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Narrator: The prince of Verona, Prince Escalus, along with Tybalt Capulet, moves
ahead together around the Kingdom, discussing important matters. Whilst, a
servant came forward and gave utterance to the prince about something has gone
not as planned. The prince hurriedly took off. Later, Tybalt saw Mercutio, upon
seeing him, a possibility woke him up, thinking if Mercutio is here, Then, Romeo
shall be here.

TYBALT: Well³, look who we have here?

MERCUTIO: Oh Lord, Have Mercy.

TYBALT: Why must? Not to mention, your boon companion is not here. Why is

MERCUTIO: Boon companion, huh. You and your obsession with Romeo, how

TYBALT: Oh please, my only reasoning to live is to bring Romeo to his end.

Now, I may ask, where must he be?

MERCUTIO: Well, I'm afraid I cannot tell you that, my friend.

TYBALT: Tsk, how bland. You are nothing but a mere sloth to Romeo, always
behind his shadow.
MERCUTIO: Oh, why must you attack me like that? Your quite existing is just
irksome. You, looking for Romeo, sort of a girl longing for the love of her life.

TYBALT: Mocking me like I an some blague. This is getting tiresome, tell me

where is Romeo or you thou shall face wrath. *gun appears*

MERCUTIO: Come over here then.

NARRATOR: Tybalt was about to trigger but Mercutio managed to grab his hand
and was about to break it however.



NARRATOR: Stopping the two, another man came close.

PRINCE ESCALUS: What had happened here?

MERCUTIO: Oh nothing, your majesty, a simple rat just drew his gun and about
to destroy kingdom.

TYBALT: Oh please, those who mock me, includes you, thy shall know agony.

ROMEO: I may not know, what had happened, but you coming at my friend like
that is irritating.

NARRATOR: Tybalt, whose gun is still in his hand, triggered and about to hit
Romeo not when Mercutio grabbed Romeo's hand and made his way. Prince
Escalus, who was spectating this, was furious.

NARRATOR: Said furiously at them. Prince Escalus calming his self down, turned
his head to Romeo.

PRINCE ESCALUS: A Montague, perhaps that was why Tybalt triggered. Must
this family feud go on? I don't understand but this is simply immature. Though
two families are noble, fighting like this cannot bring the kingdom up near to

ROMEO: We sincerely apologize, you highness.

PRINCE ESCALUS: Oh you must be, it is utterly disrespectful. Fighting like mere
cats om the streets. Therefore, I conclude, you(pointing at Romeo), a Montague,
and you(pointing at Tybalt), a Capulet, shall not fight. This family feud is over, I
cannot dare to witness any other.

NARRATOR: Prince Escalus stating like a true prince, ending a fight between two
families, leaving the two speechless. However, is this really it? Is it really over?
Well, it's just the beginning. Let us prepare ourselves, story goes on.

Narrator: Peter the servant will spread the news about the masquerade ball and
will announce when it will happen. Paris will ask Juliet to dance with him, while
they are dancing Romeo interrupted the ball and suddenly Tybalt recognized
Romeo's voice. He then chased Romeo to kill him but it didn't happen because
Lord Capulet chased Tybalt, after what happened Nanny hurriedly fetch Juliet and
warned Romeo about their family status. Juliet spoke to herself out loud on her
balcony while Romeo and his friends were on their way home, Romeo heard
Juliet's thoughts and he then hurriedly ran to where Juliet is and they spoke for a

PETER: Here here. On this day, today there shall be held Masquerade Ball at the
Capulet’s Manor.

PARIS: May I have this opportunity to dance with you?

JULIET: It would be my pleasure to have a dance with you.

*Romeo, Benvolio, Mercutio enters the scene

Tybalt to Lord Capulet*

TYBALT: That man over there looks familiar…

Realization hits*

TYBALT: I knew it! its Romeo a Montague feature, I will not endure him!

*Romeo noticed Tybalt going after him

ROMEO: seems like Tybalt’s up to something, Benvolio, Mercutio you can

disguise yourself better without me being with your side, I have to go see you guys
later at least… if you won’t get caught! HAHA!

