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The rate of photosynthesis would increase due to more uptake of CO2 in the


The rate of photosynthesis would decrease due to less capturing of light in

the light-dependent reactions.

The rate of photosynthesis would vary depending on the type of light and the
pigments present in the plant.

The rate of photosynthesis would decrease due to.

The rate of photosynthesis would decrease due to less capturing of

light in the light-dependent.

The rate of photosynthesis would decrease due to less capturing of

light in the light-dependent reactions because since whenever.

The rate of photosynthesis would decrease due to more repulsive

behavior of light in.

The rate of photosynthesis would decrease due to less; however, it

would be not nice.

The rate of photosynthesis would decrease due to less capturing of

light in the.

The rate of photosynthesis would increase because of plants.

The purpose of cellular respiration is to produce energy for an organism to use in order to

Outer membrane
Oxydative Phosphorylation
Krebs Cycle
(mitochondrial matrix)
Intermembrane space

Oxidation is the loss of an electron or proton, while reduction is the gain of an electron. During
cellular respiration, glucose molecules are oxidized, while oxygen molecules are reduced to
produce water molecules.

Cellular respiration is a process that occurs in all living organisms because they need energy
to survive.

The process of glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell and it involves the oxidation of
a glucose molecule through different enzyme-catalyzed reactions to produce two molecules
of pyruvic acid (pyruvate), 2 ATP, and 2 NADH.

The purpose of glycolysis is to break down glucose molecules into two molecules of
pyruvate. A net of 2 ATP and 2 NADH are formed at the end of the process as well.

The process of glycolysis does not require oxygen and is therefore anaerobic.
The starting molecule for the Krebs cycle is acetyl-coenzyme A, which is produced in a
preparatory reaction before the occurence of the Krebs cycle. During this reaction, pyruvic
acid is converted to a molecule of acetyl coA, while also causing the reduction of NAD+ and
also the release of CO2.

Carbon dioxide is produced during the Krebs cycle due to the breakdown of different
molecules that contain carbon throughout the reaction, such as isocitrate and α-
ketoglutarate, which in turn cause the release of CO2.

The coenzymes NADH and FADH2 receive the electrons that result from the continuous
oxidation occuring in the Krebs cycle.
Electrons with high energy are required for the process of oxydative phosphorylation
because the energy level of an electron passing through the electron transport chain
decreases each time it passes through an electron carrier molecule. These high-energy
electrons are provided by the oxidation of NADH and FADH2.

The proton gradient produced by chemiosmosis creates a concentration difference of H+

ions between the motochondrial matrix and the interspace membrane of the mitochondrion.
These H+ ions travel down their concentration gradient back into the mitochondrion through
ATP synthase. The ow of the H+ ions through ATP synthase to drive the phosphorylation of
ADP and produce ATP.

The seperation of the mitochondrial matrix from the intermembrane space allows for the
buildup of H+ ions.

As electrons pass along through the different members of the electron transport chain, their
potential energy decreases, energy is released. This energy is used to pump H+ ions into the
intermembrane space of the mitochondrion, creating a proton gradient.

As electrons pass along through the different members of the electron transport chain, their
potential energy decreases, energy is released. This energy is used to pump H+ ions into the
intermembrane space of the mitochondrion, creating a proton gradient.

The terminal electron acceptor in the electron transport chain is 1/2 O2, where the oxygen.
electrons, and protons all combine to form water.

The terminal electron acceptor in the electron transport chain is 1/2 O2, where the oxygen.
electrons, and protons all combine to form water.
The process of glycolysis occurs in both fermentation and aerobic respiration.

The process of fermentation aims to replenish to restart the process of glycolysis. During
alcohol fermentation, the pyruvic acid produced from glycolysis is reduced to ethanol and
CO2, and NADH is oxidized to NAD+. During lactic acid fermentation, the pyruvic acid
produced from glycolysis is reduced to lactic acid, and NADH is oxidized to NAD+. (without
the release of CO2).

Fermentation is an important process to many different types of organism because it allows

for the production of ATP without the need for oxygen, which was crucial for organisms that
lived during Earth's prehistoric condition where oxygen was scarce.

Our muscle cells begin to switch from aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration when
there is a shortage of oxygen. In this process, our muscle cells produce lactic acid as a
byproduct to keep the process going.

Germinating seeds require a lot of energy to break the seed coat and start growing;
therefore, their respiration rate increases. On the other hand, non-germinating seeds are
dormant and use very little energy, exhibiting a lower respiration rate.

0.08 ml/s

0.04 ml/s

When more oxygen is consumed,

metabolism occurs faster.
The respiration rate in mammals would decrease in cold temperatures in order to not
lose heat.

The respiration rate in mammals would increase in warm temperatures because the energy
required to engage in the chemical reactions of cellular respiration decreases.

An ectotherm relies primarily on its external environment to regulate the temperature of its
body, such as reptiles or amphibians; whereas, an endotherm can regulate its own body
temperature, such as mammals.

An ectotherm in a cold environment carries the risk of injury or death, while ectotherms would
bene t from warmer environments because they can regulate their body temperature.
An endotherm in a cold environment increases its metabolic heat production to keep their
body temperature constant, while the cellular respiration rate of an endotherm in a warm
environment would increase because the energy required for cellular respiration is minimal.

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