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Name: Alma Ramirez Date: 4/ 11/ 2023

Dr. Jason Dew

ENGL 1302-280: English Composition I

Working with Peer Feedback

What are the three things you'l1 change based upon your peers’ responses? Why will you change

each one?

1.With all respect honestly no one responded to mine this is not the first time. I would first

change a bit of my introduction. Since itis the attention grabber and it need to be sufficiently

informative without a life lesson or big paragraph.

2. Body 2 rewording is needed to keep the flow.

3. Last paragraph summary condensed to not be wordy and recap the importance,

What are three things you'l1 keep despite your peers' responses? Why will you keep each one?

1. I would keep the complex information of my topic as it has relevance.

2. I will keep the examples used so people can make the connections.

What work do you have left to do after today to successfully complete the project?

1. Nothing else other than submit.

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