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España Bilingual School

TOPIC: Furniture/ Mobiliario. TEACHER: Naika Ortega GRADE: 3°A y B DATE: Friday July 9th
DELIVERY DATE (dia de entrega): Tuesday July 13 th
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT Los estudiantes serán capaces de:
To differentiate the vocabulary realated to furniture
Diferenciar el vocabulario relacionado
from the different part of the house. con los muebles y las diferentes
partesbde la casa
ACTIVITIES: Watch the class at TV; then watch the
material sent by the teacher /Ver la clase por television, luego ver el material enviado por la teacher.
Copy the vocabulary in your notebook and look for the Word in the dictionary / Copia las palabras del
vocabulario en tu cuaderno y busca el significa en el diccionario

sofa bath shower cupboard

armchair fridge toilet pillow
cooker TV bed closet
Select the furniture according to the parts of the house. Coloque los muebles en el lugar de la casa.
sofa bath shower cupboard
armchair fridge toilet pillow
cooker TV bed closet

Activity 3 Circle the best answer. Encierra en un círculo la mejor respuesta.

1. It is a big object in the house, where you a) Wardrobe b) Bookcase c) Garage
put books.

2. It is a room in the house, where you receive a) Living room b) Bedroom c) Kitchen

3. It is a big object and you can find it in the a)Fridge b) Bath c) Vase

4. It is a place in the house where you prepare a) Living room b) Garage c) Kitchen

5. It is an object where you can see yourself. a) Vase b) Mirror c) Rug


 OBSERVATIONS: Remember delivery day (dia de entrega) next July 13 th, 2021. Proximo martes 13 de Julio 2021.
 Recuerde este taller es formativo
 Recuerde enviar las evidencias al privado de la teacher
 Recuerde nuestra videollamada el próximo Miércoles en el horario regular

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