016 603.15 (711.07+1248.41+603.15)/3 = 854.54

2017 654.9 (1248.41+603.15+654.9)/3 = 835.82

2018 820.87 (603.15+654.9+820.87)/3 = 692.64

2019 980.68 (654.9+820.87+980.68)/3 = 818.15

2020 859.3 (820.87+980.68+859.3)/3 = 887.28

5-year moving averages:

To calculate the 5-year moving average, we need to take the average of the current year and the four
previous years. We can start calculating the 5-year moving averages from 2009 since we need data from
four previous years to start with.

Year Rain(mm) 5-year moving average

2014 711.07 (633.69+543.02+411.87+911.04+711.07)/5 = 642.94

2015 1248.41 (543.02+411.87+911.04+711.07+1248.41)/5 = 765.48

2016 603.15 (411.87+911.04+711.07+1248.41+603.15)/5 = 777.30

2017 654.9 (911.04+711.07+1248.41+603.15+654.9)/5 = 825.11

2018 820.87 (711.07+1248.41+603.15+654.9+820.87)/5 = 807.28

2019 980.68 (1248.41+603.15+654.9+820.87+980.68)/5 = 861.00

2020 859.3 (603.15+654.9+820.87+980.68+859.3)/5 = 783.98

7-year moving averages:

To calculate the 7-year moving average, we need to take the average of the current year and the six
previous years. We can start calculating the 7-year moving averages from 2012 since we need data from
six previous years to start with.

Year Rain(mm) 7-year moving average

2012 411.87 (647.41+914.06+888.98+713.64+584.07+633.69+543.02)/7 = 697.89

2013 911.04 (914.06+888.98+713.64+584.07+633.69+543.02+411.87)/7 = 719.03

2014 711.07 (888.98+713.64+584.07+633.69+543.02+411.87+911.04)/7 = 671.88

2015 1248.41 (713.64+584.07+633.69+543.02+411.87+911.04+711.07)/7 = 737.11

2016 603.15 (584.07+633.69+543.02+411.87+911.04+711.07+1248.41)/7 = 761.14

2017 654.9 (633.69+543.02+411.87+911.04+711.07+1248.41+603.15)/7 = 755.63

2018 820.87 (543.02+411.87+911.04+711.07+1248.41+603.15+654.9)/7 = 741.07

2019 980.68 (411.87+911.04+711.07+1248.41+603.15+654.9+820.87)/7 = 769.17

2020 859.3 (911.04+711.07+1248.41+603.15+654.9+820.87+980.68)/7 = 825.01

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