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Utilitarianism classifies morality in form of maximizing the anticipated utility for the benefit of all parties
that are to be affected by the decision. It supports the fact that all actions are good only if they work
towards the goal of enhancing the greatest good for all people. Utilitarianism resolves issues based on
the principle that it is only that which produces better results for everybody or for the greatest number
that is considered good. Ethical formalism on the other hand supports the fact that only that which is
pure in motive is good. It resolves issues or dilemmas by identifying the solution which is pure and
unblemished in motive (Pollock, 2008).

Application of Utilitarianism in Sophie’s movie

In the context of Sophie’s movie, utilitarianism would resolve that, one of the children be killed and
Sophie survives with the other one. Sophie is in a dilemma and because they have been taken to a place
where all their rights are deprived especially individual rights, making a choice is inevitable. By sparing
the boy, Sophie made a better choice since the boy had a better chance of survival. Irrespective of her
choice, it was imperative that she saves one child for the good of society.

Application of Ethical Formalism in Sophie’s movie

In ethical formalism, what matters is not the result but the motive. Since all people have the duty to
protect their children so had Sophie, but because the situation demanded that she protects only one.
Sophie was morally justified to save one child; it was also morally justified to choose the son over the
daughter because the son was old and could survive in the harsh environment of the concentration


Ethical formalism and utilitarianism are applied towards the resolution of situational ethics and values
the resulting concerns. It concerns the identification of choices and analysis of the choices based on the
ethical system.

dilemma in Sophie’s choice?

Good parents do not actively choose one child’s life over another child’s life. Sophie faces a genuine
moral dilemma. If she refuses to choose, then she violates her obligation to protect her children as much
as possible. After all, both children will die.

What are the ethical dilemmas portray in the film Sophie’s choice )?

That is, Sophie cannot be accused either ethically or morally because of her choice, simply because she
had no choice.

Why do we have moral dilemmas?

… when organizations and individuals are working to satisfy competing interests, or when personal
morals and professional obligations are directly opposed
What was the purpose of Sophie’s?

The purpose of Gaarder’s Sophie’s World is to educate children and young adults on the basics of
Western philosophy.

Why is philosophy a valuable course of study Sophie’s world?

Sophie finds that everything she learns seems to make sense to her, and, moreover, to be extremely
applicable to life. Philosophy is not an activity that takes place outside of everyday life; Gaarder says that
nothing could be more relevant to the way we live than philosophy.

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