BENVOLIO: Come on, you got to be kidding…

MERCUTIO: Really? at this situation you still joke around
BENVOLIO: Anyway, you should go now before Tybalt caughts you…

NARRATOR: Meanwhile Lord Capulet chased after Tybalt and said

LORD CAPULET: You have to stop whatever you're planning, you can't make a
scene here besides I doubt Romeo would make a scene because he has a good
manner, resist yourself remember what Prince Escalus said

*Tybalt was then convinced

TYBALT: Fine! only for now, Romeo will someday meet his tragic demise on my
own hand.

NARRATOR: While Romeo is trying to disguise himself he accidentally bumped

into someone!

*Romeo helped the girl

ROMEO: mi lady? Are you okay?

NARRATOR: The girl is facing down because her mask fell down

*Juliet turned her head to Romeo and both were mesmerized

JULIET: Y-yes, I'm fine, a-absolutely.

NARRATOR: Seems like a love at first sight! but before Romeo could response
someone suddenly interfered!

*Nanny witnessed the scene and hurriedly fetch Juliet

NANNY: come here Juliet, you cannot entertain someone who don’t even belong
NARRATOR: Nanny then turned to Romeo and warned him about their

NANNY: You can't be together, Juliet is a Capulet! You shall stop whatever
you're feeling towards her!
*Romeo was then left alone

(At the Balcony) JULIET: O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny
thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And
I'll no longer be a Capulet.

ROMEO: Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?

JULIET: 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a
Montague. What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any
other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? that
which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would,
were he not Romeo called, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without
that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name which is no part of thee Take
all myself.

ROMEO: I take thee at thy word: Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo.

NARRATOR: After the confession they suddenly exchange each other’s letter time
to time, day by day as passes by, until Romeo finally ask Juliet to marry him


Romeo asked the priest (Friar Lawrence) for help with the wedding, at a young
age they married secretly since they know that each other’s family wouldn’t allow.
After the marriage a fought happen between Mercutio and Tybalt but then Romeo
arrived and stopped them, Romeo apologized to Tybalt for his friends actions
towards him, then suddenly a miracle happened things worked out and Tybalt

*Friar Laurence and Romeo enters

FRIAR LAURENCE: So smile the heavens upon this holy act That after-hours
with sorrow chide us not.

ROMEO: Amen, amen. But come what sorrow can, It cannot countervail the
exchange of joy That one short minute gives me in her sight. Do thou but close
our hands with holy words, Then love-devouring death do what he dare, It is
enough I may but call her mine.

FRIAR LAWRENCE: These violent delights have violent ends And in their
triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss, consume. The sweetest
honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness And in the taste confounds the
appetite. Therefore love moderately. Long love doth so. Too swift arrives as tardy
as too slow.

*Juliet enters and walked slowly

Juliet’s and Romeo’s vow: “ With this hand I will lift your sorrows, Your cup will
never empty for I will be your wine, With this candle I will light your way in
darkness, With this ring I ask you to be mine”.

FRIAR LAWRENCE: You may now kiss the bride!

NANNY: Congratulations milady { as she hugs Juliet }.

NARRATOR: After the secret marriage took place, Tybalt then travels his way to
Romeo’s house and as soon as he arrived Tybalt angrily approach Benvolio then

TYBALT: Where is Romeo?! I shall challenge him for a battle!

NARRATOR: Benvolio then replied:

Benvolio: As much as Romeo wanted to but I guess it’s not your day since Romeo
is not around he must have gone early…
MERCUTIO: You must be disappointed since you’ve travel quite a long way also,
you must want to rest how about you continue your way to afterlife? HAHA!

TYBALT: How dare you insult me who do you think you are? you’re nothing but
a piece of paper HAHA!

BENVOLIO: Enough! you two are such an immature creatures!

TYBALT: Then how about you go first to the afterlife Mercutio? { points the gun}

NARRATOR: While Tybalt’s pointing the gun at Mercutio someone suddenly


ROMEO: Mind if you lower done your weapons?

TYBALT: Finally, here you are at least I wouldn’t waste my bullet for some useless
creature HAHA!
ROMEO Do you mind also if you watch what you’re saying, it’s kind of
disrespecting us when you’re at our property.

BENVOLIO: You may just leave Tybalt before any serious accident may happen,
we thank you for putting an effort on visiting us...

