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So +1 sword bore me to death.

Why wouldn’t I just trade

my sword out as soon as I pick up a +2? Roll 4d20 and get
an epic weapon filled with dilemma and backstory. Roll an
extra d20 if you want to know how to find the sword!

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1 Your
sword is
a ... 2 w h i c h . . .
01 Flamberg 01 … is gilded.
02 Khopesh 02 … has a sigil embedded into the pommel.
03 Gladius 03 … has a grip made of pink terrycloth.
04 Falchion 04 … glows in the dark.
05 Cutlass 05 … has what looks to be a treasure map engraved in
06 Rapier the blade.
07 Scimitar 06 … looks rusty and worn.
08 Machete 07 … remains shiny and pristine, no matter what
09 Shortsword happens to it.
10 Smallsword 08 … has a sheath covered in diamonds and gems.
11 Saber 09 … has a frost covered blade.
12 Zweihander 10 … leaves a brief rainbow trail when swung.
13 Two Blade Sword 11 … has a grip made from a femur bone.
14 Claymore 12 … has spikes, lots of spikes.
15 Bastard Sword 13 … has the weirdest, meanest most sword-defying
16 Scythe construction ever seen
17 Spatha 14 … is adorned with numerous tiny bells.
18 Katana 15 … has a crooked blade.
19 Butterfly Swords 16 … is covered in long feathers.
20 Sickle 17 … is pink. Very pink. SCREAMING pink.
18 … which is blunt at the tip, making it perfect as
a cane
19 … is split into two, but still functional
20 … is somehow drooling.

4d20 which are not +1 is an independent production by Philip Jensen and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is
published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
You find that ...

Killing an enemy gives a rush, letting

you immediately attack another enemy.
A rare metal makes this weapon
Killing more than one enemy sends you peculiarly light, making jumping and
into a blood-rage, you’re no longer in evading easier. However, it will break
control. if you fumble.

When the blade touches fire, it starts 4
burning and ignites everything it hits. A large chain is connected to the
A failed hit has a high chance of sword’s pommel, making it possible to
setting yourself on fire. A fumble and pull it back when thrown. Stronger
the whole room is ablaze. enemies might use the chain to pull you
into combat.

The sword’s design makes it emit a 6
booming sound when swung. Weaker This vampyric blade loves blood. After
individuals like you are dizzied by it. a hit, a small vial in the handle fills
Over time you become accustomed to this with blood. Drinking it heals d4 HP. Use
sound. it three times in one day and become
addicted to the taste – you need blood

It is hard to make out that there even 8
is a sword, but after a while you Holes in the grip allow it to be played
realize that there is. Holding it and like an instrument. The lovely tunes
focusing will turn you invisible until have a 2-in-6 chance of enchanting and
you move. charming creatures. Otherwise, they will
find the tune offensively off-putting
and attack!

Being made of bones, this sword can
This blade is cold to the touch which
resurrect a corpse to fight against one sends a shiver through your body.
of your enemies. As soon as the enemy is Rolling a 1 on a damage roll freezes the
dead, the skeleton will attack the next enemy in place for one turn.
living thing.
11 12
The blade seems all slimy and gross.
This is an ooze blade. On impact it will The intricate mechanics of this sword
poison enemies but rolling 1 on a damage does not make sense to you. But you
roll will cause the weapon to bend like could try to somehow put them in order.
a piece of rubber. If it happens twice If successful, the blade will shock
in a row, it will dissolve. on impact for additional damage. The
next morning it has reset in a new


This weapon stinks, repulsively.

Swinging it will make enemies vomit.
This sword feels almost magical. Each
Carrying it into a city is a guaranteed day you can cast a new random spell with
way to get thrown in the cells. the help from this divine weapon. It’s
harder than normal spell-casting and

more fatal if unsuccessful, as there is
a 2-in-6 risk of the weapon exploding.

When holding this weapon, a sudden

optimism flows through you and life
seems lighter. Traveling through
A gun is stuck to this sword – it’s a
forests, birds and squirrels will come gunblade. Highly impractical, but you’re
up to you and sing for a short while – now able to shoot if you have something
it’s nice. But predators will hear this. to put into your barrel. Roll d6, 1-2 is
a fatal miss, 3-4 a miss and 5-6 hits.

