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Topic 3

Partner name:
Life is more and more modern and convenience but people are busier. Nowadays, eating in a
restaurant becomes more popular. Therefore, the choice between eating at home and eating in a
restaurant still raises many debates. Eating at home and eating in a restaurant share similarities
but they have certain differences in preparation time. Firstly is related to preparation time. It is
obvious that home cooked meals require people to spend more time preparing because they have
to cook by themselves. In fact, to have a delicious meal ready, cooks need to follow several
certain steps including going to markets to buy ingredients, selecting the best ones, making them
clean and then cooking. It takes even half of a day to make these preparations. Besides, eating in
a restaurant is much easier since people do not cook on their own. Because people are often busy
and in a hurry, therefore, they save their time by fast food restaurants that they can easy find in
all places. Moreover, only with a bit waiting can they enjoy their favorite dishes in the luxury
restaurant with high class services… However, people also spend on seasoning, gas, electricity
whenever cooking at home, the cost does not as large as many believe. In conclusion, whatever
kinds of eating have their own conveniences and disadvantages. Eating at home might be better
in quality while eating in a restaurant might be better in saving time.
Content    Y/N   Comments/ Suggestions   
Task Response   
Is the paragraph at least 120 words?           
Does the paragraph have a clear topic sentence that
tells the readers what two subjects you are going to        
compare and contrast?
Does the paragraph have a concluding sentence that
rephrases the topic sentence, summarizes main points,    
or gives the writer's opinion?  
Coherence & Cohesion   
Are there one topic sentence, at least two supporting
sentences, and one concluding sentence in the        
Are relevant examples and/ or other supporting details
(explanation, reasons, facts, etc.) included?   
Is there any irrelevant sentence?    
Does the paragraph follow a logical order?      
Are there at least 2 transitional expressions used        
correctly (e.g. Firstly, Besides, However, etc.)?
Lexical Resource   
 Is there any spelling error?        
Are comparative & contrastive structures accurately
used to describe similarities & differences?
Grammar Range and Accuracy   
 Are there any errors in verb tenses and subject-verb
Do you capitalize the first letter of each sentence and
put punctuation marks correctly in the sentence?  

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