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Classroom Management Plan

Teacher boards/
Projection equipment

Shelves and teacher storage

Carpet Area
3 For floor seating and group instruction






Group work


Book Shelf
Students and teachers spend more time in their classroom than at home. I want my classroom to feel like a home away from home. I intend to foster a type of
family environment in which all students feel valued, loved, and accepted knowing that there are adults and peers rooting for them to succeed. To achieve this
type of environment, I will focus on the following elements:
1. Classroom Design
2. Instructional Technique
3. Disciplinary Procedures

Classroom Design
Layout: Students' desks will primarily be set up in groups of 3 or 4 depending on the class size with access to flexible seating chairs. Students will have a
side angle facing the front of the classroom. There will be a large table that students can use, earn, or reserve for group work but also a place to conference
and give small group instruction. I will have shelves with books they can read in the classroom. I will have a quiet space in the classroom that can be a
space where students can go chill for a few minutes when they are feeling stressed out or just need time away from peers. The layout is designed to
promote a collaborative learning style. My students will have multiple learning opportunities through my explicit instructions and group based projects in
which students learn from their peers.
Seating Arrangements: Initial seating arrangements will be assigned randomly, however as the quarter progresses, I will put my students in groups based
on their MAP scores, personalities, and other academic data that has been collected. Students will be placed in groups with students at similar levels to
them based on the criteria mentioned previously: high-level students will be placed in groups with other high-level students, and so on. These groupings will
be rearranged roughly every six weeks . This style does a great job of promoting more student engagement during lessons.
Positive Language and Growth Mindset Posters: I will have posters around the classroom that promote growth mindset, kindness and respect. I think
that students need to hear and see positive and encouraging words
Daily Routines:
Question of the day: Each day I will come up with a question for the students will answer on the board secretly. I will then try to match the answer to a
student. This will be a great way for all students and teachers to get to know each other while building the classroom family culture. It will also be a
great opportunity to model positive interactions with my students
As part of our classroom daily routine we will have positive weekly affirmations that we will recite mid-day to give us encouragement to keep going and
working hard through the day.
Visible daily schedule and Timers: I will have a visual schedule for my students so they know what to expect. I will also make use of a visual timer that
will help students stay on task and allow them to know how much time is allocated to each activity that they are given.

Instructional Technique:

It is my desire that my students will develop a love for learning. I want to establish a classroom environment where students
not only take responsibility for their own learning but also enjoy the activity of learning itself. I will use the following methods to
help my students.
Inquiry-Based Teaching: I will be sure to give students opportunities to ask questions about things that they are
interested in. This will require them to do research about a learning interest, report on their findings, reflect on why they
were successful, and things they would do differently next time.
Student-led Classroom: This style of learning promotes creativity and discovery. Students incorporate their own learning
interests and learning problem solving skills.
Use of Technology: Most people love playing games so I will use gamification apps like Kahoot. Kahoot allows me to
make quizzes and learning games that keep students interested but also shows them that they can learn while still having
fun. This also introduces a bit of competitiveness into the learning which is often an excellent motivation for them to work
Lecture-Based Instruction: My lectures will be short, clear, and have plenty of time and space to allow students to ask
questions. I will use visual aids and hands on learning when appropriate for the lesson's goal.

Classroom Rules and Expectation

When I reflect on my own schooling career, especially in elementary grades, there was never an explanation of the rules in the
classroom and little understanding of why I needed to follow the rules and expectations. The only thing I knew was that if I
failed to meet the expectations there would be negative consequences. In my classroom I want my students to fully buy into
the classroom family rules and be a part of setting the rules. I also want them to help develop a classroom strategy on how to
handle disruptive behaviors. I want my students to see that rules are positive and are there for the benefit of all the students.
When students are meeting and exceeding classroom expectations I will highlight and draw attention to their desired
behaviors. When students are modeling the good behaviors we expect, I will be sure to thank and encourage them and
use them as a positive example for other students to emulate.
I will have a ticket system. In this system students can earn up to 6 tickets daily and by the end of the week, whoever gets
the most tickets will get to choose an item from the classroom treasure box. As a class we can work towards filling a chart
and once the chart is complete students will get a class incentive such as sitting anywhere in the classroom, earning a fun
snack, or having extra recess.
Disciplinary Procedure
Step 1: A general reminder addressed to the class as a whole.
Step 2: Approach students and quietly check-in with them. Positively remind them of the classroom expectations that
the class created that should be met by all students in the class.
Step 3: Pull the students aside and encourage a brain break.
Step 4: Give the student a stern warning that they need to follow expectations then offer a choice. For example:
"Would you like to finish the activity right now or stay in during recess to complete your work?" If the student is not
responsive, unwilling to change their behavior, and/or is becoming increasingly disruptive, I will ask for the
administration or behavior team to come into the classroom to help us resolve our issues.
Step 5: I will implement the school’s policy on disciplinary procedures.

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