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Watch this point in Tennis and see if you can write down 5 points that made the performers

What makes these Tennis players SKILLED?

1. Focused primarily on the ball and its play

2. Enhanced kinaesthetic sense allowing them to respond and return the ball reflexively
and with control
3. Anticipation allowing each player to predict where the ball is to go next
4. Consistency in their hits as well as performed with the correct technique

Past questions

2016 q 25 - 5 marks
Using examples distinguish between valid and reliable tests of athletic performance

- Validity is the honesty (legitimacy) of a test that is, the degree to which it measures what it is
supposed to measure. For example validity would be in doubt if a long jumper completes
tests focusing on cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular endurance and agility as they are not
skills used by the athlete, however, if a marathon runner completed tests focusing on
cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular endurance validity would not be in doubt as it is
measuring what is supposed to be measured.
- Reliability, however, refers to the degree of consistency of a test meaning its ability to
produce the same results on successive occasions. An example of an unreliable test is to
compare a ‘beep’ test conducted on grass with one done on the gym floor, and/or to use
different ‘versions’ of the ‘beep’ test for each. This is because both have been undertaken in a
different manner which will affect the end results.

2015 q 27 - 5 marks
Why are both objective and subjective performance measures appropriate in the assessment
of an athletic performance?

Subjective observation refers to a judgement of performance quality based on feelings,

impressions or opinions rather than a measurement system and objective measures refers to
performance measures which are done based of a measurement system. Both subjective and
objective performance measures are used to decide on the skill level of performance. Some
sports are easier to measure, for example, swimming, soccer, long jump, track events and
marathons this is because they are measured based on the time taken, number scored or
distance achieved which can be measured by an object rather than requiring or relying on an
accessor or judge. Whereas, other sports and performances are not determined by time,
distance or goals scored but usually a scoring system used by judges. For example, in diving,
gymnastics and surfing, subjective measures are used as they are required to be assessed by a
judge or assessor based on their level of skill and execution technique which cannot be done
by a timer or other object.

2014 q 28 (8 marks)
How can the skill and performance attributes of athletes be validly and reliably appraised?

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