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Gabino Ramirez

Period 3
3/ 28/ 23

Global CItizenship

Learner profiles are used everyday without being consciously aware. A perfect example

is just interacting with your friends on a daily basis. The principal objective at ASGL is to get

our awareness of where everything really is as individuals. To help us grow as students, complex

circumstances and high-pressure situations are presented to us. We are able to comprehend

different cultures, beliefs, and ways of being in the world thanks to the diversity at ASGL. The

goal of ASGL is to properly prepare each of us as students for further education and our future..

Every IB Profile plays a role, but the ones that I consider to be more of a role are Risk Taker,

Communicator, Principled, and Open Minded.

Here at ASGL it's more than being a global citizen, it's more than just being able to

comprehend the world around you. The saying “actions speak louder than words”, is something I

truly believe in, its not what you say, but what you do in order to have an impact and create a

difference. Somebody whom I feel does all of the above is a man named “Tyler the Creator”.

Tyler has done a lot for the community whether its him and his clothing line giving free clothes

and aiding the homeless, to being able to connect with his listeners through his music and

touching their souls. Tyler is a rather odd individual, making him a strong candidate for these

two IB’s in specific which are Risk Taker and Open Minded. I choose risk taker since this man

quite literally doesn't care, he’ll do anything and isn't worried about anyone and their opinion.

There are countless podcasts of him talking about his risks, and his personal belief in failure not

being a real thing. Tyler being this extroverted individual allows him to speak without care, he

embraces who he is. There's a quote that I can't necessarily state, but it's him talking about how
he had a boyfriend back when he was 15 and isn't ashamed about it, he follows that statement

with “If that's not open minded, I don't know what the f is'’. Tyler consistently teaches us to be

ourselves and forget what anyone might think about us. He put it best when he said “I think I’m

cool. That’s all that matters.”

Here at ASGL I came in as this sort of lost and mildly introverted person. I didn’t

understand the concept of communicating nor being a principled individual, nor did I think it

mattered to me as a person. As time went by ASGL bursted this little bubble I was in, I began to

speak more and communicate with others, developing connections, meeting new people and

making friends. Stepping out of my comfort zone is one thing ASGL has done for me, from

being a quiet kid, to now being apart of major clubs such as ASB and even the school's high

school basketball team, it has shown me a lot. Principled is something I was taught from the

sport of basketball. Owning up to my mistakes and taking accountability, treating opponents and

competition with respect, and being fair which correlates to sportsmanship. Along with clubs at

ASGL, the main one for me being ASB, I had to go through an interview in order to get in, and

one thing I remember saying was “Honesty comes a long way”.

As I’ve grown and blossomed here at ASGL, I feel it's safe to say that I feel confident as

the individual I am today. Trusting my education here at ASGL and hope to pursue my dream

career of being a Psychologist. Showing the Caring in me, by helping others and their mental

health problems, allowing them to have an understanding of why and giving them the beauty of

being a Knowledgeable individual. With ASGL I know I'm going to be a great global citizen,

and thanks to them they got me through this difficult path. What's to come is unexpected,

whatever obstacle comes toward me, I know I’ll find Balance in my life. Whether its my time,

social life, physical, and emotional I know I’ll find peace.

I’ve learned the importance of being a global citizen and the awareness of it. This is the

key to growth, breaking through comfort zones and being involved, were the new generation,

we’re only setting a foundation for the future. ASGL has guided me through this journey and has

shown me in crystal clear examples that you’re a product of the environment you’re in.

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