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Name: Anna Malou G.

Relacion Course/Year/Section: BSN 1-Q

Communication is the process of transmitting and receiving information

through verbal and nonverbal ways such as talking, speech, writing, signs, signals

and behavior. Effective communication is vital for success. It involves connecting

with the audience and making sure that the intended message is received which

allows people to connect with each other, improve relationships, build trusts and

prepare the road for success. As for my course, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, it

has always been my goal to be fully-developed, thoughtful and a persuasive

communicator. Having such traits would be crucial for the kind of successful

person I hoped to become. It would make my life easier and the people around me

happier. All of us are communicators. Our ability to communicate effectively makes

a difference. In other words, we can do things poorly, okay, well, or really well. The

decision as to how we improve is entirely up to us.

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