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Significance of Organizational Culture

Dr. Radhika Kapur


It is comprehensively understood that to do well in one’s job duties, acquire education

and participate in other tasks and activities, it is essential for the individuals to be well-aware
in terms of methods, procedures and approaches. Apart from these, they need to be well-
equipped in terms of norms, values, standards and principles. Through organizational culture,
the individuals acquire an efficient understanding of morality and ethics. Furthermore, they
acknowledge that they need to put these into practice in their job duties and responsibilities as
well as in dealing with others. Within the course of acquisition of education and in
implementing job duties, the individuals need to communicate with each other in an effective
manner. Hence, through acknowledging the significance of organizational culture, the
individuals understand how they need to deal with others in an effectual way, achieve
academic and organizational goals and lead to up-gradation of the overall system of
education and organizations as a whole. The individuals need to put emphasis upon
development of knowledge, skills and abilities in recognising the significance of
organizational culture. The main areas that are taken into account in this research paper are,
factors highlighting the significance of organizational culture, reasons stating why
organizational culture is regarded as significant and recognition of significance of
organizational culture through development of skills.

Keywords: Educational Institutions, Factors, Goals, Organizations, Organizational

Culture, Significance, Skills

Organizational culture is regarded as significant in not only educational institutions at

all levels, but in other types of organizations as well. There are various types of
organizations, i.e. production, manufacturing, services and so forth. In all types of
organizations, the individuals usually form the viewpoint that in order to lead to effective
functioning of the organizations and achievement of goals and objectives, it is indispensable
to acknowledge the significance of organizational culture. In educational institutions at all
levels, there are various important factors that are needed to be taken into consideration by
the members. These are, making provision of infrastructure, amenities, facilities and
equipment, managing the resources in an efficient manner, incurring the feeling of job
satisfaction, making wise decisions, forming cordial and agreeable terms and relationships
with others, promoting teamwork, formulation of measures and laws, implementing
pioneering methods in tasks and activities, implementing conflict resolution methods and
encouraging constructivism through stories, philosophies, notions and ideas. These factors
are regarded as key in leading to reinforcement of organizational culture and recognizing its

In educational institutions at all levels, when there are organization of seminars and
workshops, the members, including heads, directors, principals, instructors, students and
other staff members attend. The other individuals are also invited from other educational
institutions. These are normally in leadership positions or instructors. In seminars and
workshops, the members as well as the individuals, invited give speeches and make
presentations. When they give speeches and make presentations, they are not only imparting
information and understanding in terms of the concepts, but they are also contributing in an
effectual manner in reinforcing organizational culture. As when these are organized, morals,
ethics, values, norms, principles and standards are the various traits of organizational culture
that need to be taken into consideration. The various factors of organizational culture are not
only taken into account in the organization of seminars and workshops, but also in case of
putting into practice other tasks and activities as well. Therefore, it can be stated,
understanding the significance of organizational culture is the key factor.

It is comprehensively understood that in the implementation of various tasks and

functions, such as preparing of reports, documents, assignments, projects, communicating
and so forth, technology is made use of to a major extent. The common types of technologies
that are made use of are, computers, lap-tops, I pads, audio-visual technologies, printers,
scanners, photo-copiers and so forth. When the significance of organizational culture is
recognized by members, they ensure that they implement the traits of morality and ethics,
particularly when making use of technologies. For example, printers are made use of for
taking out print-outs, hence, excessive printing should be avoided. In normally higher
educational institutions, in computer centres, there is a limit that print-outs should not be
more than 20 per week. When the individuals are making use of other materials and
equipment, then too they need to be well-aware in terms of the traits of morality and ethics.
The students and the individuals in subordinate positions need to listen to their instructors and
superiors and abide by the laws and rules. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood, when
the members are implementing tasks and activities to generate the desired outcomes in a well-
organized and regimented manner, they are rendering an important contribution in reinforcing
organizational culture.

