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Table of Contents



Experimental Procedure.............................................................................................................4

Task#1: Identify the system parameters through the experimental data....................................4

 Damping ratio, Natural frequency, Gain K.........................................................................4

 Spring coefficient k, Damper coefficient c and mass m.....................................................5


Task 3 Quantitative P controller design and test........................................................................8

Task 4 Quantitative PID controller Design and test.................................................................10



This task involves analyzing the dynamics of rectilinear vibration systems using the
MATLAB’s Simulink environment. The vibration systems are classified as open-loop and
closed-loop systems, driven by externally applied forces or feedback control principles,
respectively. The assignment aims to understand the behavior and learn basic dynamical
properties of a standard mass-spring-damper system under the action of an externally applied
force. The task involves studying feedback control strategies, including the popular
Proportional-integral-Derivative "PID" controller, to make the mechanical vibration systems
behave according to a prescribed control input. The analysis involves dynamical modeling
approaches to study transient dynamics and compare observations with related mathematical
models. Overall, the task aims to understand different aspects of the system's dynamics and
compare observations with related mathematical models.

Control systems are systems designed to regulate or manage the behavior of other systems.
These systems are used in a variety of fields, from engineering to biology, to regulate and
maintain stable operations. Control systems can be divided into two main categories: open-
loop and closed-loop systems.

Open-loop systems are driven by externally applied forces or inputs that are pre-programmed
and do not depend on the system's output or response. Examples of open-loop systems
include simple household appliances such as toasters, blenders, and washing machines.

Closed-loop systems, on the other hand, apply the feedback control principle based on
sensing system motion parameters. These systems can adjust their inputs or actions based on
the system's output or response, making them more adaptable to changes in their
environment. Examples of closed- loop systems include thermostats, cruise control systems
in cars, and aircraft autopilot systems.

One specific type of closed-loop system is mechanical vibration systems, which are used in
many industrial applications, such as in aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing industries.
These systems involve oscillatory motion of a system of connected bodies, and they tend to
return to their equilibrium position under the action of restoring forces. The objective of
controlling mechanical vibration systems is to minimize vibrations or ensure they are within a
specific range to prevent damage to the equipment or to maintain production quality.

In this assignment, we will investigate the dynamics of a standard mass-spring-damper

system, which is a common mechanical vibration system used in many applications, such as
in shock absorbers, vehicle suspensions, and seismic isolation systems. By studying feedback
control strategies, including the popular Proportional-Integral-Derivative "PID" controller,
we will learn how to control the vibrations of the system and make it behave according to
prescribed control input. The importance of controlling mechanical vibration systems is to
ensure their stable and safe operation, prevent damage to equipment, and increase production

Experimental Procedure

Task#1: Identify the system parameters through the experimental data

Generated Simulink model will be in Simulink as:

 We need to implement the cursor measurement will be:

Percentage Overshoot =112.98

Peak Time=1.98 sec

Final value=5.5

 Damping ratio, Natural frequency, Gain K

To calculate the damping ratio, natural frequency, Gain K, we need to first find the parameter
of the system.

From peak time, we can find the period of oscillation, T, using the formula:

T= ( ωdπ )× √ 1−ζ 2

Where ωd is the damped natural frequency and ζ is the damping ratio.

From percentage over shoot, we can find the damping ratio using the formula:

ζ =−¿

Where PO is the percentage overshoot.

So, put the given value in the equation, we have:

ζ =−¿

ζ =0.517

Now, to find the damped natural frequency, ωd , we can use the formula:

ωd =

Substituting T in terms of ωd and ζ we get:

ωd =4 ×
(√ )ζ

Putting the value in this equation we get:

ωd =6.75

Finally, to find the gain K, we can use the final value and steady-state error formula:

1−K p

Where K p is the proportional gain.

