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General Psychology

Psychology 1101.10
Spring 2021
Exam II

Directions: Place your answers True or False for part I and a, b, c, or d for part II on the
answer sheet provided and include your name.

Part I
1. The three key components in the definition are science, mind and behavior
2. Clinical Psychologist study perception, mental and emotional disorders.
3. Psychology was recognized as a field of study in the late 1700s.
4. Psychology is from the Latin word scienta meaning behavior.
5. Engineering Psychologists work best with machines.
6. Psychology is a social science discipline.
7. Psychologists scientifically study the mind and behavior.
8. The empirical method of psychology is based on guess work.
9. Wilhelm Wundt is referred to as the first psychologist.
10. William James was the author of the first psychology textbook.
11. Psychoanalytic Theory focuses on a person’s unconscious.
12. Behaviorists study learned behavior.
13. Structuralism is a perspective within psychology that’s emphasizes the
potential for good that is innate to all humans.
14. Homeostasis describes the tendency to maintain a balance within a biological
15. A goal of behavior is to predict behavior.
16. A theory is a statement proposing the existing of a relationship between
17. Dualism mind and body are separate entities.
18. King Psamtik I conducted the first experiment in psychology in 700 B.C.
19. Developmental Psychologists study how teaching and what techniques are
appropriate for learning.
20. Counseling Psychologists treat individuals with less severe mental problems.
21. Psychologists are employed in retail stores as well as clinics.
22. Psychologists work closely with sociology and medical related fields.
23. Four fifths of patients with COVID-19 have neurological symptoms.
24. Maintaining social connection in a physically distanced world is a positive step
toward growing a healthier brain.
25. Psyche means human mind, or spirit.
Part II
26. At this moment, the _____ is regulating your breathing, heart rate and blood

a. Pons
b. Cerebellum
c. Medulla
d. Substantia nigra

27. Of the three major divisions of the brain, which is of primary concern to

a. Forebrain
b. Midbrain
c. Hindbrain
d. Cerebellum

28. An area within Joe’s brain has been damaged, producing problems with long-
term memory. This area is most likely to be which of the following?
a. Cerebellum
b. Hippocampus
c. Hypothalamus
d. Thalamus

29. The cerebral cores is made up of two nearly separate parts called the
a. Corpus callosum
b. Pleasure centers
c. Cerebral hemispheres
d. Optic chiasm

30. The basal ganglia is involved in the initiation of

a. Sleep
b. Hearing
c. emotion
d. none of the above
31. The brain is about

a. 1.390 centimeters
b. 1.400 centimeters
c. 1.250 centimeters
d. 1.500 centimeters

32. If you have ever been struck in the back of the head and seen stars or flashes
of light when you looked up, you most likely stimulated your ________ lobe

a. Temporal
b. Frontal
c. Occipital
d. Parietal

33. The cerebral cortex is responsible for

a. Thinking
b. Perception
c. Movement
d. All of the above

34. Speech is primarily produced in the right area of the brain in the

a. Septal area
b. Broca’s area
c. Wernicke’s area
d. Auditory area

35. The reticular formation plays a critical role in controlling

a. Learning
b. Alertness
c. Arousal
d. b and c

36. Information from the right and left hemispheres is passed through the

a. Corpus callosum
b. Hindbrain
c. Spinal cord
d. Mesencephalon
Name: __________________

General Psychology
Psychology 1101.10
Spring 2021
Exam II
Answer Sheet

1.True 16.True 31.D

2.True 17.True 32.B
3.False 18.True 33. D
4.False 19.False 34.B
5.False 20.True 35. B
6.True 21.False 36. A
7.True 22.True
8.False 23.True
9.True 24.True
10.True 25.True
11.True 26. C
12.True 27.D
13.False 28.B
14.True 29.C
15.True 30.D

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