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Romantyzm 1822-1863(za granicą 1789r, rewolucja francuska, czas burzy i naporu).

Początek wydanie przez Adama

Mickiewicza ,,Ballady i romanse,, zakończenie powstanie styczniowe 1863r. Motywy romantyzmu natura, ludowość, baśniowość,
tajemnica. „Epoka serca”- intuicja, instynkt, sen. Cechy bohatera romantycznego buntownik samotnik idealista indywidualista
egotyk (skoncentrowany na sobie) egzaltowany(nadmiernie przeżywa) spiskowiec patriota samobójca nieszczęśliwa miłość
(pokochał wyobrażenie osoby). Buntuje się przeciwko braku sprawiedliwości i podziałach ludzi. Mieszkaniec wsi jego życie jest
wartościowe dzięki tradycji, a nie nauce. 1830r- faza pocz. (preromantyzm) 1830-1831 dojrzały romantyzm. Znaczenie pejzażu
romantycznego-wyraża nastrój emocje i uczucia artysty, przedstawia grozę i tajemnicę natury, podkreśla przemijalność świata i
kruchość ludzkiego istnienia. Friedrich Schiller-„Rękawiczka”, Emrod, odważny, honorowy, dumny, rycerz, mądry, buntuje się
przeciwko pozorności. Marta-dama serca, bezmyślna, lekkomyślna, okrutna. Oda-gatunek z greckiej liryki chóralnej, jest utworem
pochwalnym lub dziękczynnym, chwali postać, doniosłe wydarzenie lub idee. Patetyczny styl. Cechy oświeceniowe: gatunek oda,
nawiązanie do antyku, idee-wiara w postęp, walka z przesądami. Cechy romantyczne: temat pochwała młodości, złamanie zasady
decorum(są duchy), idee-młodzi przeciwko starym, świat ducha nad światem rzeczy, odrzucenie racjonalizmu, empiryzmu i
sensualizmu. „Romantyczność” Mickiewicza-styczeń 1821r. Jest wyrazem romantycznej fascynacji ludową cudownością, to
manifest romantyzmu. Racjonalizm ściera się z irracjonalizmem. Starzec-klasyk, „Szkiełko i oko”, racjonalizm, empiryzm, wiedza
naukowa, rozum, oświeceniowy racjonalista. Poeta-romantyk, „czucie i wiara”, irracjonalizm, intuicja, instykt, poznanie
pozazmysłowe, tradycja, romantyczny idealista. „Cierpienia młodego Wertera” J.W Geothego. Werteryzm-postawa właściwa dla
Wertera, cechy: uleganie uczuciom, negacja roli rozumu w poznawaniu rzeczywistości, bunt przeciw konwenansom. Bohater
werteryczny przeżywa ”Ból Świata”, często jest bierny, w samotności cierpi z nieodwzajemnionej miłości(Gustaw z IV cz. dziadów).
Powieść epistolarna-w formie listu. Wallenrodyzm-chęć poświecenia się za wolność i niepodległość najwyższymi wartościami staja
się dla niego ojczyzna i naród w ich imię poświęca własne życie i szczęście, stosuje zdradę i podstęp. "Romantyczność" to ballada
ponieważ zawiera typowe cechy ballady: fantastyczne wydarzenia, stroficzna budowa, podmiot to narrator, nastrój tajemniczości.
Gustaw Jest to typowy romantyczny kochanek, który został zakazany na wieczną tułaczkę po zaświatach, ze wzgledu na miłość,
jakiej kiedyś doznał, a z powodu której popełnił samobójstwo. Werter zainspirowal polakow autor Goethe.

Present Simple 1.general truths, She lives abroad, It rains a lot in November 2.routine always,usual,normally,often,frequently,at
times,never 3.timetables the bus leaves at six
4.sports commentaries 5. Narration/reviews 6.instructions First, you cut the veggies Pr. Continous 1. Actions at the moment of
speaking 2. Temporary situations, We are reading “book” now 3. Future arrangments, Im meeting my friends tonight 4. Its getting
colder and colder, The prices are rising 5. Shes always complaining, annoying
6. Describing a pic 7. Hes being nervous today. Pr. Perfect I have read one book this year 1. Achievments so far 2. We see the
results of past actions, They have put asphalt on the street 3. Just,already,yet for 2 weeks/1hour/10months/ages since
Monday/holiday/2020/Christmas. Ive had my mobile for over 2 years. Ive known her for ages.
Hes learnt English all his life. We are always lived here. Ive read 10 pages so far. Ive read 10 books this year. He hasn’t traveled
there for 5 years. Hes gone to the bank.
Pr. Perfect Continous 1. Hes been teaching for 10 years. 2. Hes been reading for and hour. Hes read 10 pages. 3. Skutki czynnosci
niedokonanych. Hes been reading for 5 hours and his eyes hurt. Past Simple She did win the tournament. 1. Past events/historical
events Last year she visited Spain, When she was a child. She got up, had a shower, get dressed and went to work. I watched a film
last night. Past Continous 1. Czynnosci odbywające sie rownolegle , This time last Sunday we were sleeping
2. Czynnosc ktora zajmowala caly przedzial czasu 3. Dluzsza czynnosc (past continous) przerwana przez nagłą (past simple) 4.tło
Past Perfect Yesterday i ate the cakes (that) I had bought in Spain 1. Czynnosc zakonczyla sie przed danym momentum w
przyszlosci 2. Stan trwaly w przeszlosci od pewnego czasu 3. Skutki czynności dokonanych w przeszlosci Past Perfect (Continous)
When we started this school we had been learning English for 9 years. 1. Czynnosci trwaly od pewnego czasu w przeszlosci do
odniesieniu do innej czynności.
Czasu Future continous używamy aby opisac zdarzenie lub czynność która będzie twrala w określonym momencie w przyszłości,
This time tommorrow, Sue will be saying her vows in the church. Określenia czasu używane z future continous to: this time
tomorrow, this time next week, next Sunday at eight, at that time. Czasu future perfect używamy aby opisac czynności lub
zdarzenia które odbeda się do określonego momentu w przyszłości, Hopefully, he will have proposed by that time. Okreslenia
czasu używane z future perfect to: bythen, by 2030, by next month, by eight oclock. Czasu present simple używamy do opisu
ustalonych planow i rozkladow, Their wedding part begins at five oclock. Czasu present continous używamy do opisu naszych
osobistych planow, Ted and i are having lunch together this Sunday. Konstrukcji going to używamy do opisu naszych intencji lub
sytuacji co do których już podjelismy decyzje, Aret they going to break up? Kontruckji WILL używamy w obietnicach i decyzjach
podjętych spontanicznie, w tym momencie, Wait, I will help you with these dishes.

