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Ma. Nikki C.

Ramirez 12 – Diligence – STEM 01/16/2023

Personal Development

Task 4: Creating New Family Traditions

New Family Traditions Explanation
Going to church as a whole family every Our family, specifically my father rarely join
Sunday, and on special occasions. us when we are going to church. That’s why
my first new tradition that I want to happen is
going to church every Sunday. I want my
family to be close in God and at the same
time I want each of us to be close to each
No gadget day. As the advent of technology rises, the time of
individuals to their family decreases. As much
as possible, I want my family to have time to
talk to each other, if possible, in every Sunday
with no interaction with individual’s phones,
laptop and even television. Because I
observed that on school days what we usually
do is using our gadgets and it limit us to
interact with each other.
Eating simultaneously. It’s very unlikely for our family to eat in one
table. We usually eat one by one or when and
where we want, and we never got the chance
to eat together. And it’s one of the greatest
thing that I want to happen since it’s the only
time that we see each other after a long day in
school and work.
Ma. Nikki C. Ramirez 12 – Diligence – STEM 12/ /2022
Personal Development

What I Can Do

In my 18 years of existence, I’ve made a lot of relationships with the others. The first
relationship that I have is, of course with my family. I consider it as the most important and long
– term relationship. Considering that they love and care me unconditionally, they also there
through my ups and downs, they support me in every way they can, and they stay. With being
“in relationship” with them I’ve learn a lot of things. I realize that in life, it’s not always joy and
happiness. There will be problems that will challenge your trust and believes but as long as you
hold on and keep on fighting, you will gonna survive it.
As I grow up, I’ve made a friendship. Being in this kind of relationship is different from
the relationship that I have with my family. In my first relationship, I can easily put my trust
since they are my family but in this kind of relationship, it takes time to fully put my trust to that
person. Nowadays, it’s hard to find true friendship, where in this society being two-faced person
is so evident and normal. It’s hard to tell if that person is true and good to be your friend. It takes
courage, and time to trust someone to be part of your life. Even me, I’m having a hard time to
trust someone to be my friend because I believed that to have this kind of relationship is not just
simple. Friendship is not temporary, it’s permanent.
Part of growing up is making romantic relationship with your opposite sex, or sometimes
with the same sex. I believed that being in this kind of relationship takes you to higher level of
maturity and understanding. I can say this because I’ve been into a past relationships and during
those moments I’ve realized that I’m not good in handling a romantic one. I keep on pursuing a
“perfect” relationship to the point that I feel pressured and scared at the same time. It cause me to
forget that I am not the only one in the relationship and unintentionally hurt that someone. I’ve
been selfish, that’s for sure. Also, I realized that the reason why I’m always the one initiated a
break-up because I’m scared to be hurt. I believed that it’s my own defense mechanism. And
lastly it made me question, what is love? After my past relationship I started to ask myself if
what I really feel towards my them, is it love, or it’s just a pure infatuation or admiration.
Though the only clear thing that I surely learned is that being in romantic relationship will give
you a headache and also will teach you how to take a risk.
As I’ve said earlier, in my 18 years of existence, I’ve been into different relationships that
teaches me different lesson in life. The responsibility and commitment is always be affiliated in
being in relationships. It’s hard, yes, but if you really want it you need to give your best to
achieve it. You need to be better not just for yourself but also for the person that you are with.

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