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The term “flexibility” literally means being able to bend without breaking, just like a rubber or
when we measure the range of motions of our body. But in a workplace or an environment,
“flexibility” means being able to adjust to situations easily, in a quick and calm manner. For me,
flexibility is when someone is being able to adapt easily and being able to blend in or catch up in
his/her environment.

2. A person can become flexible by trying different things and skills aside from your known skills.
Another is by being open to opportunities and being open to new knowledge. Because this can
enhance a person's mind and expands one's capabilities. Social skills are also important in being
flexible because without being able to interact with others well, your said newly acquired skills
wouldn't be shown well.
One benefit is adaptability to change. As we know, being transferred to somewhere
we're not used to is a hard thing to adjust with and results a person to be stressed. But with
being flexible, a person can easily adjust without being stressed. And without being stressed, the
quality of output being made is not affected. Life satisfaction. With Being flexible, as related to
the adaptability, one can be stressed less often compared to a person who’s not flexible. A
person being open to new experiences and opportunities are often flexible. So, a flexible person
tends to be happy when he/she is being exposed to new environment, therefore reducing
stress. A flexible person thinks less about expectations. That’s why he/she worry less about the
adjustments he/she makes.

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