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Name: _______________________________ ( ) Class: Sec 2_____ Date: ____________________

Presbyterian High School

Secondary 2 Geography

What is a LORMS Question?

LORMS refer to the Level Of Response Marking Scheme and this means the teacher marks based on the quality of response
and not by points!

Question Type: Question Type: Question Type:

Discuss the issue from multiple

Evaluation on the success of strategies Evaluation on the significance of a factor


(the point) (the point) (the point)

Possible strategies / responses to solve a

Possible points of view of a factor Possible points of view of an issue
problem / address an issue

(Explain the factors / weigh the pros and (Explain the issue / consider it from different
(Explain the factors / weigh the factors)
cons) perspectives)

Why the strategy / Why strategy / AGAINST
Agree with issue / Social
responses is response is not Disagree with issue /
statement Political
effective effective statement



(tie answer back to question) (tie answer back to question) (tie answer back to question)

‘An integrated land use and transport SAMPLE QUESTION
‘Social impacts are the most severe
planning is the best strategy to manage With the use of examples and other studies
consequences of transport systems’.
transport systems sustainably.’ you have made, discuss the impacts of
transport systems on the environment.
How far do you agree?
How far do you agree?

The last sub-question of the O level examination question is always a LORMs question which tests your ability to evaluate or
assess a given point-of-view and / or provide solutions.

How is a LORMS Answer assessed at the Lower Secondary level?

The LORMS question is capped at a maximum of 5 marks and is marked according to level descriptors.
LORMS for Evaluation Question

Level 1 (1 – 2m) Level 2 (3 – 4m) Level 3 (5m)

✔ List 1 – 4 points ✔ Describe at least 1 point and/on 2 points ✔ Describe 2 points in detail
✔ List or describe briefly: ✔ Biased / weak explanation of point: ✔ Balanced explanation of point:
- Success / Argument for OR - Success / Argument for OR - Success / Argument for AND
- Limitation / Arguments against - Limitation / Argument against - Limitation / Argument against
✔ Not supported by examples ✔ Supported by few / non-specific examples ✔ Well supported by some specific

✔ Overall Evaluation

‘Environmental features in buildings are the best strategy than integrated land-use planning in managing housing
How far do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer. [5]

Brief Essay Plan

Paragraph 1: Introduction – Define given factors which are Environmental Features and Integrated Land-Use
State your stand: I agree to a small/large extent that…

Given Factor 1: Environmental features in buildings

Paragraph 2 – Why Environmental Features are the best strategy to manage housing sustainably? - Strengths
E.g HDB Green Towns Programme, Singapore

Paragraph 3 – Why Environmental Features are not the best strategy to manage sustainably? - Limitations
E.g. NEA National Recycling Programme, Singapore

Given Factor 2: Integrated Land-Use Planning

Paragraph 4 – Why Integrated Land-Use Planning is the best strategy to manage housing sustainably? - Strengths
E.g HDB town planning concepts

Paragraph 5 – Why Integrated Land-Use Planning is not the best strategy to manage housing sustainably? - Limitations
E.g. _____________________________

Paragraph 6: Conclusion – Re-state your stand + weigh the two factors that you written (Give reason to explain why one
strategy is batter than the other one and why the other one is less effective in comparison.

How to weigh factors and form a conclusion that supports your stand?

You need to decide which strategy is the best by comparing them based on geographical concepts of PLACE, SCALE or

Compare in terms of place:

Environmental features are the best strategy in developed countries as they have the funding compared to less developed
countries. Whereas for integrated land-use planning, less developed countries have weak political will, lack of institutional
support as well as lack of tools to support land-use process

Compare in terms of time scale:

Integrated land-use planning is the best strategy in the long term as governments will plan and study long-term land
requirements for various major land uses. Whereas for environmental features, people in the short term may perceive as
being inconvenient.

Recap on the PEEL format

You will need to use the PEEL format to write about your argument. Below is the format.