Factors highlighting the Significance of Organizational Culture

In acquiring an understanding of the significance of organizational culture, there are

various factors in terms of which the individuals need to be aware of. When the human
resources understand that organizational culture is regarded as the fundamental concept in
leading to achievement of desired goals as well as enhancing the overall system of education,
they focus upon formulation of measures, laws and policies, which would lead to
strengthening of this concept. One of the important points that needs to be identified is, the
individuals in leadership positions need to ensure that all the measures formulated that are
focused upon reinforcement of organizational culture should prove to be beneficial to the
students as well as other members. In other words, they should be favourable to them in the
achievement of goals and objectives and up-grading the overall system of education. The
factors highlighting the significance of organizational culture are stated as follows:

Shared Values – Shared values are regarded as the central factors, which conveys the
importance of organizational cultures. These are the organizational values that are normally
developed by the individuals in leadership positions and are adopted by the other members of
the organization (Shared Values in an Organization, 2020). The values impart information to
the individuals, so they are able to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate, make
wise and productive decisions and implement the traits of morality, ethics, righteousness,
truthfulness, and principles. The common values include, outcome orientation, people
orientation, team- orientation, acquiring details, stability and innovation. When the
individuals are well-aware in terms of values, they will be able to carry out their job duties in
an appropriate and regimented manner. It is the primary job duty of the individuals in
leadership positions to impart knowledge and understanding in terms of values to others. The
instructors convey to the students that to carry out their tasks and activities satisfactorily and
achieve personal and professional goals, generating information in terms of values is
necessary. Therefore, it is well-understood, augmenting one’s knowledge and understanding
in terms of shared values is regarded as one of the crucial factors highlighting the
significance of organizational culture.

Degree of Hierarchy – In educational institutions, the individuals are employed in

different job positions in the hierarchy. The individuals in leadership positions such as,
directors, chairpersons and principals are at the top-most positions. At the next level are the
instructors, then are the staff members, who are carrying out their job duties related to
clerical, technical, financial, management, administration and so forth, students and the
cleaners, custodians and other service providers. All these individuals are in various job
positions, on the basis of their educational qualifications, skills, abilities, personality traits
and socio-economic backgrounds. Their job duties are different, but through the concept of
organizational culture, they are able to generate information that they need to form cordial
and pleasant terms and relationships with each other and work in co-ordination and
integration. In this manner, they will be able to incur the feeling of job satisfaction as well as
retain their jobs. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood, up-grading one’s knowledge
and competencies in terms of job duties in the degree of hierarchy is regarded as one of the
vital factors highlighting the significance of organizational culture.

People Orientation – In higher educational institutions, when the students get enrolled
in educational programs, i.e. Bachelors, masters and doctoral, they are required to go through
the orientation programs. In the orientation programs, they are provided with information in
terms of various factors of the educational institutions. Some of the important information
provided is related to the infrastructure, amenities, facilities, technologies, teaching-learning
methods, teaching-learning materials, library, laboratories, computer centres, provision of
play-grounds, extra-curricular and creative activities and the overall environmental
conditions. The students are required to acquire an efficient understanding of the information
and make use of them in the implementation of tasks and activities. One of the important
information that is provided in people orientation are, implementation of academic honesty.
When the students are working on assignments and projects, they need to cite the sources
used and avoid plagiarism. The organization of people orientation is facilitated through
recognising the meaning and significance of organizational culture. Therefore, it is identified
that organization of people orientation programs is regarded as one of the key factors
highlighting the significance of organizational culture.

Organizational Sub-Cultures – All types of organizations as well as educational

institutions have a mixture of sub-cultures in addition to the dominant culture. Organizational
sub-cultures exist among individuals or groups. They have their own rituals, norms, values
and beliefs. The existence of organizational sub-cultures may prove to be disadvantageous,
particularly when there are occurrence of opposing viewpoints and conflicting situations.
These are unhealthy for the functioning of the organizational culture as a whole, as it is
comprehensively understood that members need to work in co-ordination and integration
with each other. Hence, the members need to communicate with each other in a polite
manner. They should treat each other with respect and courtesy and form positive viewpoints
in terms of rituals, norms, values and beliefs of others. When there are occurrence of
opposing viewpoints and conflicting situations, then too they need to put into operation the
peaceful conflict resolution methods. The conflicting situations and disagreements should be
prevented from assuming a major form. Therefore, it is well-understood, up-grading one’s
knowledge and understanding in terms of organizational sub-cultures is regarded as one of
the essential factors highlighting the significance of organizational culture.

