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Founded in 1965 by the Oblate of Marry Immaculate (OMI)

Owned by the Archdiocese of Cotabato
Administered by the Diocesan Clergy of Cotabato (DCC)
“Service for the Love of God through Mary”
Amare Est Servire

Learning Plan In Science 7

Date: July 18, 2022

Subject Area: Science 7
Topic: Animal and Plant Cells
Duration: 50-60 minutes
Reference: Google, YouTube
Values Integration: Participation, Discipline, Cooperation, and Respect


• These additional organelles allow plants to form
an upright structure without the need for a • Why do plants cells have an extra parts?
skeleton and also allow them to produce their own
food through photosynthesis.

Content Standard Performance Standard

The learners demonstrate the understanding of: The learners should be able to...

✓The difference between animal and plant cells ✓Employ appropriate techniques using the
compound microscope to gather data about
very small objects.

Learning Competencies

• Differentiate plant and animal cells according to presence or absence of certain organelles;


Knowledge: The learners will know... Skills: The learner will be able to...
• Types of animal and plant cells. •Describe plant cells and animal cells
• Similarities and differences between animal and • Identify the similarities and differences
plant cells. between plant and animal cell
• Create a venn diagram comparing the two
types of cells

• Prayer
• Greetings
• Checking of Attendance
• Present the Class Rules
Activity 1: "Tell What You Know"

• The teacher show the pictures on the screen.

• She ask the students about their ideas about the pictures.

Process Question:

1. What do you think about the pictures?

Activity 2: "Difference with the Two"

• The teacher presents the learning targets.

• She discuss about animal and plant cells
a. Parts of animal and plant cells
b. Similarities and differences between animal and plant cells

Process Question:
1. What cell parts or organelles do plant cells have that are not found in animal cells?
2. What are the differences between plant and animal cells?

Activity 3
•To have a deeper understanding, the teacher ask students about essential question and
having a values integration on it.

1. What would happen if all the plants on earth would die?

Activity 4: Let's Do it!
•The teacher will group the students into two.
• Each group will create a venn diagram comparing the two types of cells.
•Within 5 minutes, students finish their task and present it to the class.
•Just follow the criteria below.

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Organization Leader and all Leader and few Only leader of the
members of each members of the group makes to finish
group cooperate to group cooperate to the task
finish the task. finish the task.
Creativity/ They present their They present their They present their
Cleanliness task with cleanliness task with cleanliness task with lack of
and easy to but hard to cleanliness and hard
understand understand. to understand.
Content/ Relatedness The task is clearly The task is half-way The task is not
identified. identified. identified.

I. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false . Write the correct answer on
the space provided.
___1. Plant cell have a chloroplast so that they can make their own food.
___2. The animal cell has circular shape.
___3. Plant and animal cells have basically the same shape.
II. Multiple choice. Choose the correct answer and write the letter on the space provided.
___4. Which of the following structure can be found in plant cell but NOT in an animal cell?
a. Vacuole b. Nucleus
c. Chloroplast d. Mitochondria
___5. What two organelles are in plants and animals?
a. Cell wall and cytoplasm b. Nucleus and plastids
c. Cell membrane and cytoplasm d. Cell membrane and chloroplast
III. Identification. Identify the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.
___6. It is the basic structural and functional units of animal tissues and organs.
___7. It is the basic unit of a living organism and where all life processes are carried out.

Essay (3pts.) Explain briefly.

8-10. What is the relationship between animal and plant cell?
Rubric for Essay
1pts........ poorly addresses topic and includes irrelevant ideas.
2pts......... focused on topic and includes few loosely related ideas
3pts.........focused on topic and reflects clear insights and ideas.

Home Delight.
Draw or cut pictures of animal and plant cell. Paste it in a short bond paper.

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