Point: Describe the given point

Explanation: Explain the given point

Example: Actual example or case study that is related to the given point

Link: Link back to the question

‘Environmental features in buildings are the best strategy than integrated land-use planning in managing housing
How far do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer. [5]

Paragraph 1: There are many different strategies to manage housing sustainably. This is because each city is unique and requires
Introduction different strategies to provide sustainability to their citizens. Two strategies to manage housing sustainably are
environmental features in buildings and Integrated land-use planning. However, each of these strategies have both
strengths and limitations.

As such, I [agree to a large extent/ agree to a small extent]* that environmental features in buildings are the best strategy
to manage housing sustainably than the integrated land-use planning.

*Choose a stand
Paragraph 2:
Strength of Point: Environmental Features in Buildings are the best strategy because this promotes environmental sustainability
1st strategy
in cities.

✓ Explain Explain: Environmental features in buildings or green buildings incorporate environmentally friendly technologies into the
the point
construction of homes. Green buildings not only reduce or eliminate negative impacts on the environment, by

using less water, energy or natural resources, they also can have a positive impact on the environment by

generating their own energy. The use of solar panels to offset electrical consumption of common lighting, water-

efficient fittings to minimise water consumption and the use of green roofs and walls to reduce surrounding

temperatures are all examples of how housing developments can incorporate cleaner and greener technologies

to ensure the long-term sustainability of cities. By using environmentally friendly technologies, this will lead to

cost saving for the residents on their utility bills in the long run.

✓ Use of Example: For example, the HDB Green Towns Programme. It is a 10-year programme by HDB to make towns more
examples in sustainable and liveable by focusing on new technologies to help reduce energy consumption, recycle rainwater
and cooling the HDB towns. Started in 2020, the programme aims to reduce energy consumption in towns by

15% from 2020’s level by 2030.

✓ Link back to Link: Thus, environmental features in buildings are the best strategy as it helps to manage housing sustainably in a
the question

Paragraph 3: Point: Ever though there are some successful pointers with regards to environmental features in buildings, there are
Limitation to
1st strategy certain limitations like cost and inconvenience that hinder this strategy.

Explain: Firstly, the installation of environmentally friendly technologies is expensive. The initial building cost, which can
✓ Explain
the point
be more expensive than conventional buildings. Green construction materials and technologies are not always

readily available as compared to traditional materials and technologies. Similarly, finding service providers

specialised in green design can be more challenging than getting traditional suppliers. Besides that, many of

these features maybe perceived as being inconvenient for members of the public who might not understand

their benefit. As such, additional cost in the form of educational campaigns or outreach programmes to the

public will be added to the budget.

✓ Use of Example: For example, the NEA National Recycling Programme where the Public Waste Collectors licensed by NEA
examples in provide the blue recycling bins for all HDB estates and landed properties in Singapore. However, this initiative
is not effective because residents find it troublesome to sort and bring their recyclables down to the recycling

bins. Worse still, some of the bins are located at places that are not conveniently accessed by residents.

✓ Link back to Link: Thus, environmental features in buildings can have certain limitations towards managing housing sustainably in
the question
a country.

Paragraph 4: Point:
Strength of ________________________________________________________________________________________________
2nd Strategy



✓ Explain Explain:
the point ________________________________________________________________________________________________















✓ Use of Example:
specific ________________________________________________________________________________________________
examples in
explanation ________________________________________________________________________________________________





✓ Link back to Link:
the question ________________________________________________________________________________________________



Paragraph 5: Point:
Limitation of ________________________________________________________________________________________________
2nd Strategy



✓ Explain Explain:
the point ________________________________________________________________________________________________














✓ Use of Example:
specific ________________________________________________________________________________________________
examples in
explanation ________________________________________________________________________________________________





✓ Link back to Link:

the question ________________________________________________________________________________________________



Paragraph 6:
Conclusion / Evaluation ________________________________________________________________________________________________








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