Ten coin-shaped “rooms” are neatly set 18
in the blade, five on each side. If you Someone engraved their initials into the
place 10 coins (of the highest value) blade – JS. Besides the letters, there
in the slots and focus your energy the is nothing remarkable about this sword.
sword will accept the rare metals and

channel their energy, gaining +2 damage
for d4 hours after which the coins
The handle is shaped like an old oil

This blade is an organism with veins
lamp. Rubbing it will reveal an ancient
genie with a pale blue color. He will
grant you d4 wishes. The wishes will
and hair. As you grip it to strike, it somehow be twisted to have an unforeseen
latches onto you and becomes a new limb. downside.
While below half of your maximum HP, add
+2 to its damage, as the blade tries to
fight for your mutual survival.

01 A cult is also looking for this sword.

02 Goblins suddenly sense your presence from 100 feet away.
03 It becomes harder and harder to let go of this sword. After each fight, there is a
1-in-6 risk of it merging with your hand.
04 A vengeful soul trapped within the sword slowly consumes you.
05 You feel an urge to possess gold and silver and will seek to take a little more than
your fair share of the party loot.
06 Each day the sword becomes heavier, so you have to leave something else behind. One
day the sword is all you carry.
07 Small leeches live inside the sword. They emerge from the pommel to suck your blood
while you sleep. You heal less each night you carry this sword. You never realize why.
08 It is talking to you, but only you. It wants you to betray someone you hold dear.
09 NPCs will suddenly have a strong suspicion and maybe even hatred towards you.. -4 to
reaction rolls.
10 The sword has a moon symbol, which will glow once the full moon is out. You take d4
damage. If you die from this damage, you turn into a werewolf.
11 A small ball of fur is attached to the handle. You think nothing of it, but a cat has
started following you. For each day, another cat seems to join. One cat eats ⅓ ration
a day.
12 Seeing the sun the next day doesn’t behoove you. Your skin is starting to slowly
boil. You can no longer be outside in the sun. Hide.
13 Grandma? Is that you? You’re slowly losing your vision as the powers of the sword
corrupt you. After d100 swings you can no longer see.
14 After d4 nights, death visits you as you’ve mistakenly taken a weapon from his
arsenal. Strike a deal with him if you want to keep the sword.
15 A small boil appears on your hand. A day later on your other hand. Within a week your
body is covered. People will notice you.
16 Your skin starts to flake and after d8 days it will fall off completely. After
another d20 days, you will be a skeleton.
17 The world seems to glitch, making small things repeat. Your blade is weirdly
flickering. There is a 1-in-6 chance of teleporting somewhere when drawing it.
18 Mushroom men think you’re a prophet sent by their god and will start to follow you –
ultimately, they want to bring you home to their muddy mushroom realm.
19 The sword is magically connected to another sword. They want to unite. You will seek
out a mighty necromancer – and he will seek out you.
20 If hitting a stone surface, there is 1-in-6 chance the blade will get stuck. It will
take an enormous amount of strength to pull out.
5 Optional Table
Roll a d20 if you want to know


How to find
You meet a guy in town who hands it to you, he wants nothing of it.
Said to last have been seen in the depths of hell. Good luck.
A trickster named Kyle has it in his possession. He is willing to trade it in
exchange for the soul of an innocent.
An infamous witch living in the woods could craft this – if you are willing to pay
the price.
05 It is the pinnacle piece of Lord Zaladars collection, stealing it would be almost
impossible. Almost.
06 It was lost in battle and is going to resmelted into horse shoes in d6 days. Stop
the blacksmith to preserve the sword.
07 “You thought this was real? You truly are a moron, it’s nothing more than a
regular sword” the old peasant laughs and hands you the weapon. It’s real. Now
kill him.
08 It is hidden in the attic of a coffee shop run by a wizard called Cadmon.
09 At the top of a giant snowy mountain is a town called Mörkshire. You may find it
10 Hanging over the fireplace at the local inn. Trying to take it will inevitably
upset all the 1d20 people in there.
11 A troll took it back to his nearby dungeon and intends to use it as a wedding
12 A humongous polar bear swallowed it whole. Bad luck for both of you.
13 A giant picked it up and is now using it as a toothpick.
14 A tribe of mushroom men are cherishing it as they believe it to be a sign from
their god.
15 The gluttonous king keeps it in his belt.
16 For some unknown reason you can find it at an auction at the local market.
17 Legends has it that it is to be found in the mines far north. Many are searching
for it.
18 It is said to only be given to those who do not want to possess it.
19 A drunken man who reeks of piss hands you a map and says to look at the X if you
want to be miserable. He laughs moments before vomiting and collapsing.
20 The blade was broken in a battle and its three pieces are possessed by three
brothers. One lives in the forest, one in a nearby kingdom and one in the depths
of a cave.

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