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Galang, Jerome Kercy L.


Activity Title: "READ IT"

Target Grade Level: Grade 4
Type of Student Work: Pair
Time Required: 1 hour
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the activity, the students are expected to:
1. To enhance speaking skills, and pronunciation.
2. To expand vocabulary related to a particular topic of interest.
3. To engage in meaningful conversation practice with peers.

Activity Description:

1. Starting activity (3-5 minutes): The students work in pairs and ask each other some
questions, such as "How’s your day?" or "What have you eaten?" Encourage them to ask
follow-up questions and engage in conversation.
2. Conversation practice (20-30 minutes): Provide a list of conversation prompts related to
the topic of interest. Have students work in pairs or small groups and take turns
answering the questions and engaging in conversation.
3. Feedback and reflection (10-15 minutes): Give them feedback on the students'
performance and encourage them to reflect on their progress. Ask them to identify areas
where they need improvement and suggest ways to further develop their speaking skills.

Criteria for Grading

Clarity of learning objectives 20 pts.
Alignment of the activity with the learning 20 pts.
Student Engagement 40 pts.
Time - Benefit 20 pts.
TOTAL 100 pts.
Process Questions:

1. Are the learning objectives clearly defined? If not, what suggestions do you have to improve
2. Is the instructional activity well – aligned with the learning objectives?
3. Does the activity encourage active student engagement?]
4. If the student completes the activity, can the teacher determine whether the student has met the
stated learning objectives?
Galang, Jerome Kercy L.

Activity Title: "Read and explore"

Target Grade Level: Grade 3
Type of Student Work: Pair
Learning Objectives:
Time Required: 1 hour 30 minutes

At the end of the activity, the students are expected to:

 To enhance students' reading comprehension skills
 To introduce students to different genres of literature
 To enhance students' vocabulary and language skills

Activity Description:

1. Introduce the theme of the unit, "Exploring the World Through Reading," and explain the
objectives to the students.
2. Provide students with a list of different genres of literature (e.g. fiction, non-fiction,
poetry, biography, etc.) and explain each genre briefly.
3. Have students choose a book from the library in any genre they are interested in and
allocate a specific amount of time for them to read during class time.
4. After reading, have students participate in small group discussions to share their thoughts
on the book they read. Encourage them to share what they liked, didn't like, and any
connections they made to the story.
5. Have students complete a book report worksheet or project that includes a summary of
the story, main characters, and themes.
6. Hold a class discussion about the different genres and themes that students explored
through their reading.
7. Have students present their book report or project to the class, and allow time for
questions and discussion.
8. Encourage students to continue reading outside of class and suggest books that align with
their interests and reading level.
9. Conclude the unit by reflecting on what students learned about different genres, literary
devices, and how reading can expand their knowledge of the world.
Criteria for Grading

Clarity of learning objectives 20 pts.

Alignment of the activity with the learning 20 pts.
Student Engagement 40 pts.
Time - Benefit 20 pts.
TOTAL 100 pts.

Process Questions:

1. Are the learning objectives clearly defined? If not, what suggestions do you have to improve
2. Is the instructional activity well – aligned with the learning objectives?
3. Does the activity encourage active student engagement?]
4. If the student completes the activity, can the teacher determine whether or not the student has met
the stated learning objectives?
Galang, Jerome Kercy L.
Activity Title: " Addition and Subtraction"
Target Grade Level: Grade 3
Type of Student Work: Individual
Learning Objectives:
Time Required: 1 hour 30 minutes.
At the end of the activity, the students are expected to:
1. to solve addition and subtraction problems.
2. to use addition and subtraction as strategies.
3. to explain their thinking and problem-solving strategies.

Activity Description:

 Introduce the topic for the day: addition and subtraction.

 Give Students Numbers to solve in the board.
 Review the different strategies for solving addition and subtraction.
 solve addition and subtraction using manipulatives like (Building Blocks)

Criteria for Grading

Clarity of learning objectives 20 pts.

Alignment of the activity with the learning 20 pts.
Student Engagement 40 pts.
Time - Benefit 20 pts.
TOTAL 100 pts.

Process Questions:

1. Are the learning objectives clearly defined? If not, what suggestions do you have to improve
2. Is the instructional activity well – aligned with the learning objectives?
3. Does the activity encourage active student engagement?]
4. If the student completes the activity, can the teacher determine whether or not the student has met
the stated learning objectives?

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