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Lomo Saltado

(server 6)


1 kilogram of steak

2 garlic cloves

5 potatoes

3 onions

3 tomatoes

1 tablespoon of salt

1 cup of oil

1/4 tablespoon pepper

1 yellow bell pepper

2 tablespoons of soy sauce

2 tablespoons of vinegar


1. Cut the steak, but be careful not to cut your finger.

2. Season the meat with salt, garlic and pepper, refrigerate it in a plastic bag for 10 minutes,
then fry the meat.

3. Peel and chop the potatoes, onions and tomatoes, add half a cup of oil, and fry the

4. Add the onions and tomato to the hot oil.

5. Slowly add the vinegar, soy sauce, salt to taste, garlic, and yellow bell pepper, but do not let
it cook too long.

6. Pour the mixture into a large pot and serve with rice.

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