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- Special Parallelograms
o Theorem 1
 If a parallelogram has a right angle, it has 4 right angles and the parallelogram is
a rectangle
o Theorem 2
 The diagonals of a rectangle are congruent
o Theorem 3
 The diagonal of a rhombus are perpendicular
o Theorem 4
 Each diagonal of a rhombus bisects opposite angles
o Theorem 5
 The diagonals of a square are congruent and perpendicular
- Properties of a Parallelogram
o Any 2 opposite sides are congruent
o Any 2 opposite angles are congruent
o Any 2 consecutive angles are supplementary ( adds up to 180 degrees)
o The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other
o A diagonal of a parallelogram forms 2 congruent triangles
- Midline theorem
o ( midline = ½ the 3rd side)
- Midsegment of a trapezoid
o Trapezoid
 A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.
 Parallel sides= bases
 Non parallel sides = legs
o Midsegment ( median )= ½ ( base 1 + base 2 )
- Kite
o A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of adjacent sides, congruent and no opposite sides are
o Common vertices are called ends
o Symmetry line is the line that contains the ends
- Theorems ( kite )
o Theorem 1
 Diagonals of a kite are perpendicular
o Theorem 2
 Has one pair of opposite sides congruent
o Theorem 3
 Area of the kite = ½ [ ( diagonal 1) (diagonal 2) ]
o Theorem 4
 Has 1 diagonal that forms 2 isosceles triangles ( short diagonal)
o Theorem 5
 Has 1 diagonal that forms 2 congruent triangles ( longer diagonal)
o Theorem 6
 Has 1 diagonal that bisect the other diagonal ( longer diagonal)
o Theorem 7
 Has 1 diagonal that bisect a pair of opposite angles.

- Ratio
o Any way to compare 2 or more quantities
- Proportion
o Equality of 2 ratios

- Properties of proportion
o Cross multiplication
 a/b = c/d , then ad = bc
o Alternation property
 a/b = c/d, then a/c =b/d
o Inverse property
 a/d = c/d, then b/a = d/c
o Addition property
 a/b = c/d , then a+b/b = c+d/d
o Subtraction property
 a/b = c/d, then a-b/b = c-d/d
- Similarity theorem related to Ratio & proportion
o Similarity
 A one to one correspondence between the vertices of a polygon such that the
following conditions are satisfied
 Corresponding angles are congruent
 Corresponding sides are proportional
- AA Similarity theorem
o If the 2 angles are congruent to the 2 angles in the second triangle

- SAS Similarity theorem

o 2 pairs of corresponding sides of 2 triangles are proportional and the included angles are
congruent then the 2 angles are similar

- SSS Similarity theorem

o If the corresponding sides of 2 triangles are proportional, then the 2 triangles are similar

- TABT triangle angle bisector theorem

o If a segment bisects an angle of a triangle then it divides the opposite side into segments
proportional to the other 2 sides.

- Right triangle similarity theorem

o In the right triangle the altitude to the hypotenuse divides the triangle into 2 right
triangles which are similar to each other and to the given right triangle.

- Geometric mean
o In a right angle the altitude to the hypotenuse is the geometric mean of the segments
into wherein it divides the hypotenuse and each of the legs is the geometric mean of the
hypotenuse and the segment of the hypotenuse adjacent to the legs.

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