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What Freedom means to Me!

Amaya Manocha

The word freedom symbolizes the act of doing something by your own choice, and not on someone’s
orders. It means the you want to do something that you wish and desire to do, something you’re good
at doing. However, many years ago, before Independence, the citizens of India were treated as slaves
by the Britishers and were ordered to do things they did not want to do. They did not have the basic
freedom to live the way they wanted to, on their owns terms. The liberty to live freely was given to
them by India’s courageous freedom fighters. One great man amongst them, called ‘Bapu’ chose to
fight silently, without raising a finger. He fought against the British, because he loved his Nation, his
country, India. He, and others , sacrificed their lives for their country, and its people. We cannot forget
the contributions of, to name a few, Bhagat Singh,The Queen of Jhansi, Chandra Shekhar Azad,
Lokmanya Tilak, Khudiram Bose, Udham Singh, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Subhash Chandra Bose and many
others .Those were difficult times.
Nowadays, we often hear people complaining about how difficult their lives are, but they forget what
terrors our freedom fighters have been through. These great people are the reason of why we live in a
free country. These courageous souls may not be with us anymore, but we can always find them in our
hearts, where they have and will always have a special place. Let us do our best to keep our nation clean
and happy, so the hard work of our freedom fighters does not go wasted. Most of the children in India
do not enough food to eat on account of widespread poverty, unemployment and illiteracy. Wouldn’t
it be nice if we can all be very sensitive to this problem and contribute towards getting rid of poverty
from India. Some of these children, especially girls are not allowed or an unable to go to schools as their
family cannot afford to provide them with education. I strongly feel that every child has a birth right to
education to enable them to dream for a better future. Thousands of people in India contract diseases
and fall ill everyday, however, they do not have the money or the required facilities to better healthcare
and basic medication. Free education and healthcare should be available to all irrespective of their
caste, backgrounds, age, sex etc. Likewise, freedom of expression should also be made a ‘birth right’ in
our country. To express one’s opinions freely, without fear of being penalized, is something this country
needs to wake up to. Fear of expression can be prevented if we are open to new ideas and progressive
Let’s all join hands together to improve things in our society and our lives; only if we do this collectively,
can we dream to live in a nation fear of poverty, illiteracy and suffering.

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