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Teacher: Mrs Teacup

Class: Primary 5

Subject: Home Economics

Topic: Household Cleaning

Sub Topic: Cleaning the kitchen

Reference Materials: Introduction to Home Economics 5

Instructional Material: Whiteboard marker, YouTube for cleaning videos

Objectives: To teach the pupils how to clean a standard kitchen properly

Instructions: By the end of the lesson, the class will clean the Home Economics Lab and write an
essay on how they cleaned their kitchen at home.

Lesson Contents: Step by step guide on cleaning the kitchen and kitchen equipment like gas
cooker, oven, microwave, and even a dishwasher.

Body of the topic

Evaluation: The pupils will write a test and an essay. They will also learn the Home Economics lab
and show the class how to use some of the equipment we learned.


1. What do you do after baking?

2. What is the right way to clean a gas cooker?

3. How do you use a dishwasher to do the dishes?


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