Hiring Practices – The hiring practices are the practices that are put into operation to
recruit and make selection of the individuals for job positions. The hiring practices are
different in various types of educational institutions. The meaning of hiring practices are
understood regarding the instructors and other staff members. The individuals in leadership
positions and the other members of the educational institutions, such as, registrars, assistant
registrars and so forth participate in the recruitment and selection processes. The hiring
practices are of different types, i.e. interviewing, organizing written tests, asking candidates
to write an essay, organizing group discussions and so forth. The different types of hiring
practices put into operation are in accordance to the levels of educational institutions, grade
levels of students (in case of hiring of instructors), goals and objectives and system of
education. Through the concept of organizational culture, the hiring authorities realize that
they need to be well-aware in terms of the ways of hiring individuals. As proper human
resources need to be recruited in the right positions at the right time. Therefore, it can be
stated, hiring practices is a factor that is rendering an important contribution in highlighting
the significance of organizational culture.

On-boarding Programs – The human resources render an important contribution in

socializing with each other by designing and administrating the on-boarding programs
(Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture, 2020). The on-boarding programs
impart information to the newcomers in terms of the value system, norms, principles,
standards and the desired organizational behaviours. The human resources professionals
make provision of help and support to the new individuals in acquiring an efficient
understanding of various factors. When the instructors and staff members get recruited in the
educational institutions, they need to possess work experience. The work experience needs to
be made use of in reinforcing organizational culture. When the individuals are experienced,
in other words, when they have been employed in other educational institutions or
organizations in the past, then they will be aware of methods and procedures that are
necessary to strengthen organizational culture. They are well-aware of the fact that
understanding the significance of organizational culture is the key in generating the desired
outcomes. Therefore, it is well-understood, it is necessary to strengthen on-boarding
programs in highlighting the significance of organizational culture.

Reward and Recognition Programs – When the individuals carry out their job duties
well, they are rewarded and their performance is recognized. In educational institutions, the
reward and recognition programs are primarily concerning the students. When the students
perform well in assignments, projects, tests, exams, competitions, quizzes and other academic
activities, they are appreciated and rewarded. When they are rewarded and their performance
is recognized, they not only feel pleasurable and contented, but also develop motivation
towards learning. Hence, the concept of organizational culture makes provision of
understanding among individuals that reward and recognition programs should be
encouraged. The different types of rewards are, certificates, trophies, gift items such as
stationary, books, and so forth. The types of rewards given are dependent upon the types of
tasks or functions that the students have performed. On the other hand, the rewards are given
to the instructors and other staff members as well, when they have carried out their job duties
in a satisfactory manner. These are recognized and implemented at all levels of education.
Therefore, it is necessary to implement reward and recognition programs to reinforce
organizational culture and they also highlight its significance.

Performance Management Programs – As the name implies, the performance

management programs are in terms of the management of performance of the individuals. All
the individuals, i.e. heads, directors, instructors, supervisors, staff members and students are
to be aware in terms of methods, procedures and approaches to carry out their job
performance in a well-ordered and regimented manner. Within the course of performance of
their job duties, it is apparent that individuals need to encounter problems and challenges.
Hence, the performance management programs enable the individuals to develop their skills
and abilities, which would be helpful and assisting in coping with problems and challenges.
Furthermore, they get trained in terms of utilization of modern and pioneering methods in the
implementation of tasks and activities. Hence, through organizational culture, the individuals
are able to understand that performance management programs are regarded to be of utmost
significance in monitoring, scrutinizing and bringing about improvements in the performance
of the individuals. Therefore, it can be stated, performance management programs need to be
up-graded and put into practice on a regular basis. These contribute efficiently in
strengthening organizational culture and also highlighting its significance.

Communication Processes – Communication processes are regarded as the

fundamental factor, which not only highlights the significance of organizational culture, but it
is the lifeline through which overall functioning takes place of the educational institutions.
Communication takes place in verbal, non-verbal and written form. Verbal communication
takes place face to face or through phone, non-verbal communication takes place through
gestures, body language and facial expressions and written communication takes place
through emails, messages, letters, notices or any other written form. In distance learning,
normally communication takes place in a written form among instructors and students and
among students themselves. Whereas, in some cases, communication takes place through
verbal form as well. All the members make use of these forms of communication within the
organizations. It is an integral part of their job duties. Hence, it is stated, when they are
putting emphasis on imparting information in terms of any factors of organizational culture,
the communication processes are put into practice. Therefore, it is comprehensively
understood, communication processes are regarded worthwhile and efficacious in
highlighting the significance of organizational culture.

