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Christina Phillips
Christina Phillips
Good logos:
Target: I like target’s logo because it simple
and straight to the point. It's easy to
remember because it's exactly the name
and it sticks out to me because its a bright
Nasa: I really like this logo because
of the colors and I think the Nasa in
white fits well. I also like gow the
made it look like space because it fits
well with what the do.
Disney Plus: I like this logo because it’s
simple and the white letters go nice with
the blue. It also has that line that lead
to the plus that makes it seem magical.
Bad Logos:
Petco: The old petco logo was a
lot better but I feel like this one
is very dull. Like they could've
added more color or something
it's too simple. It just boring and
doesn’t really give off what the
brand is.
Kia: this design is bad because I
literally can’t really read what
the letters say. I can but it just
kind of looks like a KN and not
Ihop: This logo would be better if the put
a pancake on it or something instead of
the fake smile. I just think it looks really
Good logos:
Target: I like target’s logo because it simple
and straight to the point. It's easy to
remember because it's exactly the name
and it sticks out to me because its a bright
Nasa: I really like this logo because
of the colors and I think the Nasa in
white fits well. I also like gow the
made it look like space because it fits
well with what the do.
Disney Plus: I like this logo because it’s
simple and the white letters go nice with
the blue. It also has that line that lead
to the plus that makes it seem magical.
Bad Logos:
Petco: The old petco logo was a
lot better but I feel like this one
is very dull. Like they could've
added more color or something
it's too simple. It just boring and
doesn’t really give off what the
brand is.
Kia: this design is bad because I
literally can’t really read what
the letters say. I can but it just
kind of looks like a KN and not
Ihop: This logo would be better if the put
a pancake on it or something instead of
the fake smile. I just think it looks really

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