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Advanced 3

Name: Estefany Carolina Najarro Dominguez

Teacher: Sandra Zavala


For me, effective communication today is more difficult than in the past because

there are many more ways to communicate due to the technological advances

that exist today. So, we must find the right way to convey what we want and that

our message be perfectly understood.

The effective communication is when we want to share ideas, thoughts,

knowledge, and information in the most understandable way with the final

objective, that the other person understood it as we wanted. without any error

and clear.

how can I achieve effective communication? From my personal experience it is

preferable to have visual contact with the other person to whom we want to

convey a message, it has happened to me that I wanted to convey something in

one way, either by text message or WhatsApp, the other person does not

understand it as I want and that causes problems for that reason I prefer to speak

face to face, having eye contact, speak clearly so that the other person can

understand me.

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