Assessment Strategies – After the instructors have imparted knowledge and

understanding to the students in terms of lesson plans and academic concepts, the assessment
strategies are put into practice. The heads of the departments, chairpersons and principals
may also assess the performance of the instructors. The primary aim of the assessment
strategies to find out how the individuals have been able to up-grade their knowledge and
competencies. Furthermore, how the knowledge, skills and abilities are made use of in the
implementation of their tasks and activities. The different types of assessment strategies are,
class assignments, homework assignments, reports, projects, presentations, tests, exams and
competitions. When the leaders are evaluating the performance of instructors, they normally
listen to their lectures. In this manner, they are able to observe the teaching-learning methods
and teaching-learning materials that they put into practice. Through the implementation of
assessment strategies, the information in terms of the concept of organizational culture is also
imparted. Therefore, in highlighting the significance of organizational culture, the assessment
strategies are also regarded to play an important part.
Reasons stating why Organizational Culture is regarded as

Organizational culture refers to the mission, objectives, expectations and values that
guide the members and lead them towards the right direction. The members of the
organization at all levels, irrespective of their job positions in the hierarchy need to be well-
aware of their job duties and goals and objectives. But they need to be aware of the fact that
to achieve the goals and objectives, they need to lead to up-gradation of organizational
culture. There are various reasons, which state, why organizational culture is regarded as
significant. These are, increase in the participation of the individuals in various tasks and
activities, promoting teamwork, creating a healthy environment within the educational
institutions, providing equal rights and opportunities to all the members, encouraging the
implementation of various academic activities and implementing the decision making
processes in a well-organized manner. These are stated as follows:

Increase in the Participation of the Individuals in various Tasks and Activities

The work environment that possess the organizational culture is driven by purpose

and other expectations. This motivates and empowers the individuals to participate in various
tasks and activities. When they are participating in various tasks and activities, it is apparent
that they interact with others. When the individuals interact with others, they are able to
recognize the significance of organizational culture. In facilitating interaction, they are able to
up-grade their skills and abilities and also are able to obtain help from others. When the
members of the educational institutions at all levels are able to acquire an efficient
understanding in terms of organizational culture, they develop the feelings of interest and
enthusiasm and participate in various tasks and activities. Hence, it is through the influence of
organizational culture that participation of the individuals is encouraged. Formation of a
strong connection with the organization and the individuals create an atmosphere of positivity
(8 Reasons Why Organizational Culture is Important, 2020). These are the factors that make
provision of information and understanding among the individuals that organizational culture
is significant. Therefore, it can be stated, increase in the participation of the individuals in
various tasks and activities is regarded as one of the crucial factors that highlight the reasons
regarding the significance of organizational culture.

Promoting Teamwork
In educational institutions as well as in other types of organizations, teamwork is

regarded as an essential factor that is taken into account by all the members. When the
individuals in leadership positions are to carry out their job duties, they need to work with
others, and obtain support and assistance from them. Whereas, the subordinates are also
required to work in collaboration and integration with others. The instructors in educational
institutions convey the viewpoint to the students that teamwork is important and needs to be
encouraged in the case of various assignments and projects. Teamwork is crucial in
generating the desired outcomes and in providing solutions to various problems. Furthermore,
it is regarded as significant in generating awareness in terms of cultures, beliefs, perspectives
and personality traits of other individuals. Through the concept of organizational culture, the
individuals are able to understand that in order to generate awareness in terms of various
factors and do well in their job duties, it is essential to promote teamwork. Therefore, one is
able to understand well that promoting teamwork is regarded as one of the factors, which
highlight the reasons regarding the significance of organizational culture as well as render an
important contribution in the formation of pleasant and cordial environment within the

Creating a Healthy Environment within the Educational Institutions

In order to lead to effective growth and progression of the educational institutions, it

is necessary to create a healthy environment. In the formation of a healthy environment,

there are number of factors that need to be taken into consideration. These are, making
provision of infrastructure, amenities and facilities, communicating with each other in an
effective manner, making provision of support and assistance to each other, inculcating the
traits of morality, ethics, diligence and conscientiousness, managing resources in a
satisfactory manner, implementing peaceful conflict resolution methods, providing equal
rights and opportunities to all the members, making wise and productive decisions in terms of
various factors, enhancing various skills and abilities among themselves and making use of
modern and pioneering methods in the implementation of tasks and activities. All the
members of the educational institutions, irrespective of their job positions in the hierarchy
need to be well-aware in terms of the methods to create a healthy environment. The concept
of organizational culture imparts information to the individuals that to create a healthy
environment, they need to generate awareness and form amiable terms and relationships with
each other. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood, creating a healthy environment
within the educational institutions plays an important role in acquiring an understanding of
the significance of organizational culture.