Since the steady-state error is zero, we have:

K=Final value=5.5

 Spring coefficient k, Damper coefficient c and mass m

Spring coefficient k = 87.46 N/m

Damper coefficient c = 9.78 Ns/m

Mass m = 0.0159 kg

Part# 1 Simulink Model

By follow the step we get that following model:

Part#2 SimScap Modelling in Simulink

By follow the steps we get the following Model as:

Result we will get that:

Part#3 Response comparison Model

Simulink Model we will get that:

We will get the result:

We can easily be observed that Transfer function response is at its highest peak value mean it
show long overshoot time and rising time while other two step response gives less step
response mean it has low overshoot time and rising times.

Task 3 Quantitative P controller design and test

Quantitative P control design and test is an essential part of the control system design
process, which involves designing and testing a Proportional (P) controller for a system based
on quantitative analysis of the system's dynamics. The design of a P controller involves
selecting a suitable value for the proportional gain (KP) of the controller that provides the
desired system response. This process is usually done by analyzing the frequency response of
the system and selecting a gain value that satisfies certain performance criteria such as
stability, minimum overshoot, and fast settling time.

To design a P controller, we need to understand the dynamics of the system, including its
transfer function, which describes the relationship between the input and output signals of the
system. The transfer function can be obtained by modeling the system using differential
equations and Laplace transforms or by experimental identification techniques such as system
identification or frequency response analysis.

Once we have the transfer function of the system, we can analyze its frequency response to
determine the appropriate gain value for the P controller. The frequency response analysis
involves plotting the amp and phase response of the system as a function of frequency. gain
value for the P Controller and is chosen such that the system response satisfies certain
performance criteria. For example, if we want the system to have a fast-settling time and
minimum overshoot, we may choose a gain value that results in a critically damped or
slightly underdamped response.

After designing the P controller, we need to test its performance in a simulation or

experimental setup. The performance of the controller is evaluated by measuring various
performance metrics such as the percentage overshoot, settling time, rise time, and steady-
state error. These metrics are used to determine whether the controller provides the desired
response and whether it meets the performance criteria set during the design phase.

If the controller does not provide the desired response or does not meet the performance
criteria, we need to refine the design by adjusting the gain value and testing the controller

again. This process continues until the controller provides the desired system response and
meets the performance criteria set during the design phase.

Overall, quantitative P control design and test is an iterative process that involves designing
the controller, testing its performance, and refining the design based on the results of the
tests. This process requires a deep understanding of the system's dynamics, the principles of
control theory, and the ability to use simulation and experimental techniques to evaluate the
controller's performance. The ultimate goal of quantitative P control design and test is to
provide a controller that ensures the stability, robustness, and performance of the system
under different operating conditions.

Closed loop Simulink Model will be created as:

We need to simulate it at different proportional values:

Proportional K p =1 K p =15 K p =100

Measured PO% 27.564 145.852
Calculated PO% 27.45 146.2
Measured peak time 1.280 0.40
Calculated peak time 1.293 0.398
Measured offset 0.1 0.1
Calculated offset 0.09 0.09

We get the different is that as we increasing the proportional controller value we can
observed that overshoot percentage of response is also increasing mean increasing
proportional value make the system unstable we can also me observed from peak time that
decreasing respectively.

MATLAB implementation


sys=tf ([4], [1 2 3];


Task 4 Quantitative PID controller Design and test

The PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller is one of the most widely used
controllers in industry due to its ability to control a wide range of dynamic systems. It is a
feedback control system that calculates the error between the desired set point and the actual
output of the system, and then uses this error to adjust the control signal.

The PID controller has three main components: the proportional term, the integral term, and
the derivative term. The proportion al term provides a control action proportion al to the
error, the integral term provides a control action proportional to the integral of the error over
time, and the derivative term provides a control action proportional to the derivative of the
error with respect to time.

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The design of a PID controller involves tuning the values of its three components, known as
the proportional gain (Kp), integral gain (Ki), and derivative gain (Kd), to achieve the desired
control response. There are various methods for tuning these gains, including the Ziegler-
Nichols method, the Cohen-Coon method, and trial and error methods.

In this experiment, we will design and test a quantitative PID controller using the
MATLAB’s Simulink environment. The goal of this experiment is to obtain a desired control
response for a given mechanical vibration system.

The first step in designing a PID controller is to obtain the transfer function of the system.
This can be done by modeling the system using mathematical equations or by performing
experiments to obtain the input-output response of the system. Once the transfer function is
obtained, we can use the control system toolbox in MATLAB to design the PID controller.

