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Essay plan (migration)

Using examples, examine how environmental factors can be a cause of migration.

terms + definitions

examine = “to look at or consider a person or thing carefully and in detail in order to discover
something about them” (-Cambridge Dictionary)

environmental factors = factors that affect the world and the wellbeing of living organisms

migration = “the movement of people from one permanent home to another” (-BBC)


= highlight how different environmental factors have caused migration


 voluntary migration (pensioners – beach, etc.)

 involuntary (natural disaster)
 social factors are frequent causes too


positive-negative-positive (end on a good note)

 positive = environmental factors can be the cause of migration

 negative = other factors can be the cause of migration


 introduce the topic (what is migration, types of migration [(in)voluntary], what are
environmental factors)
 rephrase/-state the title
- “Examine how environmental factors can be a cause of migration.”
 give basic outline of essay
1. positive - geographical situation is attractive for pensioners, i.e., beach, warm
climate, etc. (voluntary, external)
2. negative - conflict (social/political factor) cause the migration, i.e., danger, etc.
(forced, external)
3. positive – natural disasters make living in the area dangerous (forced,


 paragraph #1 (how environmental factors can cause migration)

- example: Spain
 there are 194,612 people older than 65 years
coming from EU-27 countries (43% are British citizens, 14%
German citizens; 7.6% French and 7.5% Italian (National Institute of
- voluntary external migration
- retirement migration (portray themselves as active, healthy and well-off)
- after retirement, pensioners opt for regions with a warm climate and nice
geographical situation
- people move to the desired location leaving behind their country of origin
 paragraph #2 (how other factors can cause migration)
- example/case study: Eritrea
 40 000 Eritreans landed on shores in Italy in 2016
 47 020 asylum applications in total to the EU countries in 2015, 38 08 in
 Ethiopia hosts 131 660 Eritreans
 country is a dictatorship (no basic human rights, etc.)
 persecution
 harsh political realities (rules by fear, not by law)
 asylum seekers leave the country on dangerous routes through the
Sahara and Mediterranean Sea
- involuntary external migration
- forced migration (leaving to find safety)
- people are forcefully displaced to find a safe environment
 paragraph #3 (how environmental factors can cause migration)
- example/case study: Nigeria
 2019 flood due to heavy rain
 Over 7.7 million people affected
 2 million people displaced
 35 out of 37 states affected
 Deaths
- involuntary internal (can be external)
- migrants must leave to find better living conditions
- environment no longer safe and habitable (e.g.: floods, droughts, etc.)
- people move to new and unaffected region


 restate the title

 How did the essay answer the title?
 restate main points
- retirement migration
- conflicts
- natural disasters (06.11.21) (06.11.21)

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