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Historical Antecedents which Changed the Course  This code of law was a vital instrument in

of Science and Technology maintaining the peace, harmony and

prosperity in the empire.
Prehistoric time (2.3 mya) NEBUCHADNEZZAR II (604 - 562 BCE)
 Shaped stones used for chopping and  One of the mightiest monarchs of all time.
scraping, found primarily in Eastern Africa.
 Possess the attribute and talent of a structural
 Information on treatment of wounds and builder.
 Built the famous Hanging Gardens of
 Mathematical calculations: angles, rectangles, Babylon.
triangles, and the volume of the portion of a The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Egyptian Civilization
Sumerian Civilization TWO CALENDARS
CUNEIFORM 1. Based on the reappearance and disappearance of
 The First Writing System. the brightest star seen in their horizon.
 A set of word pictures represented in 2. Based on the phases of the moon, consisting of 29
symbols made of triangular marks. and 1/2 days.
 Sumerians wrote their history and culture  They developed pottery items of various
using a tool or gadget with a wedge-shape tip
shapes and sizes, and work on metals to
and symbols pressed into a wet clay tablet
produce tool implements, weapon and
and airdried.
agricultural implements.
 Sumerians created dikes and irrigation canals  They construct their houses using reeds and
to bring water to farmlands. ‒ airdried mud.
 They plant crops and raised some livestock THE GREAT PYRAMID –
for their own family consumption and for It was constructed during the Golden Age by
trade. thousands of slaves, peasants and prisoners of war
SAILBOAT using their bare hands, ropes, ramps, and sledges.
Period of New Kingdom (1567 - 1085 BCE)
 Sumerians are also credited for the invention
of the sailboat.  Egyptian products in the form of pottery,
earthenware, linens, perfumes oils, ointments,
 They use this seacraft in their trading system and jewelry were traded with foreign goods.
of their product to neighboring places.  During this period, Egyptians did not use
SEXAGYSIMAL SYSTEM money or any form of currency, trading was
 A standard system of counting in units and being done by exchanging goods based on
intervals of (60) sixty which served as the agreed appropriate equal value.
basis for graduating the circumference of a
circle to 360 degrees and the (60) sixty GREEK CIVILIZATION
minutes equal graduations to an hour duration SOCRATES (470 - 399 BCE)
in time.
 One of the founders of Western philosophy
and contributed big in knowing oneself
HAMMURABI (1792 - 1750 BCE)
 Remembered for the law he created, the Code  Proposed the method of inquiry also known as
of Hammurabi. "Socratic Method."
Hippocrates (400 bc) Leonarda da Vinci (1452-1519)
Considered one of the greatest artists of his time.
 Also known as the father of Medicine.
From his files of important notes, some historians
 He taught that human body is capable of found prepared plans considered as preparatory
healing itself. documents that served as some basis for inventions of
motorcar, machine gun and submarine.
 Credited for the oath prescribing physicians
ethical responsibility. Andreas Vesalius (1514 - 1564)
ARISTOTLE (384 - 322 BCE) ‒
 A surgeon and anatomist who laid out in
 He is the student of Plato. detail the first scientifically accurate
 He described the structure and behavior of description of human anatomy in his book
plants, animals and their identification, "On the Fabric of the Human Body."
description and classification.
ARCHIMEDES (287 - 212 BCE) ‒
 The Founder of Modern Medicine.

 Discovered the "Law of the Lever" and the

Industrial Revolution
"Law of Buoyancy."
The phenomenal process in the transfer of doing work
 When an object is placed in liquid, it by human hands and feet to the use of machines.
displaces a volume of liquid whose weight is James Watt (1975)
equal the weight of the object.
 Scottish Engineer.

 One of the greatest astronomers of the ancient  Improved the steam engine by inventing the
times. condensing steam engine.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
 He studied the motions of planets. Invented the lightning rod, a device that
prevents houses from burning when struck by a
 Main proponent of the "Geocentric Theory."
Alessandro Volta (1745-1827)
Medieval Times
Invented the electric battery in 1800. The unit
In Western Europe, the Catholic monasteries
of electromagnetic force which drives current called
became the centers of learning and source of relief for
volts was derived from his name.
the sick and the needy. ‒ Scholars put more emphasis
Michael Faraday (1791-1867)
in studying theology rather than science.
Conducted experimental work on
In Middle East, Arabs were able to
electromagnetism and discovered the electromagnetic
demonstrate important scientific achievements in the
field of astronomy, medicine and mathematics.
Hans Oersted (1777-1851)
Demonstrated the connection between
Renaissance Period electricity and magnetism by deflecting a magnetic
Renaissance refers to the period of the rebirth needle with an electric current.
as age of preparation for the 17th century scientific
developments and achievements. The combined research efforts of Faraday and
One significant achievement was the Oersted led to the invention of the electric motor, a
technology of printing books and other documents. – device for converting electrical energy to mechanical
Significantly accelerated the spread and transfer of energy.
knowledge and the preservation of culture. Andre Ampere (1775-1836)
Developed the first dynamo, a devise used to
convert mechanical energy to electrical energy.
Joseph Henry (1797-1878)
Used power electromagnets for lifting heavy
Samuel F.B. Morse (1791-1872)
 Developed the first practical telegraph.
 In 1838, he developed the Morse Code, a
system of signals composed of dots and
dashes combined to represent letters of the
alphabet used in wire telegraph.
Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)
– Invented the telephone.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
Invented the electric bulb, storage battery, the
phonograph and equipment for motion pictures.
Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937)
 Adopted the findings of Hertz on radio waves
and developed the wireless telegraph
apparatus which he patented in 1900.
 He was awarded the Nobel Prize for
Physician 1909 in recognition to his
outstanding accomplishment and contribution
to the advancement of worldwide

Intellectual Revolutions That Defined


Intellectual Revolution

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