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Renaissance Greats and the Age of Reason

The Renaissance is a fascinating time in World History, where
wonderful discoveries, innovations and philosophies took place, a
period where Europe woke up from the time of the Middle Ages
and began to move towards catching up with, and even surpass,
Muslim and Chinese civilizations. Behind this narrative is where
we can find the story of important historical individuals and their
achievements. Your task for this project is to educate your peers
about a chosen historical figure. Your options for this project are:

1. A Poster:
a. MUST include 1. Early and impressionable
influences 2. Major/Important achievements, discoveries and works. (most
important aspect) 3.Obstacles they overcame 4. Impact 5. Long term
b. Can be hand-drawn or done on Canva. DO NOT USE ALREADY MADE
c. The information you present on will be put into a google slideshow, for
your peers to look back at, and questions from this project will show up on
the Unit Exam. Thus, your poster must be comprehensive and cover
ALL the required information.
d. A printed out works cited page must be included with what you turn in
for your poster.
e. Posters must be big enough to include all the required information.
Preferably, do not use printer paper for it.

2. A Google Slides Presentation (5 minutes):

a. MUST include 1. Early and impressionable influences 2. Major/Important
achievements, discoveries and works. (most important aspect)
3.Obstacles they overcame 4. Impact 5. Long term significance
b. You should have a large number of pictures, at least 10. There is no limit.
This will be your visual aid to guide you through your presentation.
c. You MUST have speakers notes filled out for every slide for your peers
that will be going through the presentation in our gallery walk.
d. Presentations should have a works cited page at the end and should be
cohesive for someone else to go through and understand.
e. Speaker notes are required to be filled out.

3. Narrated Video:
a. MUST include 1. Early and impressionable influences 2. Major/Important
achievements, discoveries and works. (most important aspect)
3.Obstacles they overcame 4. Impact 5. Long term significance
b. You should have a large number of pictures, at least 10.
c. Your video should be narrated by you, made by you, and should address
the required information for your chosen “great”.
d. Video must be accompanied by a printed out works cited page.

4. Pamphlet or Brochure:
a. MUST include 1. Early and impressionable influences 2. Major/Important
achievements, discoveries and works. (most important aspect)
3.Obstacles they overcame 4. Impact 5. Long term significance
b. You should have a large amount of pictures, but make sure your pamphlet
or brochure still includes all the required information.
i. Your priority for your pamphlet or brochure should be the
required information. Pictures are important, but should not
distract from what you need to get across.
c. Pamphlet/Brochure must be accompanied by a printed out works cited
d. Your pamphlet will be looked at by multiple people, so consider printing
out copies of it for Gallery Walk day.

Your List of Individuals: Chosen by a sign up sheet

1. Johannes Gutenberg C. 1398-1468
2. Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519 (Italian)
3. Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475-1564
4. Women of the Renaissance (MUST talk about women as patrons AND choose
ONE artist from the list below to research, make sure to cover challenges they
faced as patrons and artists)
a. Mary Beale 1633-1699
b. Levina Teerlinc 1510-1576 (French)
c. Catharina Van Hemessen 1528–? (Flemish)
d. Clara Peeters 1589-1657
e. Judith Leyster 1609-1660 (Dutch)
5. William Shakespeare 1554-1616
6. Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1525-1565
7. Gaileo Galilei 1564-1642
8. Raphael Sanzio 1483-1520 (Italian)
9. Niccolo Machiavelli 1469-1527
10. Paracelsus 1493-1541 (German/Swiss)
11. Nicolas Copernicus 1473-1543
12. Filippo Brunelleschi 1377-1446
13. Sandro Boticelli 1445-1510

1. Select one of the project options above. You must include at least two questions
to ask the class on our gallery walk day. These questions can be written on a
note card or slip of paper and set next to your chosen project, or they can be
included in your chosen project option.
a. A Gallery Walk will be used in place of a formal presentation day. You
MUST have your project ready to go on that day, late submissions will not
be accepted. Your participation in the gallery walk will be a portion of your
final grade for this project.

2. Whatever option you choose should be done thoroughly and completely. A

portion of your grade will be based on how complete your project is.

3. The personal (relationship, birth, death….etc.,) details of your chosen historical

figure is only relevant to your project when they relate to their

4. Your focus should be on the following areas:

a. Early and impressionable influences
b. Major/Important achievements, discoveries and works. (most important
c. Obstacles they overcame
d. Impact
e. Long term significance

5. I will include a number of questions based on these presentations in the online

portion of your next test. As you are going through the gallery walk, you will need
to take notes of each historical figure.
6. Rubric breakdowns for each of the projects can be found using this link: Rubrics
a. You should be using your rubric to guide your thought process and
production of your chosen project.
Renaissance Greats and the Age of Reason Sign up Sheet

1. Johannes Gutenberg C. 1398-1468

Student One: ________________________ Project Type:___________
Student Two: ________________________ Project Type:___________
2. Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519
Student One: _______________________ Project Type:____________
Student Two: _______________________ Project Type: ___________
3. Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475-1564
Student One: ______________________Project Type:_____________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:_____________
4. Women of the Renaissance. (As Patrons, Artists, & obstacles they faced,
Student One: ______________________Project Type:_____________
Chosen Woman Artist Name: ________________________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:_____________
Chosen Woman Artist Name: ________________________
Student Three: _____________________Project Type:_____________
Chosen Woman Artist Name: ________________________
5. William Shakespeare 1554-1616
Student One: ____________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ____________________Project Type:___________
Student Three: ____________________Project Type:__________
6. Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1525-1565
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
7. Gaileo Galilei 1564-1642
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Three: _____________________Project Type:___________
8. Raphael Sanzio 1483-1520
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
9. Niccolo Machiavelli 1469-1527
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
10. Paracelsus 1493-1541
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
11. Nicolas Copernicus 1473-1543
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
12. Filippo Brunelleschi 1377-1446
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
13. Sandro Botticelli 1445-1510
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
Renaissance Greats and the Age of Reason Sign up Sheet

14. Johannes Gutenberg C. 1398-1468

Student One: ________________________ Project Type:___________
Student Two: ________________________ Project Type:___________
15. Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519
Student One: _______________________ Project Type:____________
Student Two: _______________________ Project Type: ___________
16. Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475-1564
Student One: ______________________Project Type:_____________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:_____________
17. Women of the Renaissance. (As Patrons, Artists, & obstacles they faced,
Student One: ______________________Project Type:_____________
Chosen Woman Artist Name: ________________________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:_____________
Chosen Woman Artist Name: ________________________
Student Three: _____________________Project Type:_____________
Chosen Woman Artist Name: ________________________
18. William Shakespeare 1554-1616
Student One: ____________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ____________________Project Type:___________
Student Three: ____________________Project Type:__________
19. Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1525-1565
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Three: _____________________Project Type:___________
20. Gaileo Galilei 1564-1642
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Three: _____________________Project Type:___________
21. Raphael Sanzio 1483-1520
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Three: _____________________Project Type:___________
22. Niccolo Machiavelli 1469-1527
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Three: _____________________Project Type:___________
23. Paracelsus 1493-1541
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Three: _____________________Project Type:___________
24. Nicolas Copernicus 1473-1543
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
25. Filippo Brunelleschi 1377-1446
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________
26. Sandro Boticelli 1445-1510
Student One: ______________________Project Type:___________
Student Two: ______________________Project Type:___________

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