Providing Equal Rights and Opportunities to all the Members

In educational institutions at all levels, the individuals are different from each other in

terms of various factors, i.e. caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, age, gender, personality
traits, skills, abilities, and socio-economic backgrounds. These differences are observed in
terms of students as well as other members. It needs to be ensured that equal rights and
opportunities are provided to all the members. Furthermore, there should not be any kind of
discrimination on the basis of any factors. When the instructors are grading students or are
making their selection regarding participation in various tasks and activities, the knowledge,
skills and abilities of the students are vital to be taken into consideration. Through the
concept of organizational culture, the individuals are able to understand that in order to lead
to effective functioning of the overall educational institutions and achievement of educational
goals, it is necessary to provide equal rights and opportunities to all the members. When the
students and the other members form the viewpoint that equal rights and opportunities are
being provided to them, they develop motivation and incur the feelings of pleasure and
contentment. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood, providing equal rights and
opportunities to all the members facilitates in acquiring an understanding of the significance
of organizational culture.

Encouraging the implementation of various Academic Activities

The instructors encourage the participation of students in various academic activities

(Definition of Academic Activity, 2020). At all levels of educational institutions, the

students belonging to all grade levels, categories and backgrounds are encouraged to
participate in various academic activities. The academic activities are organized, taking into
consideration various factors, i.e. grade levels of students, subjects and concepts, academic
goals and objectives and overall system of education. The primary objective of encouraging
the participation of students in various academic activities is to promote student learning. The
instructors ensure that the students take pleasure in learning and are able to enhance their
skills and abilities. The various types of academic activities are, accounting society, language
clubs, art history club, public relations student society, pre-law society, role plays, projects,
group discussions, civic engagement, cultural activities, leisure and recreational activities and
so forth. When the students are participating in various types of academic activities, they
form the viewpoint that it is through up-gradation of organizational culture of the educational
institutions that instructors are able to put into practice the teaching processes to promote
student learning. Therefore, it can be stated, when the implementation of various academic
activities are encouraged, the significance of organizational culture will be understood in a
well-organized manner.

Implementing the Decision Making Processes in a well-organized manner

Decision making processes is an integral part of the functioning of educational

institutions at all levels. The individuals in leadership positions are vested with the authority
and responsibility of making decisions in terms of various factors of the educational
institutions. These include, resources, infrastructure, amenities, materials, technologies, tools,
equipment, teaching-learning methods, instructional strategies, teaching-learning materials,
laws and measures, libraries, laboratories, extra-curricular and creative activities and the
overall environmental conditions. On the other hand, instructors are required to make
decisions in terms of teaching-learning methods and teaching-learning materials.
Furthermore, the decisions in terms of classroom activities are made by the instructors. When
the individuals make decisions, they are able to recognise the significance of organizational
culture. In some cases, when decisions are to be made by the leaders, they organize
discussion meetings and allow others to express their ideas and perspectives. Whereas, in
some cases, instructors also provide opportunities to the students to express their ideas and
viewpoints. The individuals will be well-aware of the fact that to make wise and productive
decisions, they need to conduct an analysis of the alternatives and make selection of the most
suitable one. Therefore, when the implementation of the decision making processes takes
place in a well-organized manner, the significance of organizational culture will be

Recognition of Significance of Organizational Culture through

Development of Skills

The individuals, belonging to all levels need to focus upon development of various
types of skills. When they develop skills, they are able to recognise the meaning and
significance of organizational culture. The various types of skills that the individuals should
focus upon are decision making skills, communication skills, presentation skills, problem
solving skills, analytical skills, critical thinking skills, technical skills, leadership skills,
negotiation skills, professional skills, conflict resolution methods, and work ethics. When the
individuals are putting into practice the measures, strategies and approaches that are needed
in development of skills, they are able to recognise the significance of organizational culture.
In educational institutions, it is primarily the job duty of the instructors to guide students
towards development of skills. This is normally in case of nursery, elementary, secondary and
senior secondary schools. On the other hand, in higher educational institutions, the students
are well-aware and put into operation the measures and approaches to up-grade the necessary
skills. Therefore, it can be stated, through development of various types of skills as well, the
significance of organizational culture is recognized.

