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Themes : Analyze the social and psychological reasons for bullying

Mentality Impact from CyberBullying

Stop CyberBullying! The development of increasingly advanced information and telecommunications

technologies has influenced people's behavior. All aspects of life rely on cyberspace, not even a few who
depend on it for their life. Old-fashioned crime quickly adapts to technological sophistication as well as
threatening cyberspace. The most frequently found cases are cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has become a
new phenomenon, especially among young children, and is more violent than bullying in the real world
because it leaves digital footprints such as photos, videos, and writings. The impact of cyberbullying is
also quite large because it is able to influence someone's psychology. Therefore, an explanation and
education are needed regarding the effects of cyberbullying and how actions can be taken to prevent
and avoid it. so that the negative impact of cyberbullying that affects mental health can be suppressed
and resolved.

Based on the page, cyberbullying is bullying or bullying by using digital technology.
Cyberbullying can happen on social media, chat platforms, gaming platforms, and other digital media
platforms. As for the "Think Before" text, cyberbullying is aggressive behavior and the purpose of doing
something to groups or individuals using electronic media, repeatedly from time to time, towards
someone who is considered easy to do resistance to these actions. So it can be concluded that
cyberbullying occurs because of the emergence of a sense of superiority due to the inequality of
strength in physical and mental capacity dominated by the perpetrator against the victim. Cyberbullying,
which is currently dominated by body shaming, is a form of bullying that results in stress and often leads
to depression and psychological disorders in the victim. But on the perpetrator's side, most of them did
not realize that the actions they took included cyberbullying. Perpetrator cyberbullying always fortifies
itself; they just give criticism and suggestions to victims without being aware of the impact felt by the
victim on their mental health.

The impact of victims of cyberbullying are very fatal and can endanger himself. The impacts is not
only emotionally but also mentally, where is the purpose of the perpetrators of cyberbullying are indeed
for humiliate or humiliate the victim.The general impact experienced by the victims are like “humiliated,
stressed” and depression that leads to humiliation as well as continuous pressure to the victim so that it
causes sad and depressed. Victims can also have an impact on health mentally like, paranoid, lost self-
confidence, aggressive, and also able to commit a criminal act to express emotions toward what is
happening to the victim. It is sure only due to the presence of anger and the revenge felt by the victims
cyberbullying so that thoughts, emotions, and they are mentally disturbed. Currently, most of the
victims cyberbullying feel insecure or feel inferior to someone who obeys they are better than them.
This can also happen because unconsciously the perpetrator said words unworthy of someone with
mention their shortcomings or even insulted them. Cyberbullying no matter who it is, no care for
ordinary people, influencers, even official or high-ranking state though. In criticizing and comment, we
all have rights about this but there are limitations-limitations that need to be considered so as not to be
a big problem. The impact of cyberbullying can also be extends to the environment of the victims, such
as feel unworthy to convey something and lose faith himself. Perpetrators also won't be shy spread
hatred towards what someone did on social media, no care for the victim doing good but perpetrators
will continue to blaspheme and abuse the victim. Most perpetrators of cyberbullying mentioned that the
actions they do is a form of criticism, but unknowingly it can bring down someone's mentality and make
the victim feel that he indeed deserves the treatment and not a few who choose to end his life.
Cyberbullying as a crime in the form of an act of intimidation in information technology has been
rampant in the world, as well as in Indonesia. Indonesia, as a country that adheres to a democratic
system of government, of course, highly upholds justice and maintains human safety. One of the ways
the Indonesian government seeks to address cyberbullying is by making a Law on Information and
Electronic Transactions (UU ITE). The ITE Law was established in 2008, but it was changed to become a
law, Law No. 19, in 2016 as the number of Internet users increased.According to the national news,
namely Liputan6, the reason for changing this law is that the number of internet users has increased
very sharply. From the range of 2010–2016, the number of users on the internet has tripled. So,
therefore, according to the Director General of Applications Informatics, Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan,
ensuring the safety of the internet requires legal protection. That's why the ITE Law was amended and
formed to regulate usage procedures on the internet so as not to be chaotic. This law applies to
prohibitions and criminal witnesses.

Socializing activities that are done in the virtual world have given rise to a new term, namely netizen.
Netizen are people who are active in the world of the internet. These netizens play an important role in
the cyberbullying problem. The Internet is used by many people around the world and allows users to
interact without having to meet or get to know each other. This then makes cyberbullying in cyberspace
very dangerous because someone can just be bullied by thousands of people in a short time by people
who don't even know each other. People who are victims of cyberbullying feel more and more
depressed and not a little hurt themselves or even choose to end their lives. Therefore, every netizen or
Internet user must be wise in selecting and typing words or comments on social media. This matter is
due to people's interpretations of a different word or sentence. It could be a sentence that is aimed at
as a critique, suggestion, or even just  a joke that is interpreted differently because of the inappropriate
choice of words. If that person made a mistake, they should be reminded via message  with the right
words to make them realize their mistake, intentionally or unintentionally, without feeling embarrassed
and cornered. The crime of cyberbullying is indeed very difficult to control because of its wide scope. So
that requires awareness from each individual.

So, in conclusion, as netizens, we should be wise in using social media. Because it is undeniable that
social media users are the ones who become supervisors of cyberbullying on the internet. Let us work
together to be an informed and sympathetic netizen in the case of cyberbullying. If you find the act of
cyberbullying does not enliven meaningless debates, but should give support and morale to victims and
help report cyberbullying if the victim needs help.

Reviewer : Rayhan Adil 10621225

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