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1) Explain our purpose is to create a phone free environment for the show

a) When patrons ask why they have to do this, the response is that it is per the
artist's request as they want all guests to be able to enjoy the show/event
uninterrupted and without distraction.
b) This is not a punishment for people and it should never be presented as such.
c) Consider your patron and cater your approach
2) Patron Interaction/ Locking process for ingress
a) Ask if their phone is on “Silent or vibrate” - The patrons that need to be reachable
on their phones will let you know & in those cases reassure them that the vibrate
method is fine. Airplane mode is also acceptable and fast + eliminates the
distraction and temptation vibrates bring.
b) Locking process
i) Screens away from pins
ii) Do not double up phones to 1 case
iii) Smart watches/Fitbits and phones can go in one case
(1) Never put SmartWatch/Fitbits on screen side of phone
(2) Patrons always ask why Fitbits are included
(a) Fitbits and heath watches now have the same
functionality as a smartwatch so we have to treat them
all the same. Additionally, they light up and it can be
distracting for the Artist on stage or guests in the crowd
iv) No clicks or pops when you close the case. Pin will slide straight in.
v) Always check lock before handing back to Patron *Emphasize the
importance of this critical step.
vi) If a case is giving you a hard time, do not struggle with it for longer than
1-2 tries. Put the cases in a tote bag or hamper to the side and move on,
so as to keep the line moving. Damaged Pouches should be combined
and set aside for the Event Manager to handle.
c) For most events, there will be a designated Phone Use Area. For patrons that
seem worried, uneasy, or just curious letting them know about this area often
alleviates their concerns. Patrons will have access to the Phone Use Area
anytime during the event which will be where YOU are stationed at this event.
3) Keep tables neat and organized throughout the ingress and don’t throw broken cases in
piles on the floor. Place an empty tote or hamper under the table to collect defective
cases as you go
4) Never leave unlocking bases unattended
a) Patrons will try to take them from tables once they realize what they do.
5) Be stern but polite with patrons who push back. Explain:
a) The no phone policy is per the Artist’s request and that the goal is to make sure
everyone can enjoy the show without interruption.
b) There are designated Phone Use Areas where they can go to check their phones
as needed.
c) If Patrons are pushing back continuously, flag the Event Manager to handle
6) Egress / Unlocking phones
a) Staff will be in a single line across each exit
b) As patrons approach, take the secured pouch from them, open it, hand it back
with the bottom of the pouch towards the guest. Let the guests take their own
phone out of their pouch themselves.
c) As guests approach, continuously tell them to drop their case in the collection
hamper at the exit.

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