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it leads to a slight decrease in dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels.

application of ketoconazole shampoos at a frequency of two to four times per
week, with a scalp contact duration of approximately three to five minutes, has
demonstrated an 80% success rate in preserving hair that would otherwise be
lost. The efficacy of ketoconazole shampoos in promoting hair regrowth
remains uncertain. The conventional suggestion is to engage in scalp contact
for a duration of approximately three to five minutes, with a frequency of two
to four times per week [35].

In the event that one chooses to utilize ketoconazole as a strategy for

mitigating hair loss, it is imperative to acquire a shampoo containing a
minimum of two percent concentration of ketoconazole. There is a plethora of
hair products available in the market that contain 1%. Ketoconazole may elicit
side effects such as mild scalp irritation, as well as hair thinning and
brittleness [36].

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