To design the PID controller, we first select the proportional gain Kp and test the system
response. The value of Kp is increased until the system response becomes unstable, which is
indicated by a large overshoot or oscillations in the response. Once the critical value of Kp is
determined, we can calculate the ultimate gain Ku and the ultimate period Pu using the
Ziegler-Nichols method. The values of Ki and Kd can then be calculated using the Ziegler-
Nichols tuning rules:

Ki = 0.6 Ku/Pu

Kd = 0.125 KuPu

Once the values of Kp, Ki, and Kd are obtained, we can simulate the system response using
Simulink. The simulation involves applying a step input to the system and observing its
response. The response is analyzed for its settling time, overshoot, rise time, and steady-state
error. If the response does not meet the desired specifications, the gains can be adjusted and
the simulation repeated until the desired response is obtained.

In summary, the quantitative design of a PID controller involves obtaining the transfer
function of the system, selecting the proportional gain Kp, calculating the ultimate gain Ku
and period Pu using the Ziegler-Nichols method, and then using these values to calculate the
integral and derivative gains Ki and Kd. The controller is then tested using simulations in
MATLAB’s Simulink environment to achieve the desired control response.

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Part#1 PI Controller

We get the Simulink model as:

We need to simulate it at different integration controller as:

Proportional Ki Ki Ki
Measured PO% 127.72 159.446 37.42
Measured peak 1.604 1.765 3.626
Measure rise time 0.40 0.40 9.869
Measure settle time 7.25 9.205 Infinity
Measure offset error 0.12 0.1 0.1

Now we can easily be observed that as Ki value increased the overshoot is not linearly
increase it increase at Ki=15 and then decrease at Ki=35 peak time observation include that it
remain same at some specific Ki values and then increase at overshoot decrease.

Part#2 PID Controller

Simulink Model will be created as:

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We need to simulate it at different differential controller as:

Proportional K d =1 K d =5 K d =10
Measured PO% 36.301 2.577 0.505
Measured peak 1.366 1.026 1.005
Measure rise time 0.348 0.203 0.074
Measure settle time 2 0.57 0.12
Measure offset error 0.12 0.1 0.1

In conclusion, this task involved the analysis and control of mechanical vibration systems
using the Simulink environment in MATLAB. We started by defining vibration as an
oscillatory motion of a system of connected bodies about its equilibrium position and
classified dynamical systems as open-loop and closed-loop systems. The focus of this task
was on closed-loop systems, specifically the Proportional- Integra-Derivative (PID)
controller, which is widely used in industry for controlling mechanical vibration systems.

We first analyzed the dynamics of a standard mass-spring-damper system under the action of
externally applied force. We calculated various parameters such as damping ratio, natural
frequency, gain K, percentage overshoot, peak time, and final value using simulation results
in Simulink.

Next, we designed and tested a proportional (P) controller to control the system's response.
We observed the effects of varying the proportional gain on the system's behavior and
determined the optimal value for the gain.

We then designed and tested a PID controller to further improve the system's response. We
used a systematic approach to design the controller by tuning the proportional, integral, and
derivative gains. We observed the effects of varying each gain on the system's behavior and
determined the optimal values for the gains.

Overall, this task provided a comprehensive understanding of mechanical vibration systems

and their control using the PID controller. It demonstrated the importance of closed-loop
control systems in achieving precise and reliable control of complex systems. The knowledge

13 | P a g e
gained from this task can be applied to various fields, such as aerospace, automotive, and
manufacturing, where vibration control is critical for ensuring safety and performance.

14 | P a g e
1. D. Yalcin, "Open-Loop vs Closed-Loop Systems in the Materials Testing Industry,"
2017. [Online]. Available:
systems-materials-testing-industry/#:~:text=The%20main%20difference %20between
2. C. Globe, "Difference Between Open Loop & Closed Loop System," ]2021. [Online].
3. E. f. you, "Control Systems: What Are They? (Open-Loop & Closed-Loop Control
System Examples)," 2021. [Online]. Available:

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