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Stakeholder Identification

The term stakeholders refers to a group or an individual interested in a project and can

influence how it operates and its outcomes. In the Mobile Health Clinic project, individuals

or groups that have an interest include the community who are patients, health care providers

who include nurses, clinicians, and doctors, the project manager, and Lincoln Community

Hospital as an institution.

The community forms part of stakeholders as they are the ones that are being directly

affected and benefit from the project. The Mobile Health Clinic project will provide health

care services to the community members, saving them the cost of travelling to the hospitals

and managing healthcare issues at an early stage, thus saving lives. Health care providers are

the ones who will have a significant part in the operation and success of the project. Health

care providers will attend to the health needs of the projected communities. Lincoln

Community Hospital forms part of the stakeholders as it will be the one financing the project.

Lincoln Community Hospital will primarily handle all the financial needs of the project. The

project manager will be responsible for foreseeing that the project runs smoothly within its

timeline to enable achieving set goals and objectives.

The community will be interested in knowing what health care benefits they will be

able to get from the project. Health care providers will be interested in knowing what their

role is in the operations of the project and how they can help make it a success. The project

manager will be interested in knowing the objectives and goals of the project to plan how

they will be achieved. Lincoln Community Hospital will be interesting to know of how the

effects, including its financial benefits. Information contained in the plan includes the

objectives and goals of the project. The goals help outline what the project is to achieve and

how it will bring change to the community, health care providers, and Lincoln Community

Hospital as an institution.

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