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our presentation:
Julissa Huamán Tunqui
Kevin Huayta Regalado
Teacher's name: Omar Enrique
Orellana Zeballos
Subject: English for Business
Communication English
Section: X20
Topic: introduce.
Hello my name is Julissa and I am 20
years old. I live by alameda Ñaña I
only dedicate myself to study, in my
spare time I like to listen to music,
read, etc.

Turn: In the morning

Julissa: Hello, Good morning. what´s your name?
Kevin: Hi, my name is Kevin, and you?
Julissa: My name is Julissa Huaman. How do you spell your
Kevin: My name he spells, K-E-V-I-N and you?
Julissa:J_U_L_I_S_S_A.What do you workat?
Kevin: Workat in a Marketplace, and you?
Kevin: Do you have any goal?
Julissa: Aah that’s good, my goal is to be able to finish my
Kevin: Good goal, and what degree are you studying?
Julissa: Bank administration and you?
Kevin: I am studying graphic design
Julissa: OH, interesting
Julissa:See you tomorrow kevin take care.
Kevin:Ok. have a good day mate julissa

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