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What are the obstacles experienced by Indonesian students in Malaysia in speaking?

2. P.2
Question: My name is Yasin Muhammad, a UPSI student. I'd like to ask a few questions. Can you
help me to answer my question? I will be very happy for your kind response.
Answer: ok sir
Question: Ok, first, I don't think I need to ask about your status as a UPSI student. You are
Indonesian, right? Where are you from in Indonesia?
Answer: Yes it is. I'm from Lombok, an island in the eastern part of Indonesia. You?
Question: OK, I'm Indonesian too. I want to ask, what language is used in the lectures at the
UPSI campus that you are currently taking?
Answer: There are only two languages used in UPSI lectures, namely Malay and English. Indeed,
most of the lecturers who teach in my class use Malay. However, there are a few who use
English, especially lecturers who are not from Malay. Generally speaking English are lecturers
who come from Arabia and Africa.
Question: Do you experience difficulties or some sort of language barrier?
Answer: Lecturers who teach in Malay, I think, have a lot of vocabulary that is similar or the
same as the vocabulary of the language I use every day, namely Indonesian. This is because the
Malay language is a language family with Indonesian as its root. However, here comes the
problem, there are many different vocabularies. For example, the word toilet in Indonesian is
called toilet in Malay.
Alhamdulillah, I did not experience any difficulties or obstacles in speaking. Because I also
studied in Malaysia since undergraduate. And Alhamdulillah, I love English and keep learning
and learning English. So, I think, language is not a serious barrier for me.
Question: Wow, this is really ok sis. In your opinion, have any of your friends experienced
language barriers while attending lectures here?
Answer: Well, I don't know about that, but according to my association, there are, I've met
friends who indeed observe that various study barriers are caused by language barriers.
A friend of mine once told me that the fundamental result was his lack of understanding of the
purpose or meaning of the conversation. So, sometimes he can only be a spectator when his
friends communicate in class. Also when answering questions from the lecturer.
Question: how about academically?
Answer: if the lecturer takes value from discussions in class, then the language barrier will affect
his academic value. However, if grades are only obtained from assignments in the form of
working papers, then he or she may be able to translate on Google from Indonesian to English.
Question: For that friend, for example, what is the solution that can be given?
Answer: in my opinion, it will be, I will also do the same thing, only, maybe I will add my efforts
by conducting personal communication with the lecturer, outside the classroom.
Question: for what?
Answer: explaining what I experienced, that is if you also take value from active speaking in the
classroom, yes.
Question: is there any other way possible?
Answer: I will hang out more with local people, with students from Malaysia. I think I already did
Q: Makes sense too.

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