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Dawit Light and Light coffee online food order

1. Background

-Background to the project

 The company that we choose is a private institution which is called Dawit Light. we have
decided to build a website to it.

 With the improvement of technology, online ordering systems are becoming a popular topic.
That is because they are serving the ever increasing demand for convince. The main purpose of
an online ordering system is to provide customers for a way to place an order over the internet.

So why is this important?

 The main reason is that it benefits both the customer and the business.
 With a website, customers can easily browse all the things are available, customize what they
need to their requirements and place an order. It can also save their favorite orders allowing
them to easily re-order that in the future.
 From the Companies perspective, they no longer spend time taking the customer’s order, stop
worrying about communication errors and streamline their order management workflow.
 From the customers perspective Online ordering gives customers the freedom and choice to
place an order at virtually any time, from anywhere, saving the time and resources typically
spent on travelling to pick up a there item. It also gives the customers the advantage of
reordering the favorite order in the easiest and hassle-free manner.

2. Statement of the Problem

 When customers want to order online, they don’t want to spend their time navigating a
complicated menu that doesn’t allow them to easily modify or add to their interest of
 If customers try to order online and find that the menu is confusing or complicated, they will
more than likely click away from the site.
 They can easily get rid of standing in a long queue for placing orders and wait for their turn to
take the delivery of their orders. They can place orders from anywhere and anytime online using
the customized ordering software of the company. As a result, they willingly give orders in bulk.
You can also expect corporate orders by offering them the convenience to place orders online.
 All you need to keep your delivery network ready to handle bulk or large orders.
 Ideas that are listed in here will be improved or updated on our main project.

3. Aims of the Project

 The main purpose of an online ordering system is to provide customers for a way to place
an order over the internet and also to make itself beneficial for the customer and the

 Objectives of the project

The general Objectives of the project is to develop a reliable, convenient and accurate Ordering System.
The study has the following specific objectives:

 To develop a system that will surely satisfied the customer service.

 To design a system able to accommodate huge amount of orders at a time.
 To evaluate its performance and acceptability in terms of security, user-friendliness, accuracy
and reliability
 To improve the communication between the client and the server and minimize the time of
 scope of the project
 In this online ordering system the owner can sale food and light products based on the
customer's desire and also it provides us a convenient way to sale.
4. Literature Review

 To develop a system that will surely satisfied the customer service will be considered as an
 One of the Objective is to design a system that is able to accommodate huge amount of orders
at a time.
 To evaluate its performance and acceptability in terms of security, user-friendliness, accuracy
and reliability is an important objective. To improve the communication between the client and
customers is one of the objective.
 In our literature review there was a system but the system was built only by using the frontend
development and this system is not more user friendly so we’ve decided to make the backend
program which makes the users interact to the system like buying items(foods, lights) and make
more interesting than the former one.
 Our system will be implemented by using programing languages like HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT AND
BOOTSTRAP for the front end and PHP, MYSQL for the backend.

5 .Design and Methodology

Here are some collection methods for our study:

 Interviews
 Questionnaires and surveys
 Observations
 Documents and records
 Interviews are made by going there and asking the company employees how the actual
system works but not only by asking we have also made questionnaires that will help us
understanding the things going on.
 We will use a waterfall model under the software development life cycle (SDLC) is the
methodology used to produce the online food ordering system and the customer Self ordering
 It divides the development process into several stages or processes. After the completion of one
stage, it will logically move to another stage. Sometimes moving back to the previous stage is
necessary due to failure that occurs in current stage.

6. Bibliography



1. Background

-Background to the project

We chose a web based voting system for Ethiopia

Online Voting is a web-based voting system that will help you manage your elections easily and securely.

 Reasons why online voting could be a good option

 Vote at anytime from anywhere: Today’s way of living doesn’t leave much free time. We have
little to no time to do anything or go anywhere. So don’t you think that maybe giving the chance
to the members of your organization to cast their vote in just a few minutes, without the need
to go to a certain place
 Boost participation: As a result of the previous point, choosing online voting for your election
will more likely boost the participation. You will give the chance to members that otherwise may
not be able to vote.
 Less physical infrastructure: When running a voting online, you avoid the need for all the
physical infrastructure usually required on a traditional voting. 
 Fast and easy vote: online voting is run by machines, you can assure that it will not have human
counting errors and that it will in most cases run faster than a count carried out by persons.

2. Statement of the Problem

 The intension of this project is developing automated voting system for Ethiopia. The current
mechanism for handling the vote management system of the country is limited on manual work.
This has limitation on controlling the work securely, for declaring the result on time, and has
high consumption on resources.
 Online voting technology intends to speed the counting of ballots, reduce the cost of paying
staff to count votes manually and can provide improved accessibility for disabled voters. Also in
the long term, expenses are expected to decrease.
  Results can be reported and published faster.
 Voters save time and cost by being able to vote independently from their location. This may
increase overall voter turnout. The citizen groups benefiting most from electronic elections are
the ones living abroad, citizens living in rural areas far away from polling stations and the
disabled with mobility impairments.
3. Aims of the Project

 The main objective of the project is developing an online voting system for Ethiopia
 Online voting tools and online election voting systems help you make important
decisions by gathering the input of your group in a way that is systematic and verifiable.
 Online voting allows people in today’s mobile and digitally advanced society to
participate in the democratic process over the internet. The online voting system offers
the highest levels of transparency, control, security and efficiency of election processes.
 The objectives of this project are:
 To build an online system this would enable voters to cast their votes on chosen candidates
 Create a secure authentication facility to check validate users logging into the voting system
 Create tools for the administrator to add, delete and update details of voters, candidates and
sub administrators on the system
 Enable administrators to generate reports on the vote results
 Prevent voters from voting more than once for their choose candidates

 The scope of this project is developing web based voting system for Ethiopia. There are different
kinds of electronic voting system in the world, but this project targets to do web based voting
system. The system contains modules that can handle voters’ and candidates’ registration
system, including vote counting module.

4. Literature Review
 We will collect information from different references, projects and web sites.
Mainly we will get more information from the Ethiopian Electoral, Political Parties Registration and
Election’s Code of Conduct Proclamation book.

 We will use the PHP and database tool to develop the computer based system. In
addition to these programming and database tools we will use additional software to
different tasks. For Fronted (HTML, JavaScript,..) and Backend(SQL Server,Database)

5. Design and Methodology

 The method used to achieve the development of the project based on the fact that must
be applied to overcome the manual voting System
 Observation: We will use observation to know how the existing system work
 Interview: through this technique we get different information’s from the current
workers of the organization and from peoples who have been participating on voting
 We will use the model iterative model is a particular implementation of a software
development life cycle (SDLC) that focuses on an initial, simplified implementation,
which then progressively gains more complexity and a broader feature set until the final
system is complete.
 The progress is easy measurable.
 Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle.
 More flexible – less costly to change scope and requirements.
 Easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration.
6. Bibliography


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