present>past, past simple>past perfect, past continous>past perf. Cont, will>would, can>could, may>might, shall>should,
now>then, today>that day, tomorrow>the next day,
yesterday>the day before, this>that, these>those, here>there
TWIERDZENIA I want to hold your hand, said John>John said he wanted to hold my hand | (past simple)I woke up this morning,
said Steven>(past perfect)Steven said he had woken up that morning | (past simple)God gave rocknroll to you, said Paul>(past
perfect)Paul said god had gived rocknroll to you | (present)It’s all i can do, said Bono>(past)Bono said it was all he could do | You’ll
never make a saint of me, said Mick>Mick said I would never make a saint of him |
PYTANIA(present con)Where are you going? She asked me>(past con)She asked me where I was going | (present perfect)What
have you done? he asked her>(past perfect)He asked her what she had done. | (present simple)Where do you live? She asked
him>(past simple)She asked him where he lived | Have you been to Hollywood? She asked him> She asked him if he had ever been
to Hollywood. | (present simple)Do you want some coffe? She asked me>(past simple) she asked me if I wanted some coffe? |
(present simple) Are you ready for this?>(past simple) Freddie asked if we were ready for that. | (past simple)what did had daddy
do?>(past perfect)Steven asked what her daddy had done. | Is this the real life?> Freddie asked if that was the real life |
NAKAZY Learn English every day!> He told me to learn English every day | Be careful>She told me to be careful | Pour some sugar
on me> She told me to pour some sugar on her. | Dont stop me!> Freddie told us not to stop him.
1 Im not working then>She said that she wasnt working then.| Dont talk to me like that!>She told me not to talkt to her like that.|
How will they manage to finish it?>She asked how they would manage to finish it.| I'm not going to school tomorrow>She said she
wasn't going to school the next day.| I met an old friend last week>She said she had met an old friend the previous week.| Have
you been working in the garden?>She asked if I had been working in the garden.| I will be seeing my dentist next week>She said
she would be seeing her dentist next week.| Where did they buy that car?>She asked where they had bought that car.| Can you
help me? She asked me if I could help her.| Turn down the radio!>She told me to turn down the radio.| Do you smoke?>She asked
me if I smoked.| 2 I will always tell you the truth>She admitted that she would always tell the truth.| You should see a doctor>He
suggested seeing a doctor.| Let's go out tonight>She suggested going out that night.|
No, I will not open this door.>He refused to open the door.| I'm sorry I forgot about your birthday>She apologised she was sorry
for forgetting about his birthday.
Well done! You passed your driving test!>She congratulated me on passing my driving test.| Shall I make you some coffe?>He
offered me some coffee.|
Stand up now!>She instructed me to stand up then.| Please, please buy me a new doll.>She begged him to buy her a new doll.| **
We visited her this morning.>He told me that they had visited her that morning.| We’ll see her next summer.>She was told that
they would see her next summer.| I’m meeting them at four o’clock today.>She said she was meeting them at four o'clock today.|
I’ve sold all those you gave me yesterday.>She said she had sold all those he had given her the day before.|
We’ll meet tomorrow.>She said they would meet tomorrow.| That is the last time I saw him.>She said that was the last time she
had seen him.| You have bought yourself a new mobile.>He said he had bought himself a new mobile.| She has done her
homework well.>He said she had done her homework well.| I am afraid of spiders.>He said he was afraid of spiders.|"Do you love
me or not? asked the young man.>The young man asked if she loved him or not.| "Please leave the basket here," asked the shop
assistant.>The shop assistant asked me to leave the basket there.|"I shall do it for you," said Jane.>Jane said that she would do it
for them.

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