ROMEO: Don’t mind them Tybalt I sincerely apologize on my behalf of the

actions of my friends towards you, now as go along shall I say see you next time!

NARRATOR: as Tybalt return home he then whisper to himself

TYBALT: {You may be lucky enough to avoid this day Romeo but I swear to
myself, I will avenge when the time comes}
Juliet's parents are suspicious about Juliet and Romeo. So they forced Juliet to
marry Paris, while Romeo wasn't aware he goes to Mantua for his family matter,
Juliet's mother told Juliet to marry Paris after 2 days which made Juliet panic and
desperately begged Friar Laurence to help her then Laurence helped her.

---At Juliet's room---

LADY CAPULET: Next early Thursday morning, the county Paris shall make
thee there a happily joyful bride.

JULIET: (gasp) He shall not make me there a joyful bride! NO NOOO Juliet's
mother shocked at her reaction, went out of her room and went to her
husband. ...............

JULIET’S FATHER: So it is concluded ( hug’s Paris).... Son

PARIS: I'll get going now, Lord Capulet.

(---closes the door---)

LORD CAPULET; How my wife, have you delivered her the degree?

LADY CAPULET: I sir, but she won't give you thanks


LORD CAPULET: (SHOCKED) howww?! take me with you wife. Why will she
not give us thanks?? Is she not proud?? How unworthy as she is that we have
wrought so worthy of a gentleman to be her groom?? Wretched fool!! Let me see

(Starts marching to Juliet's room)

LORD CAPULET: You ungrateful fool! I tell you what, you'll either be in the
church on Thursday, wearing a white gown, marrying Paris or never after look me
in the face!

JULIET: Oh father! I beg you please don't

LORD CAPULET: You'll marry Paris and you be not hang, starve, die in the

JULIET: Father!
LORD CAPULET: Just do it, I'll not be far sworn.

(Went out of the room)

NARRATOR: Juliet's crying intensifies, but a thought came through her mind
that made her stop.

JULIET: I shall go and seek for help to Friar Laurence!

( At the room with friar Laurence)

JULIET: Oh my Lord! I beg you please, please help me. I cannot marry him! How
can I prevent this??

FRIAR LAURENCE: I pity you to the point that I couldn’t just do nothing, here I
offer you a valuable item but you must follow my instructions in order to fulfill
your desire…

JULIET: I shall follow because I’d rather die than spend my life without Romeo.

4th scene :THE POISON

Night before the wedding takes place, Juliet drank the
poison Friar Laurence gave her. Henceforth, the wedding
took place. Everyone patiently waiting for the bride got
confused as there was no signs of her showing up, chaos
has emerged.
LADY CAPULET: Goodness gracious, where has Juliet gone to?
Whilst all that,

*the nanny (nurse) checked to see Juliet in her bedroom*

NANNY: Milady, have you finished preparing? Guests are waiting. She
claimed, then opened the door, seeing her Lady still asleep.

NANNY: I must wake her. Milady milady your wedding is about to

start. (undraws the curtains) I still have to dress you i really need to
wake you.

{Then realized she has died}



*Entered Lady Capulet looking confused*

LADY CAPULET: What is going on here?




NANNY: I must go to the church i shall inform them that Juliet is


LADY CAPULET: You must hurry! My child has died very cruelly!

NARRATOR: the Nurse hurriedly went to the church and informed

everyone the horrible news. Then spread around the kingdom. Their
beautiful Juliet has died in such a horrible way.

NARRATOR: Friar John who had ought to deliver the message to

Romeo, but the servant already had delivered the messsage to Romeo,
however the message was not the one it was supposed to be. With all
that, Romeo hurriedly went to the Capulet tomb to where Juliet's body

PARIS: Stop thyself! You dare to step in this place!

ROMEO: I may not know who you are, but those who hurdle my way
shall face my gun!

PARIS: Then shall thee!

ROSALINE: Stop this, my Lords! Disturbing the peace of my lady is an


ROMEO: I must see her!

PARIS: You cannot!

ROSALINE: You may go in. (Paris looked at Rosaline, but later gave
way to Romeo)

PARIS: Fine, *whispers* you're lucky she's here.

