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1. A teacher is accused of having a sexual relationship with a learner. Explain the procedures that
will be followed starting from the laying of a charge against such staff member up to his re-
employment in the Public Service if need be?

2. What plans do you have for the Directorate in terms of Industrial Relations?

3. What is meant by the term Virementation and what would you say are some of the reasons
that may lead to virementation?

Is an authorisation to transfer funds from one main division to another or one subdivision to
another within the same budget vote. When a Ministry experiences any shortfalls on a
subdivision the funds could be transferred from the subdivision where a saving is expected to the
one with the shortfall

4. One your responsibilities will be the motivation of your subordinates. Using Abraham
Maslow’s theory of needs, how will you ensure a motivated team?

Physiological needs Timeous processing of salaries, organized overtime and other paid
extracurricular activities that will supplement their salaries to enable
them to afford the essentials of life

Safety needs Provide a safe and conducive working environment e.g. well-furnished
offices adequate office equipment and stationary

Social needs Create a sense of community through team based projects, meetings,
social events etc.

Esteem needs Recognize achievements of individuals to make employees feel valued

and appreciated.

Self-actualization Provide employees a challenge and opportunity to reach their full career

5. A staff member is found guilty of criminal offence by the Court of Law. He paid a fine, what advice
would you give to the Permanent Secretary.

6. Describe the correct procedure you will follow if a staff member wants to retire early.

7. On the establishment of your Region there is a provision for only six Human Resource posts. What
would you do in order to fill the seventh post that does not exist on that establishment?

8. You have a staff member under your supervision who is under-performing in spite of receiving
several training, still no improvement on his/her performance. How would you address this

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