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Time Quadrants- Habit 3: Put First Things First

Directions: For each of the four quadrant boxes enter information that you believe is relevant for you. Enter at
least three things that identify your life in each box.

Urgency/Importance Urgent Non-Urgent

Quadrant 1 (The Quadrant 2 (First things
Important Procrastinator): first, being the Prioritizer):
- Practicing cross county - Practicing Soccer
- Sleeping on time - Eating
- Doing homework - Listening to music

Quadrant 3 (The Yes-Man): Quadrant 4 (The Slacker):

Not Important - Joining the cross county - Watching TV
team when I didn’t want to - On tiktok
because my mom told me to - Taking a nap at 4pm
- Joining Dance
- Doing chores even though
I’m doing homework
- Praying to god even
though I don’t believe
because my parents told me


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