NARRATOR: Romeo arrives the tomb and settles down besides Juliet's
cold body.

ROMEO: O my love! my wife! *shakes her shoulder* wake up! I beg


NARRATOR: Juliet with no signs of waking up.

ROMEO: Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty. Here, Will I set up
my everlasting rest. I shall join you my love.

NARRATOR: as Romeo tries to drink the poison. Something stopped

him and grabbed his hand.


NARRATOR: Romeo, froze, upon seeing Juliet arouse, tears suddenly

streaming down from his face

ROMEO: OH JULIET MY LOVE. I thought you were gone. I lost hope

in Everything I was about to follow my destiny.

JULIET: Oh Romeo my love, you must've misunderstood. I was not

deceased for it was obly temporary.

ROMEO: oh Juliet I don’t know how to react for I am very

JULIET: Worry not my love, I am here. I would never leave you. *she
said while looking in Romeo's eyes

NARRATOR: Romeo slowly held Juliets face and kissed her.

(nag hug)
NARRATOR: The two decided to disclose the truth and confront
everyone. But subsequently, the nanny entered the tomb, seeing Juliet
arouse with Romeo beside her, hastily reported everyone outside about
the situation.



JULIET: NO! HE IS NOT TO BLAME! I chose to be with him! But

you! You made me feel hopeless! You are not to decide for me! I chose
my fate, my happiness! Being with Romeo is the only reason that keeps
me wake!

LORD CAPULET: Child! We are doing this for your own good!

JULIET: My own good? Funny, you could've killed me. You all

ROMEO: Love, calm down

JULIET: Oh Romeo.

LORD CAPULET: Stop this instant! What is with you two, acting
intimate whilst not even married yet!

FRIAR LAURENCE: Oh, I apologize, my lord but the marriage has

already been settled.

NARRATOR: Friar Laurence, who received the news that the message
has been delayed, respectfully stepped into the matter.

CAPULET: What on earth do you mean?

(Tybalt interferes)

TYBALT: Romeo Montague! You insolent wuss! I will seriously kill


NARRATOR: Tybalt, who was about to draw his sword was then
stopped by Friar Laurence.

FRIAR LAURENCE: Those who acts violence infront of the priest shall
be claimed as guilty! Arrest him!

Guards holding him down

TYBALT: Get your hands off mw! I swear, Romeo Montague. I will
come thee and kill you!

Took him to jail

NARRATOR: Friar Laurence gave the couple a look, proceeding;

FRIAR LAURENCE: Anyway, secret marriage took place between

them, with you, unaware.

NARRATOR: Everyone, shocked at this disclosure, looked at the two

with wide eyes.

ROMEO: We deeply apologize with the sudden revelation, but this is we

ought to do, we ought to decide, Lord Capulet.

JULIET: Father, being said as an ungrateful or an unworthy child to you

was alright. Thou, I shall not lie, I suffered for most. I did everything I
could for you to love me, but i guess everything was not enough. I
accepted the fact, you cannot give me anythiny I want but please. Just
this once, let us be together at most.

NARRATOR: Lord Capulet guiltily looked away, feeling sorry, he

asked for forgiveness.

PARIS' MOTHER: What about my son? What are you going to do my

poor son?

NARRATOR: Paris hesitated for a while then exclaimed;

PARIS: I, too, have a confession to make! I am inlove with Rosaline.

That masquerade ball, night I saw her, I fell inlove. {Looking at
Rosaline} Rosaline, love, may i take your hand and be mine?

NARRATIR: Rosaline, who was as red as a tomato, with the sudden

confession, happily accepted.

ROSALINE: Yes, you may.

NARRATOR: From there on, the Capulet approached the Montague, to
discuss the matters and had an agreement. Them, being able to reconcile
with the Montague, claimed to have them a proper wedding.

NARRATOR: Romeo sees Juliet walking down the aisle was dream
come true. He took her hand and said;

ROMEO: My love, you are looking as beautiful as always.

{Kisses her hand} Wedding continues, saying their vows.

FRIAR LAURENCE: Hence, shall thee, you may kiss the bride!

NARRATOR: Romeo and Juliet exchanged kisses while everyone was

celebrating their love. AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER,


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