Decision making is an integral part of the personal and professional lives of the
individuals. When the individuals make wise and productive decisions in terms of their job
duties and careers, they are able to enhance their overall quality of lives. Communication
skills are regarded as the lifeline. In order to achieve the desired goals and objectives, the
individuals need to communicate with each other in a verbal and written form. Hence, up-
gradation of communication skills is essential. Presentation skills are the skills, which are put
into operation in making presentations. When the individuals need to make presentations
within the workplace, they need to be well-equipped in terms of presentation skills. Problem
solving skills are the skills that are put into operation in providing solutions to various
problems. These may take place in terms of academics as well as other areas. Analytical
skills are the skills that are put into operation in conducting an analysis of the factors,
particularly in terms of academic subjects and concepts. Critical thinking skills enables the
individuals to up-grade their critical thinking abilities, so they are able to implement wise and
intelligent thinking. These skills contribute in facilitating the recognition of the significance
of organizational culture.

In the implementation of various tasks and activities, the individuals are making use
of technologies, hence, it is vital for them to up-grade their technical skills. The individuals in
leadership positions need to hone their skills, so they are able to guide and direct their
subordinates in the right direction. Negotiation skills are the skills that are put into operation,
when there is a dispute between the management and union over some issue and they need to
come to an agreement. Professional skills are the skills, which enable the individuals to hone
their skills in terms of their profession as well as in dealing with others. Conflict resolution
methods are the methods, which are implemented, when there are occurrence of conflicts and
disagreements among individuals within the workplace. Work ethics are the ethics that the
individuals need to be aware of, particularly when they need to carry out their job duties and
responsibilities within the workplace. When the individuals put into practice these skills, they
are able to recognise the significance of organizational culture.

The individuals get enrolled in educational institutions and training centres as well to
up-grade these skills, they hone them on their own as well as obtain guidance and support
from others. For example, in leading to up-gradation of technical skills, they get enrolled in
educational institutions and training centres. In up-gradation of analytical skills, the students
may obtain support and assistance from instructors. Whereas, the individuals in leadership
positions may focus upon up-gradation of leadership skills on their own. The concept of
organizational culture is regarded to contribute in an efficacious manner in imparting
information among individuals in terms of development of skills. As it is through the
development of skills that they will be able to carry out their job duties well and achieve
personal and professional goals. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood that when the
individuals will acquire an efficient understanding in terms of development of various types
of skills, they will be able to recognise the significance of organizational culture.
Furthermore, they will contribute in bringing about improvements in the quality of lives of
the individuals (Skills Development, 2020).


Organizational culture is regarded as vital in not only educational institutions at all

levels, but in other types of organizations as well. There are various types of organizations,
i.e. production, manufacturing, services and so forth, hence in all types of organizations, the
individuals usually form the viewpoint that to lead to effective functioning of the
organizations and achievement of goals and objectives, it is of utmost importance to
acknowledge the significance of organizational culture. The factors highlighting the
significance of organizational culture are, shared values, degree of hierarchy, people
orientation, organizational sub-cultures, hiring practices, on-boarding programs, reward and
recognition programs, performance management programs, communication processes and
assessment strategies. The reasons, which state, why organizational culture is regarded as
significant are, increase in the participation of the individuals in various tasks and activities,
promoting teamwork, creating a healthy environment within the educational institutions,
providing equal rights and opportunities to all the members, encouraging the implementation
of various academic activities and implementing the decision making processes in a well-
organized manner. Through development of skills as well, the significance of organizational
culture is recognized. Finally, it can be stated, when the members of the educational
institutions at all levels recognize the significance of organizational culture, they will be able
to contribute efficiently in up-grading the overall system of education.
Definition of Academic Activity. (2020). Retrieved November 07, 2020 from

8 Reasons Why Organizational Culture is Important. (2020). Retrieved November 07, 2020


Shared Values in an Organization: Definition & Explanation. (2020). Retrieved November

07, 2020 from

Skills Development. (2020). Retrieved November 08, 2020 from

Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture. (2020). Retrieved November 06,

2020 from

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