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High school life , people always say that high school is the most memorable part
of our school journey , but some of them were saying that high school , is the
beginning of our pressure , struggle and stress. But I will share you my opinion about
high school.

High school life. Probably the happiest time of our lives. High school life is the
bomb. Too many memorable moments to remember. But at the same time high school
life gave us pressure , like having a performance task , written works , defense and
upcoming exams at the same time with a short deadline. But with your friends around
everything will be easy. Just like in real life ,high school life can be grouped in two
sides , the fun side and working or studying side. It is a fun period in life , because
teenagers have no sense of responsibility apart from studying. But the important is
that we make a memories and did our best in studying
High school life , is the most memorable journey of our school life , most fun
time , but it is also the beginning of our stressful journey , but with your friends
around , it will be more easier. High school will always be the most fun part of our
school journey. But a little reminder that it is not always about having fun but also
studying hard , while making memories.Now how about you? Do we have a same
thoughts about high school life?

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