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How to Write a Recommendation Letter in Fashion Industry


Traditionally, employers in the fashion industry prefer getting reasonable recommendation letters

from the candidates’ previous managers and other peers to develop a better understanding of

one's personality. When selected as a referee, some people use the services of tutoring and

writing centers to create good recommendation letters. Therefore, recommendation letters

involve components such as; company address, date, and addresser, relationship with the

candidate, impressions about the candidate, and concluding information.

Company Address, Date, and Addresser

Writing a recommendation letter involves the writer providing a clear address of the referee's

company, the date when the letter has been written, and the correct position the writer holds in

his/her respective company. Recruiters in the fashion industry are interested in the background of

the company provided as companies deal in different styles and fashions. Writing centers such as provide students with more knowledge about the correct and several formats for

writing the company address, date, and addresser. Therefore, students are provided with clear

guidance and more information regarding the various formats of writing company addresses and

dates in a recommendation letter.

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Relationship with Candidate

The referee must provide his/her relationship with the candidate by specifying the period they

worked together, intelligence, communication skills, and creativity among others. Employers in

the fashion industry regard the candidate's relationship with the referee as very pertinent given

that it is vital in understanding the candidate's personality in the context of creativity and

intelligence. Writers and tutors are endowed with more skills and experiences in writing

competitive information regarding the candidate's relationship with the referee depending on the

nature of the job applied for. Therefore, students use tutors to integrate their knowledge in

writing information regarding the candidate's relationship with the chosen referee.

Impressions about the Candidate

In writing the recommendation letter, the referee should provide their impressions regarding the

candidate which act as an assessment platform for the prospective employer. The fashion

industry is greatly inclined toward creativity and originality which makes it significant to

understand the candidate's talents. Writers and tutors carry out broad research which acquaints

them with the correct choices of the candidate's talents to provide to the prospective employer.

Therefore, students can understand the best mechanism for selecting the necessary skills and

talents regarding the job the candidate applied for.

Concluding Information

The referee has to provide a conclusion that shows his/her insight into the candidate. Given the

changing trends in the fashion industry such as designs and digital marketing, referees have to

show their position about whether the candidate is indeed fit for the job applied for. Writing and

tutoring centers guide the students on the most suitable ways of concluding a fashion industry
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recommendation letter. Therefore, students are provided with a wide range of ways in which a

recommendation letter is concluded.


Writing a recommendation letter requires steps such as; providing the referee's company address,

relation with the candidate, impressions about the candidate, and conclusion. Writing and

tutoring centers are vital in guiding and integrating students with more knowledge on the several

ways of writing a good fashion industry recommendation letter given the trends and nature of the

industry which requires intelligence and skills making it vital to understand the candidate's

personality and experience.

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